The following list shows some of the relationships between conflict emotions and target organs
According to Hammer's theory.
  1.  Adrenal cortex - Wrong direction, gone astray
  2.  Bladder - Ugly conflict, dirty tricks
  3.  Bone – Lack of self-worth, inferiority feeling
  4.  Breast milk gland – Involving care or disharmony
  5.  Breast milk duct - Separation conflict
  6.  Breast, left (right-handed) – Conflict concerning child, home, mother
  7.  Breast, right (right-handed) – Conflict with partner or others
  8.  Bronchial – Territorial conflict
  9.  Cervix – Severe frustration
  10.  Colon – Ugly indigestible conflict
  11.  Esophagus – Cannot have it or swallow it
  12.  Gall Bladder - Rivalry conflict
  13.  Heart – Perpetual conflict
  14.  Intestines - Indigestible chunk of anger
  15.  Kidneys – Not wanting to live, water or fluid conflict
  16.  Larynx - Conflict of fear and fright
  17.  Liver – Fear of starvation
  18.  Lung – Fear of dying or suffocation, including fear for someone else
  19.  Lymph glands – Loss of self-worth associated with the location
  20.  Melanoma – feeling dirty, soiled, defiled
  21.  Middle ear – Not being able to get some vital information
  22.  Mouth - Cannot chew or hold it
  23.  Pancreas – Anxiety-anger conflict with family members, inheritance
  24.  Prostate – Ugly conflict with sexual connections or connotations
  25.  Rectum – Fear of being useless
  26.  Skin – Loss of integrity
  27.  Spleen – Shock of being physically or emotionally wounded
  28.  Stomach – Indigestible anger, swallowed too much
  29.  Testes and Ovaries – Loss conflict
  30.  Thyroid – Feeling powerless
  31.  Uterus – Sexual conflict.

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