Six Homeopathic Remedies For Insect Stings & Bites

To select the most appropriate Homeoapathic remedy try to match the symptoms to the remedies listed below.
Aconite: shock and nervousness. There may be numbness and tingling.
Cantharis: Violent burning and smarting pains overshadow all other symptoms. Blisters may develop. Better for warmth,
Apis: Rapid swelling, looks red and angry, with stinging and burning pain. Worse for warmth, better for cold.
Ledum: Chilly sensation, but better for cold application, worse for warm applications.  Watery swellings which may look red and inflamed.
Urtica Urens: Itchy blotchy skin reactions, looks like nettle rash.
Staphysagria: Large bites which may itch violently with smarting, stinging pains which are worse for cold, better for warmth. Feels irritable and sensitive to touch.

Seek Medical Help Immediately:

  • In the event of a severe allergic reaction
  • Great Swelling which spreads rapidly
  • The lips tongue or joints become swollen
  • If the sting is in the mouth or throat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Wheezing
  • Palpitations of the heart
  • A bite or sting becomes unbearable painful or itchy
  • The person appears confused or faint

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