Homeo Specifics :
Mother tinctures(MTs) & tissue salts used by them along with Homeo remedies in specific cases are given below Source:
(Book “”The Benerji Protocol”).
Most of them are given by Yadubir Sinha also. But these specifics come from their family experience of more than 100 years. May be useful to you also in practice.
1) Anaemia, low RBC: Ceanothus –Q, FP 3x, KM 3x, China 3x,
2) Amoebic dysentery: Aegle mar –Q
3) Bleeding in brain: Aconite Nap -Q
4) Blood vomiting: Acalypha indica-Q, Geranium mac-Q
5) Bleeding in Ulcerative colitis: Carbolic acid – 6x
6) Blood in urine: Geranium mac -Q. Hamamelis virg- Q, Terebinthina -Q
7) Bleeding, excessive, in Menses: Citrus Vulgaris-Q, Sabina -6x
8) Brain tumour: CP 3X
9) Breast Abscess: Echinacia-Q
10) Cholera- Camphor-Q or crude camphor
11) Cirrhosis of liver: Myrica –Q , chelidonium-6x
12) Colitis (inflammation of large intestine, pain) : Cina-Q, KM 3x, MP 3x
13) Cystitis (inflammation urinarybladder, pain): Berberis vulg-Q, chimaphila umbrel–Q
14) Delirium: Passiflora inc-Q
15) Endometriosis: Aurum mur nat- 6X
16) Epilepsy: Passiflora inc-Q
17) Epigastric pain: Symphytum off-Q
18) Fever Dengue: Eupatorium perf-Q
19) Fever Malaria: Vitex Neg- θ, Eup Perf –Q, Chininum Sulph 3X,
20) Fever Typhiod: Baptisia-Q
21) Gastritis (inflammation of stomach): Symphytum off-Q
22) Giardiasis: Cina-Q
23) Gonorrhoea: Chimaphila umbellata Q
24) Fainting (blurred, 'white outs', 'black-outs'), Crataegus –Q, KP 6x, Cactus 3X
25) Heart diseases: Creatagus Oxy –Q, Terminalia arjuna-Q, CP3x
26) Hepatitis A, B, C: Myrica-Q, Caduus mar- Q (10 drops), chelidonium-6x
27) Hirsutism: Sabal serrulata –Q, silicia-12X
28) Hyperthyroidism: Creatagus Oxy –Q
29) Hypertension: Aconite nap-Q (3 drops), Rauwalfia serp -Q
30) Infertility, Female: Aurum mur nat- 4X
31) Pain passing urine: Chimaphila umbellata Q every 1 to 2 hours
32) Pain, External Ear : Carbolic acid-6x
33) Pancreatitis: Hydrastis –Q, Carduus Mar-θ,
34) Pempigus: Echinasea -Q
35) Peptic ulcers: Symphytum off-Q
36) Pre Menstrual Tension: Stramonium – Q
37) Prostatitis: Sabal serrulata –Q
38) Renal failure/ CKD: Aconite nap –Q 3 drops in 5 ml water twice daily,
39) Rheumatic Arthritis : Chininim sulph-3x,
40) Rheumatic Heart disease: Adonis Vulg-Q, Creatagus Oxy –Q,
41) Stones in gall bladder: Carduus Mar- θ, BBV-Q, Chelidonium Majus 6X,
42) Stones in urinary bladder: Equisetum Hyemah –Q 5 drops
43) Stone, renal: Berb vulg-Q, Equisetum Hyemah-Q
44) Underweight, in Children: Chelidonium-Q
45) Varicose viens: Carduud mar -Q
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