Ringworm isn't caused by worms. The skin infection, also known as tinea, is caused by fungi called dermatophytes. Fungi are microscopic organisms that can live off the dead tissues of your skin, hair and nails much like a mushroom can grow on the bark of a tree.
Causes- Ringworm is caused by a fungus that grows on the skin. Once the fungus is established, it spreads out in rings. The centre of the ring may clear up, while a new ring of infection develops at the edge of the old ring.
Children are most likely to get ringworm. Ringworm of the scalp can spread from child to child when children share hats, combs, or brushes. Ringworm of the body can be spread on towels, clothing, or sports equipment. Personal hygiene is important in preventing the spread of ringworm. Dogs and cats can also be infected with ringworm, and they can pass it to people through direct contact
Symptoms- Ringworm of the scalp--:Dry, brittle hair or hair loss in patches, Severe itching, Red-ringed patch of small blisters or scaly skin
Ringworm of the body:--Red-ringed patch of small blisters or scaly skin, Severe itching is sometimes present
Consult your practice nurse or doctor if you have a red-ringed skin infection, severe itching of the skin or scalp, a scaly rash or hair loss
BACILLINUM 200- Bacillinum is the head remedy for ring worm . Start treatment with this remedy. No other medicine for 24 hours . It should be repeated only once in a week. If there is no improvement in two or three weeks , consider the following remedies.
SULPHUR 20O-Sulphur is prescribed when there is disorder of stomach and acidity.There is retching and loss of appetite .The patient feels restleeness at night . Another prescribing point is cold feet and hot head
SEPIA 200- Sepia is another excellent remedy for ringworm and it should be tried if Sulphur fails.It is very effective for ringworm on moustaches. Itching is not relieved by scratching. Worse in open air and cold weather. Eruptions every spring
TELLURIUM 30- Tellurium is very effective for ringworm on face.In Tellurium there is offensive , garlic like odour of body and sweat. There is small red pimples , very bright red and very sharply defined with minute vesicles on them. Another important symptom is ring worm with otorrhea
CHRYSAROBINUM 3X-Chrysarobinum is effective for vesicular ringworm. Foul smelling discharge and crust formation . Violent itching .Thighs , legs and ears are mostly affected.Scaly eruptions around the eyes and ears with pus underneath
APIS MEL. 1000- Ringworm with itching and burning. Better by cold applications
CALCAREA CARB 30- Calcare carb. is suitable for ringworm in pale and lymphatic plethoric persons. The person having cold moist hands and feet
ARSENICUM ALB 30- Arsenicum alb is effective for ring worm on scalp. The hair falls in patches.The patient feels general debility and restlessness.The skin dry and rough.Another indicating symptom is thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.
KALI SULPH. 6X-Kali sulph is prescribed when ringworm is present on scalp or beard with abundant scales
RADIUM BROMIDE 30-Radium bromide is also useful when it is better in open air and worse` in bed and undressing
RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30-Rhus tox is prescribed when ring worm lesions oozes an offensive moisture with violent itching. Ring worm on scalp in children extending to face, neck and eyes
PSORINUM 200- Psorinum is an Intercurrent remedy. There is intense itching , scratches till it bleeds which give relief. Offensive smell from the affected part.It is black in colour.
ARS SULPH FLAVATUM 6-Ars sulph flavatum is effective in ringworm with whitish patches
NATRUM MUR 200-Natrum mur is prescribed when the ringworm is black in color.There is intense itching, worse eating salt and at seashore.
SYPHILINUM 1000- Syphilinum is prescribed when the ringworm is present symmetrically. Syphilitic patients having great neatness.
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