Skin allergies and homoeopathic management 

Skin allergies

Skin allergies
Allergies affecting the skin takes many forms, the most common ones being eczema, urticaria, hives (swelling of subcutaneous tissues) and contact dermatits. Among the most common causes are foods, cosmetics, fabrics, metals, plants, flowers, plastics, furs, and leathers, jewellery and many industrial chemicals. Studies of patients who seem to be specially sensetive to skin allergies show that they have higher than average amounts of a body protein called immunoglobuiln E in their system..
Cosmetics and jewellery.
A wide variety of cosmetics and jewellery can cause allergic reactions through skin contact. Even jewellery that is presumbly pure gold can contain a contain amounts of nickle which will produce a mild reactions that causes a skin discoloration, this is sometimes aggaravated by chemical activity resulting from persperation. Among cosmetics that may cause allergic reactions are contain permanentwave, eyelash, hair sprays etc.
Contact dermatits
Dermatits is the term used for an inflamation of the skin. The term used for allergic reactions of the skin resulting from surface contact with outside agents is cataract dermatits. This condition is charactriesed by rash and may be brought on by sensetivity to cosmetics, plants, cleaning materials, metals, wood, etc.. Other forms of dermatits can be caused by excess heat or cold, by friction or by sensetivity of various medicines. Dermatits is usually accompanied by itching at the side of the rash..
Emotional factors. Another important factor with regard to skin allergies is the effect of Emotional disturbances. If you are worried, anxious and tense, if you exert too much and beyond your caoability, then your body's protective system, once so easily brushed off, may become your enemy and you may suddenly develope a allergy to certain foods. The state of your emotions is a biochemucal state and so is your body's state of health, consequently, they affect each Other. Indeed, in the most delicate yet inescapable scientific sense, they are one Another.
What to do if u have an allergy.
Homoeopathic science is a more or less cimplete science which believes in treating each individual separately, According to his or her symptoms. It is extermely difficult to find out the allergen which causes the allergy, therefore it is best to treat the whole individual and raise his or her physical as well as mental health to a level whereby allergic reactions are minimised.
In many cases i have found that allergies are a convenient though uncoscious means to gain attention, avoid social gatherings and demarcates sexual relations. In the confines of a marriage, problems have a way of being transmitted into acceptable forms. Direct sexual rejection may threaten status, but to suggest that an allergy is the cause leaves the allergee an escape route. Indeed psychatrists often identify hysteria as a major component of many so called food allergies.
A 15 years old boy was brought to me with an eruption on the index finger of the right hand. He had tiny water blisters with tremendous itching which oozed at times and made his life miserable. Sometimes due to the eruptions he was unable to Even write. All this started after a minor cut on the index finger. He was treated with various ointments and anti allergic drugs, but after temporary relief the problem would recur . After probing i was sure that it was the mercuro chrome which was applied to his finger that might have led to this allergic dermatits. Rhus tox 200 c potency was given to him and it cleared his fingers with tremendous speed and without any recurreence.
A few tips.
Rhus tox. V useful when skin allergy is due to soaps, chemical
For contact dermatits Petroleum products
For contact dermatits in diamonds merchants because of handling diamonds.
Used in dermatits caused by burns.. Sulphr.. Dermatits caused by hair dyes.
Dermatits in bakers specially when seen arounds fingers.
Ant crud
Dermatits after eating meat.
Kali bi
Dermatits after consuming alcohol.
From the above mentioned medicinse choose the remedy that matches your condition and take in 200 c potency.
I have mentioned some of the common allergies but there are a number of hidden allergies as well. Often people try to treat their allergies with the standard anti allergic drugs (anti histamines) available in the market. These can give only temporary relief because they do not cure the root cause of the allergy. And once the allergy becomes chronic, Even that relief can not be obtained with anti histamines. This can be dangerous
leading to side effects which may be worse than the original problem.
The point to remember is that each allergy is different individuals..
Therefore it has tobe treated differntly.
Homoeopathy has a way with Allergies that is unique, effective and free from side effects.

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