GET THE RUBRIC -Adulterous

Mind - Adulterous

Adulterous - Not loyal, not pure.
One is not attached, believes, honest, committed, dedicated with one.


Patient not believing in one doctor firmly but trying this and that due to lack of faith in treatment.
One of my patients of OA knee joints though going well on treatment still visited orthopaedic doctor and comes to me showing reports and saying that I took that tablets also for some days along with your. He benefited by Lachesis followed by Lycopodium as a complementary, both are adulterous.

Dr - How was you with our Homeopathic medicines ?

Pt - Quite better but took those medicine also as suggested by that doctor for some days only.

Here patient is not loyal with Homeopathic physician and treatment( lack of loyalty ) , and also took allopathic medicines with Homeopathic medicine thought not necessary(not pure), it is like though husband is fulfilling all needs still she want to enjoy with outside man. This is a typical adultery.

In other case if one female in not satisfied or not happy in relation with husband so in relation of another man then it is objective, reasonable.( not justified morally)

Here if we think three rubrics combined : Adulterous + Objective,reasonable + Moral feeling want of : then only two remedies are in common : Lach, Plat.

As we know Platina has very high sexual drive so no one satisfy her so adulterous ; and Lachsis desires amusement, playful and frivolous(not serious in relationship) so may want adultery as a amusement or play with other man.

If we combine two rubrics : Adulterous + Change, desire for : two remedies are in common : Med, Puls.

Medorrhinum and Pulsatilla both are adulterous as they desire for change but Medorrhinum is Ardent and adventurous while Puls is mild, frivolous(not serious in relationship), dishonest and cowardice.

If we combine three rubrics : Adulterous + Dishonest + Gourmand (takes great pleasure and interest in consuming good food and drink - use in metaphor) : Calcarea is the single remedy in common.

Calcarea is dishonest and wants to enjoy a lot so adulterous.

If we combine three rubrics : Adulterous + Female-sexual desire - violent - irresistible + hypocrisy : two remedies are common : Caust, Phos.

Causticum and Phos are adulterous due to violent, irresistible sexual desire with hypocrite nature. Phos desires for amusement, Causticum is not there.

If we combine two rubrics : Adulterous + Amorous, fits of amorousness : only one remedy is common : Verat.

If we combine two rubrics : Adulterous + Dwells, sexual matters; on : only one remedy is common : Staph.

If we combine two rubrics : Adulterous + Sentimental - young persons, in - only one remedy is common : Ign.

If we combine three rubrics : Adulterous + Sexual desire- insatiable + Rage- paroxysms, in : only one remedy is common : Canth.

If we combine two rubrics : Adulterous + Female - Sexual desire suppressed - ailments from suppressed sexual desire : only one remedy is common : Sabal.

Vipera is there in Adulterous with other rubrics like ailments from Sexual excitement,sexual desire increased.

Almost all remedies under
Mind - Adulterous( Synthesis ) differentiated from each other.


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