Aph. 1
The only profession of hom. physician is to cure.
Aph. 2
Homeopathic ideal cure - Rapid, Gentle, Permanent
Aph. 3
Homeopathic physician qualification about :
- Medicine
- Application
Aph. 4
Homeopathic physician know about epidemiology
Aph. 5
Attention to Causes of Diseases :
- Exciting
- Maintaining
- Fundamental
Aph. 6
Manifestation of Disease :
--> Unprejudiced Observer
--> Protrait of the Disease
Aph. 7
Removal of totality of Symptoms means Removal of Disease
Aph. 8
Restoration of Health
Aph. 9 - 17
Vital Force
--> 9 - Properties of Vital Force
--> 10 - Material body with Vital Force
--> 11 - Vital Force in Disease State
--> 12 - Disease due to internal derangement of Vital Force
--> 13 - Materialism in Medicine
--> 14 - Disease Manifestation
--> 15 - Affection of Vital Force
--> 16 - Removal of Dynamic cause by Dynamic substance
--> 17 - Removal of Symptoms, Cure, Medicine
Aph. 18
Totality of Symptoms
Aph. 19 - 24
Knowledge of Rmedies, Drug Proving & Law of Similars -
--> 19 - How medicine Cure
--> 20 - Drug Proving
--> 21 - Pathologenetic Symptoms curative in Medicine
--> 22 - Antipathy, Contraria, Contraribus, Curenter
--> 23 - Demerits of Antipathy
--> 24 - Only Similia, Similibus, Curenter
Aph. 25 - 29
Homeopathic Law of Cure
--> 25 - Merits of Homeopathy
--> 26 - Homeopathic Law of Cure
--> 27 - Curative Power of Medicine - Symptoms similars of Diseas
--> 28 - Confirmation of Law of Nature
--> 29 - How Homeopathic Cure take place
Aph. 30 - 34
Medicines are stronger then Natural Disease
--> 30 - Regulation of Dose
--> 31 - Medicine acts unconditionally
--> 32 - Natural diseases affects conditionally
--> 33 - Medicines are superior then Natural Disease —-> Cure
--> 34 - Dis-Similar Diseases do not cure but Similar diseases
Aph. 35 - 42
Law of Dis-Similar Diseases
--> 35 - What happen when two Dissimilar diseases meet together
--> 36 - Existing stronger repel the weaker
--> 37 - Allopathy - Chronic Diseases remains uncure
--> 38 - New stronger suspends the weaker one
--> 39 - Routine Examples
--> 40 - Complex Disease
--> 41 - Natural + Artificial = Complex
--> 42 - Dissimilar Diseases complicates one another
Aph. 43 - 51
What happen when two similar Diseases meet together :
--> 43 - Two Similar Diseases Cure
--> 44 - They neither repel suspend nor form Complex
--> 45 - How they work
--> 46 - Example
--> 47 - Lesson
--> 48 - Experience to teach
--> 49 - Minute Observation
--> 50 - Why for Cure should not depend upon nature
--> 51 - Advantages of Similia
Aph. 52 - 60
--> 52 - Homeopathic versus Allopathic Medical Treatment
--> 53 - Homeopathic curative Mode
--> 54 - Allopathic mode of Treatment
--> 55 - Allopathy - palliative relief
--> 56 - Antipathy
--> 57 - Antipathy - example
--> 58 - Faults of Antipathy
--> 59 - Antipathy - examples of disadvantages
--> 60 - Disadvantages of increasing Potency of Antipathy Medicine
Aph. 61
Homeopathy - Ideal system of Treatment
Aph. 62
Disadvantages of Antipathy & Advantages of Homeopathy
Aph. 63 - 69
Primary & Secondary action
--> 63 - Initial & counter action
--> 64 - Explanation
--> 65 - Examples
--> 66 - Homeopathic produces action but Life Foce produce counter action
--> 67 - Initial & counter action in Homeopathy
--> 68 - Follow-up in Homeopathic Treatment
--> 69 - Initial & counter action in antipathic Treatment
Aph. 70
Aph. 71
Homeopathic Physician needs to know to cure -
-> Fathoming the Disease
-> Fathoming the action of medicine
-> Employing medicines expendiently
Aph. 72 - 81
Classification of Diseases
--> 72 - Definition of Acute & chronic Diseases
--> 73 - Types of Acute Diseases
--> 74 - Artificial Chronic Diseases
--> 75 - Incurable - Artificial Chr. Diseases
--> 76 - Limitations of Medicine
--> 77 - Pseudo Chronic Diseases
--> 78 - True Chronic Natural Diseases
--> 79 - Knowledge of Syphilis & Sycosis
--> 80 - Psora is a Fundamental cause
--> 81 - How Psora come to Manifest
Aph. 82
Aph. 83 - 104
Case Taking
--> 83 - Physician :
1- Free from Prejudice
2- Sound Senses
3- Attentive

1 comment:

  1. Individualization
    Aph. 83 - 104
    Case Taking
    --> 83 - Physician :
    1- Free from Prejudice
    2- Sound Senses
    3- Attentive


Verbascum – Verbascum Thapsus

Verbascum – Verbascum Thapsus  This homeopathic medicine Verbascum thapsus is very effective in curing ear aches and ear infecti...