Bio chemic treatment for Leucorrhoea

Bio chemic treatment for Leucorrhoea

Bio chemic treatment for Leucorrhoea

Kalium muriaticum
Discharge of milky-white, non-irritating mucus, mild, profuse.Excellent in long-standing cases.

Kalium phosphoricum
Leucorrhoea, scalding and acrid, yellowish, blistering, orange colored.

Kalium sulphuricum
Leucorrhoea, discharge of yellow, greenish, slimy or watery secretions.

Natrium muriaticum
Leucorrhoea, a watery, scalding, irritating discharge, smarting after or between the periods. Greenish, after walking, in the morning, with headache, colic, itching of vulva, and bearing-down pressure. After topical application of nitrate of silver.

Natrium phosphoricum
Leucorrhoea, discharge creamy or honey-colored, or acid and watery, discharges from the uterus sour-smelling, acrid.

Natrium sulphuricum
Leucorrhoea, acrid, corrosive, inflames part.

Calcarea phosphorica
Leucorrhoea, as a constitutional tonic and intercurrent with the chief remedy; a discharge of albuminous mucus.Leucorrhoea worse after menses, looks like white of egg, with feeling of weakness in sexual organs, worse after stool and urination.Parts pulsate with voluptuous feelings.Patient takes cold readily.

Silicea terra
Leucorrhoea instead of the menses, preceded by colicky pains, also during micturition and following obstinate constipation. Deficiency of animal heat. Especially for over-sensitive, weakly women, whose constitutions are imperfectly nourished owing to deficient or imperfect assimilation.

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