1st. Frequent one sided headache.

2nd. Frequent hair falling.

3rd. Frequent inflammation of eyes.

4th. Very severe epitaxis in girls and youths .

5th. Frequent tedious dry or fluent coryza or catarrh.

6th. Long continued obstruction of both nostrils.

7th. Sore nose

8th. More frequently cracked tongue.

9th. Dryness of mouth

10th. Sour taste of mouth.

11th. Scrofula.

12th. Much phlegm in throat.

13. Frequent inflammation of throat.

14. Frequent hoarseness.

15th. Morning nausea.

16th. Distended abdomen.

17th. Worms , (rectum itching)

18th. Dark urine

19th. Frequent attacks of dyspnoea.

20th. Sweollen enlarged veins on the legs.

21. Chillblans.

22. Corns pain.

23. Disposition to crack joint.

24. Strain or wrench one joint to another.

25. Crackling of joints on moving.

26. Frequent boils.

27. Frequent felons.

28. Predisposition to erysipelas now and then.

29. Frequent cramps in the claves .

30. Twitching of the limbs on going to sleep.

31. Amenorrhoea

32. Vertigo

33. Hair becomes grey to early. White in spots

34. Dry eruption on scalp.

35. Tinea capitis.

36. Malignant tinea.

37. Hard swelling of the glands of the neck.

38. Conjunctival troubles.

39. Itching in canthi.

40. Eye gum .

41. Cataract.

42. Opaque spots on cornea.

43. Squinting

44. Night blindness

45. Blindness

46. Deafness

47. Nasal polyp

48. Sneezing


50. Vesicles

51. Erysipelas

52. Thrus and stomatitis

53. Sordes about the mouth.

54. Dropsies

55. Anasarca


57. Diarrhoea

58. Looseness of bowels.

59. Pin worms

60. Intestinal worms

61. Fibrous change in kidney

62. Urination when sneezing , coughing, or laughing

63. Dysmenorrhoea

64.functional disturbances of ovary and uterus .

65. Leucorrhoea scanty nothing peculiar about colour.

66. Burning of soles of feet.

67. Numbness of extremities with tingling sensation.

68. Prickling or tingling in extremities due to poor circulation.

69. Constant chillness

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