REMEDIES… Arnica, Ign., Puls.,
FEAR; of being struck or touched; or approached; of sickness; of instant death with cardiac distress at night; of space; on awakening; of crowds public places.
Hypochondriacal anxiety with fear of dying and disagreeable temper.
Shedding of tears and exclamations of rage.
The situation of Ignatia is of a woman who is dependent upon people who expect her to be the ideal woman. She is going to receive their care and support not by asking for it directly (like Pulsatilla) but by behaving in this silent self-sacrificing manner; by being a woman who cares for others at the cost of herself. That is what others expect from her, to be religious, conscientious, warm and caring. Her family casts this role for her. The young woman behaves as if her boyfriend expects this from her (in the actual Ignatia situation he does); and she tries to fulfil this role by being the silent sacrificer and taking all the hurts and the pains inside her. In this way, indirectly, she attracts sympathy. If all this fails, she has to become hysterical, which is a back-door entry to his attention.
We should remember that Ignatia contains strychnine, which is also found in Nux-v. The difference seems to be that the strychnine in Nux-v produces spasmodic or incoordinate effects, whereas in Ignatia it causes erratic or contradictory effects which, by the way, is an extreme degree of incoordination. There is a further major difference, viz. whereas the Ignatia patient is moody, capricious, lachrymose and morose, the Nux-v patient is extremely impatient, irascible and violent. The trigger for the Ignatia patient is grief while that for the Nux-v patient is anger.
Pulsatilla can be servile, mild and submissive. What is less easy to see is the selfish motive behind it. Behind this affection is greed, jealousy and the desire to get all the attention for oneself.
The patients are always ameliorated by weeping and from consolation even though sometimes they can also have silent grief.
Therefore Pulsatilla and Silicea are opposite to each other in expression, although the internal feeling in both is “yielding”.
Silicea is so obstinate, rigid in his views and Pulsatilla so mild and irresolute. Silicea is averse to consolation, Pulsatilla craves it. Silicea is so egoistic and Pulsatilla so humble. Silicea is hard and Pulsatilla is soft. Silicea is chilly, cannot tolerate a draft of air and Pulsatilla is hot and cannot live without fresh air. Pulsatilla grows on a sandy soil and is often indicated as an acute of Silicea.

1 comment:

  1. Puls…
    Pulsatilla can be servile, mild and submissive. What is less easy to see is the selfish motive behind it. Behind this affection is greed, jealousy and the desire to get all the attention for oneself.
    The patients are always ameliorated by weeping and from consolation even though sometimes they can also have silent grief.
    Therefore Pulsatilla and Silicea are opposite to each other in expression, although the internal feeling in both is “yielding”.


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