It affects markedly Muscles; fibrous tissue; serous membranes; Joints, esp. small.

• It causes extreme relaxation of muscles; the head falls forwards or backwards when the patient is raised from the pillow; arms fall helpless.

• Patient is Weak, Cold, (internally), But Sensitive and Restless.

• Pains are, tearing, digging, drawing.

• Pains agg. by mental exertion and emotions, slightest touch and vibrations.

• Many joints are affected at the same time.

• Small, rapidly shifting areas of severe pain, but little swelling.

• Tingling, crawling.

• Cardio-arthritic affections.

• Dropsy.

• Hydropericardium, hydrothorax; ascites, hydrometra.

• Tendency to collapse; moist collapse; due to dehydration i.e. after repeated vomiting or purging

• Shock as from electricity through one half of the body; agg. motion.

• Bad effects of grief; disbehaviour of others; wetting; checked sweat; night-watching; hard study.

• Irritable and sensitive to impressions, strong odours etc.

– Rapid sinking.

• Creeping.

• Every little hurt pains terribly.

• Stubbing the toes hurts exceedingly.

• Paralysis after sudden suppression of sweat esp. of foot, by getting wet .

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