Homeopathic perspective For Acne Scars

Homeopathic perspective For Acne Scars
Acne is an inflammatory affection of the sebaceous glands. Most of the cases start around puberty. Appearing from age of twelfth to the eighteenth year and lasting from five to ten years if untreated. Inflammation and disease of the sebaceous glands is under the control of the endocrine system. The adolescent’s personality is reduced as blackheads appear on their face. Usually seated on the face, chest, or back. Spread over the nose, cheeks, chest, forehead, temples, and back.

Types of Acne
The disease spread in its different varieties and the famous forms are –
Acne Simplex or Acne Vulgaris,
Acne Indurata,
Acne Rosacea,
Acne Varioliformis and
Acne Punctata.

Homeopathic Treatment
Antimonium crudum
Small red acne on the face, acne in drunkards with gastric problems , thirst and white layered tongue.

Antimonium tartaricum
Obstinate cases, with Inclination to pustulation, are curable with this medicine.

Arsenicum album
When there is great burning and debility.

Arsenicum iodatum
Especially useful in severe obstinate cases. According to Dr. W.A.  Dewey -Acne rosacea yields to Arsenicum  Iodatum or Sulphur Iodide.

Arsenicum sulphuratum rubrum
Is indicated in acne when accompanied by eczema or psoriasis.

Asterias rubens
Is the head remedy for acne on the face at the age of puberty. ” If it fails in that case follow Kali Brom and  Radium Bro 30-J.N.  Shinghal. ”

Aurum arsenicum
Acne, pimples on the face and forehead, pustules. Lupus.

Acne punctata in young persons; bright red pimples; and in plethoric persons with scarlet flushings.

Berberis aquifolium
Pimples on the face of girls. It is especially useful where the skin is rough and the acne persists.

Borax veneta
Pimples on the face, nose and lips,; red papulous eruptions on cheeks.

Bovista lycoperdon
Acne due to the use of cosmetics, specially in summer.

Calcarea carbonica
When there are menstrual disorders and congestion to the head.

Calcarea phosphorica
Acne in anaemic girls at teenage years, with vertex headache and flatulent indigestion, relieved by eating.

Calcarea sulphurica
Being the chief blood purifier it proves an indispensable remedy in all stages of the disease. It is especially  indicated where the acne suppurate.

Carbo vegetabilis
Varicose veins on nose or when the causative factor is the gastric derangement.

It is of benefit in cases which have not been improved by Sulph., Hep. Sul. or Ars. Persons with old warts on  the nose or eyebrow.

Rash on the face before menses.

Hepar sulphur
Pimples of the size of a pea in different area of the body, the least scratch or injury inclines to ulceration or  gathering; styes on the eyelids.

Hydrocotyle asiatica
Especially useful when connected with uterine derangement. There is great dryness and desquamation of  epidermis.

Kalium bromatum
This remedy is especially adapted to tha acne simplex and the indurata, especially in hyperaesthetic, anxious  females, and in epileptics who have been badly treated by bromides.
 *Dr. J.H.  Clarke speakes high if this  remedy and says, “I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in case of simple acne as Kali Bromatum  30*

 *Dr. E. Harris Ruddock says, ” Kali-Brom. has great medicine over this affection and the  medical Journals report cases in which log continued Acne has disappeared while this drug was being taken  for other diseases. *

Lachesis mutus -Bluish redness.

Ledum palustre
Red pimply eruptions on face and forehead.

Mercurius solubilis
Small itching pimples that ulcerate, dry up and desquamate; swollen spots on which a flat, grey scurf  forms.

Nitricum acidum
Pimples on face in syphilitic subjects.

Especially useful at the commencement when the vessels are not yet injected.

Acne worse during menses, from fats, sugar, coffee, meat.

Pulsatilla pratensis
Females with usually cold, pale face, menstrual irregularities.

Rhus toxicodendron
Red spots, the size of lentils, with vesicles in the centre; red shinning swellings, with soreness; they  are tender to touch.

Sanguinaria canadensis
Acne on the face which is worse at the time of the menses.

Sepia officinalis
Itching pimples; herpetic brownish spots on the body, attended with chilliness, sadness, scanty  menses and leucorrhoea.

Silicea terra
Obstinate cases, in scrofulous persons with aggravation from cold and amelioration from warmth;  fetid sweat feet; constipation.

Acne, which is aggravated by taking eggs and during winter. Frontal headache, better by cold air.

Acne with blepharitis, from indulgence in high living or fat food. Great itchiness and bluish color of  the face. According to Rai Bahadur Dr. Bishambar Das, ” this medecine should be given in 200th  potency to get better results “.

Thuja occidentalis
Acne of the face and nose and nasal dermatitis (inflammation of the skin).

*The trio.*
1.   Sul. 30, Calc.c. 30, Sil. 30, be given to cure indurated (hardened tissues), swollen, elevated acne-simplex, acne vulgaris and acne rosacea, when there is crop of acne on cheeks, forehead, eye-brows, chest and upper back, having scrofulous history, or dry scaly eruption on head, dandruff, hair folliculitis, with chilliness or worse in both extreme of temperature.  This trio be given as under

Sul. 30, for first 3 days, 3 doses per day, Calc.c. 30, 3 doses per day for next 3 days, Sil-30, for other 3 days and so on for 1-2 months.  In case of the improvement checked, 200 potency of each medicine may be given in rotation after every week.

2.   Ant.c. 200, Sul. 200, Arnica. 200, be given if above trio fail to act.  The biochemic salt-         CS3xKM3x, KP3x, Sill2x, one dose at bed time be given with all above said medicines but single medicine is recommended

1 comment:

  1. Asterias rubens
    Is the head remedy for acne on the face at the age of puberty. ” If it fails in that case follow Kali Brom and Radium Bro 30-J.N. Shinghal. ”

    Aurum arsenicum
    Acne, pimples on the face and forehead, pustules. Lupus.


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