Tongue Ulcer

TONGUE ULCER - An open sore on surface of the tongue, caused by a break which fails to heal.

CAUSES of tongue - Emotional stress, deficiencies in diet (Iron, B-12, and folic acid), menstrual periods, oral hygiene, allergy to food substances and trauma sites in mouth (where the tongue or cheek has got bitten)


APTHOUS ULCER /Minor apthous ulcers – They are small , multiple , very painful ulcers. They occur due to viral infection. They subside within few days. When ther are large and deep ther are called MAJOR APTHOUS ULCERS .

TUBERCULAR ULCERS – These ulcers are also painful but in these , regional lymph nodes are also enlarged.

DENTAL ULCER – Ulcers due to broken tooth , sharp tooth , ill fitting dentures etc. They are also painful. Most commony present on lateral side of tongue. They heal when tooth is removed.

POST-PERTUSSIS ULCER – It occurs in children due to repeated coughing. Typical location of ulcer is UNDER SURFACE OF TONGUE.

CARCINOMATOUS ULCERS- They are non healing ulcers , they bleed on touch and mostly they are on lateral margin of tongue. The ulcer;s margins are everted.

GUMMATOUS ULCERS – Gumma is complication of 3 rd stage of syphilis. Du to endarteritis obliterans ( Inflammation of intima , inner lining of arteries which results in occlusion of arteries ) there occur occurs necrosis of gumma resulting into gummtous ulcer. DDx is that you will find gummatous growths in other areas of body also like testis , palate , clavicle and liver.

SYSTEMIC ULCERS – These ulcers occur due to systemic diseases like PEMPHIGUS , SLE ( systemic lupus erytheromatosis ) , LICHEN PLANUS.


- Apthous ulcers

- Dental ulcers

- Tubercular ulcers


- Carcinomatous ulcers

- Gummatous ulcers

- Systemic ulcers


Avoid Foods that irritate

Acidic foods, nuts and certain spices.

Don’t Eat and talk at the same time.

This could cause slight trauma to your inner lining of the mouth which could lead to mouth ulcers.

Have a good oral hygiene

Regular flossing and brushing teeth after meals will give you a good oral hygiene thus help in avoiding ulcers.


BORAX - This is the great remedy in mouth affections. It has aphthous inflammation of the mouth and tongue , the mouth is very hot and dry, mucous membrane bleeds easily . The thrush is more often located on the inner surface of the cheeks, tongue and fauces.

BAPTISIA - It produces a low adynamic conditions, in which the blood oozes from the gums, which is dark red and offensive. Gums ulcerated,the tongue is cracked and the mouth is exceedingly offensive and there is salivation.

NITRIC - ACID - Acrid saliva, pricking, splinter-like pains, aphthae and whitish gums, raw places in the mouth, corners of the mouth excoriated, the gums are unhealthy, bleed easily and have a foul odor.

ARSENIC ALBUM - The aphthae become livid or bluish and the gums livid and bleeding. Aphthous sore mouth , with soreness; mouth and tongue covered with blisters, breath offensive and gums are white.

BY -DARE team 

1 comment:

  1. BORAX - This is the great remedy in mouth affections. It has aphthous inflammation of the mouth and tongue , the mouth is very hot and dry, mucous membrane bleeds easily . The thrush is more often located on the inner surface of the cheeks, tongue and fauces.

    BAPTISIA - It produces a low adynamic conditions, in which the blood oozes from the gums, which is dark red and offensive. Gums ulcerated,the tongue is cracked and the mouth is exceedingly offensive and there is salivation.


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