The quickest results I have ever beheld from any homeopathic remedy, I have witnessed from the internal administration of Ledum in Mosquito bites ; it is one of the most certain proofs of the action of small doses to cure quickly, safely, and pleasantly.
Whilst in Canada in the autumn of 1854, some of my English friends were  complaining bitterly of the Mosquitoes that were busily humming round us. Much ridicule had passed respecting homoeopathy.
Having previously seen and felt the effects of Ledum, I determined to give them all positive proof that the little doses were sufficiently large to cure. I then explained to them the meaning of the fifteenth potency, and sent a messenger to the American side of the river for a bottle of Ledum globules, of the 10th potency. All present (there were eight,) eagerly tried the cure, not having any faith in its efficacy, when to their surprise, almost before the solution of the globules in their mouths, they lost the intolerable itching, which invariably accompanies mosquito bites, and, with some individuals, often lasts for weeks.
They voted their thanks to homoeopathy, accompanied with expressions of regret that they had not been previously aware of its “powerful medicines.” Many other cases of the use of Ledum in Mosquito bites have come under my notice, and all have been as satisfactorily cured as the one above related.

Reference: “Arnica, calendula, cantharides, ledum, ruta, and rhus tox as external remedies in cases of accident, etc. Henry Thomas, M.D.

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