Jonoshia ashoka


A tree is found in India, called “Ashoka”. Jonosia ashoka is prepared from the bark of this tree. This medicine is very useful for curing many diseases of the women.      

Useful in various symptoms:

Stomach-related symptoms:
In the symptoms of stomach diseases, the patient suffers from over thirst, desires for eating sour-sweet products all the time, severe retching, constipation and blood piles. Giving Jonosia Ashoka to the afflicted patient cures above symptoms.   

Gynecology-related symptoms:
Jonosia Ashoka is a great remedy in the cases of delayed menstrual excretion, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, pain of the ovary glands before menses, excessive excitement of the vagina and secretion of water from the vagina.

Head-related symptoms:
Jonosia Ashoka should be used in the cases of pain in the rear of the head, headache due to accumulated blood in the head, eyeballs pain, photophobia, excessive discharge from the nose like water due to catarrh and lack of smelling power. It provides quick relief from above symptoms.

Sleep-related symptoms:
Jonosia Ashoka is an excellent remedy in the cases of insomnia during sleep at night and watching dreams at night as if he is traveling far away from the home.

Back-related symptoms:
Jonosia Ashoka can be used in the cases of back bone pain that moves to the stomach and thighs. It provides relief from pain quickly.

Jonosia Ashoka can be compared with Bibernum, Opulus and Bibernum pranipholium.

Mother tincture or 3x potency of Jonosia Ashoka should be given to the patient according to the symptoms of diseases

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