Know the remedy - apis mel.


🖌Clinical notes

 ⛔Apis is a remedy for  acute exacerbations of chronic toxic conditions. It will clear up the acute outbreak but not prevent recurrences. For this the exhibition of a more deeply-acting remedy will be necessary, such as Natrum Mur., Pulsatilla or Tuberculinum.

⛔ Incidentally, the preparation of Tuberculinum (Marmorek or Tuberculum Koch) should not be given too early after the acute episode and should usually be preceded by Natrum Mur. or Pulsatilla.

 ⛔Experience has shown that Apis is contraindicated in direct sequence to Rhus Tox. It is said to follow well after Arsenicum Alb.

 ⛔A special indication will be sickness resulting from the suppression, or delay in Appearance, of the rash in one or other of the exanthemata.

 ⛔Apis may be called for in severe adynamic conditions associated with such illnesses as scarlet fever, diphtheria and typhoid fever.
 Warning is given that Apis in low potency or in frequent doses should be avoided in the early months of pregnancy, on account of a risk of abortion.

⛔ In acute conditions response to the drug may be expected within an hour or two. Otherwise Apis is somewhat slow in action, and a switch to another remedy must not be made too hurriedly. The favourable action of the remedy is first shown by a greatly increased flow of pale urine.

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