Epistaxis & its Homoeopathic treatment

Epistaxis & its Homoeopathic treatment

All the cases which are frequently reported to the emergency department of hospitals Epistaxis is one of them.

Epistaxis is defined as any bleeding from the nose.

The causes which precipitate Epistaxis/Nose bleed are as follows -
A)Local causes-
     a. Traumatic-Physical,Operative,        Chemical &Thermal trauma.
     b. Presence of Foreign body.
B). Inflammatory causes-Rhinitis,Sinusitis, Tuberculosis, Nasal Diptheria, Syphilis, Rhinosporidiosis,Atrophic Rhinitis etc.

C). Neoplastic causes-These are of two types-

a.Benign-Haemangioma, Angioma of septum, Papilloma, Nasopharyngeal fibroma etc.

b. Malignant-Carcinoma nose,paranasal sinuses &nasopharynx.
There are also some Circulatory , Environmental & Miscellaneous causes.
The commonest site of bleeding per nose is from the Little's area of Nose.

Though Nosebleed may occur at any age group but, it manifests in bi-modal peak i.e; First peak in persons younger than 10 yrs & Second peak in 70-79 yrs age group.

Clinical features of Epistaxis are-
a)Sudden onset.
c)Other common symptoms associated with any form of bleeding.
In homoeopathy there are a lot of medicines e.g; Aconite, Ambra grisea, Arnica, Belladonna, Bovista, Carbo.veg, Crotalus horridus, Hamamelis, Ipecac, Lachesis, Melilotus, Millefolium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Tuberculinum etc. which when selected according to cause(if can be elicited) & symptoms arrests the bleeding & heals from within.
So, do'nt be worried & choose homoeopathy & lead a peaceful & healthy life.

N.B; - Please consult your physician before taking any medicine.
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1 comment:

  1. In homoeopathy there are a lot of medicines e.g; Aconite, Ambra grisea, Arnica, Belladonna, Bovista, Carbo.veg, Crotalus horridus, Hamamelis, Ipecac, Lachesis, Melilotus, Millefolium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Tuberculinum etc. which when selected according to cause(if can be elicited) & symptoms arrests the bleeding & heals from within.
    So, do'nt be worried & choose homoeopathy & lead a peaceful & healthy life.

    N.B; - Please consult your physician before taking any medicine.
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