➡ Full name : Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica

➡ Author : Dr.J.T.Kent (31st march 1849- 6th June 1916)

1⃣ First edition : 1897 by Kent at Philadelphia

2⃣ Second edition : 1910 by Kent at Lancaster

3⃣ Third edition : 1924 by Ethart at Chicago

4⃣ Fourth edition: 1935 Feb Chicago by Clara Kent at- Chicago

5⃣ Fifth edition : 1945 edited & revised by Clara Kent, dedicated to Clara Kent – at Chicago

6⃣ Sixth edition : 1957 at Chicago

➡ Indian edition : 1961

7⃣ Seventh edition (final general repertory) : 1974 by P.Schmidt & Diwan harish chand

➡ Dr P.Schmidt assisted in revising 3rd, 4th and 5th editions

➡ Dr. Kimball,Thurston and Giggler helped Kent to get enough subscribers

➡ Total 1423 pages, 37 chapters,69,360 rubrics

➡ Total medicines : 648-6 = 642

➡ Six synonyms are

👉 Hippozaenium – Glanderin

👉 Illicium anisatum – Anis stellatum

👉 Kaolin – Alumina silicate

👉 Lappa arctium – Lappa major

👉 Nux juglans – Juglans regia

👉 Pothos foetida – Ictodes foetida

➡ Gradations :

1⃣ Bold : 3 Marks – proved,reproved & verified on sick

2⃣ Italics : 2 Marks – recorded in few, confirmed & occasionally verified

3⃣ roman : 1 marks – 1or 2 provers,not reproved but verified.

➡ This repertory mainly has three parts

1⃣ Prefix part (this was in subsequent editions, not in the original work)

👉 Use of the repertory by Kent

👉 How to study the repertory by Kent

👉 How to use the repertory by Kent

👉 Repertorisation by M.L.Tyler & John weir

👉 Hot & Cold remedies by Gibson Miller

👉 Few cases by M.L.Tyler & John weir

2⃣ Repertory part

👉 Preface part

👉 Different editions

👉 List of remedies with abbreviations

👉 Text proper

👉 Word index

3⃣ Suffix part (this was in subsequent editions, not in the original work)

👉 Sides of the body & drug affinities by Boenninghausen

👉 Relationship of remedies with duration of action by Gibson Miller

🔘 In prostate only 21 rubrics- smallest chapter,no blank rubrics but 1 cross reference

🔘 Largest chapter is Extremities having 268 rubrics, medicines in 207 rubrics only

🔘 In hearing 4 rubrics – lowest rubrics, no blank rubrics or cross references

🔘 In mind 529 rubrics – maximum number of rubrics , medicines only in 343 rubrics, cross references : 92, 3248 sub rubrics

🔘 In generalities : 246 rubrics , 1723 sub rubrics

🔘 Arthur Allen copied Eye for Kent from other repertories

🔘 Gladwin copied Thirst for Kent from other repertories

📎 Kent’s philosophy in 1900

📎 Kent’s materia medica in 1905

📎 Kent became the professor of materia medica in 1883

📎 He graduated from Madison University

🔘 Psora not represented in Kent’s repertory

🔘 Dr. Kent used Lippe's repertory for a no. of years- the repertory of grand old remedies. The plan that Dr. Kent followed was chiefly that of Lippe. Lippe’s repertory has 34 sections but Kent made it to 37. Dr Lippe’s repertory in turn developed from the Repertory to the Manual of Allentown Academy and this Repertory was developed out of Boenninghausen’s Repertory of the Anti Psoric Remedies.

🔘 In the first edition of Kent,s repertory he has given more of particularization & details of modalities than in later editions. These things were generalized later.

🔘 Skeleton of the plan of Kent’s repertory is mostly based on the headings available under individual drugs of Allen’s Encyclopedia.

🔘 Main source of Kent’s repertory was 6 volumes of Gentry and Lippe’s repertory.

🔘 Dr Lee completed the chapters Mind and Head directly, where as chapter’s Eyes and Vision; and Urinary organs, Chill, Fever, and Sweat. by Dr Kent.

🔘 Rubrics related to the speech is dived into the chapters Mind – Mouth _ Larynx. This division can be easily understood as when the quality of the speech is altered ( symptoms of the higher center involvement) you should look into chapter mind, when the motor functions are involved you should look into the chapter Mouth, when the quality of the voice is altered one should look into the chapter Larynx.

🔘 Smell contain rubrics related to conditions that- acute, diminished or lost But odour is related to illusions & different types of odours

🔘 Rubric moisture is given instead of discharges in Rectum
In rectum ‘tenesmus’ is given under pain,but in urinary organs as separate ‘Tenesmus’

🔘 Some remedies, which are not given in the index, represent certain rubrics. example Nux-J in Talk indisposed to; Kali-ox in Insanity

🔘 Dr P.Schmidt assisted in revising 3rd, 4th and 5th editions.
For a question about the no: of chapters in Kent’s repertory one may answer that up to 6th editions there were only 37 sections including the 5 sections on urinary organs and in Kent’s final general repertory by Pierre Schmidt contains 39 chapters (he gave independent status to smell and voice) and Kents repertorium generate by lost Kunzli contains 27 chapters by putting vision under eyes, external throat under throat ,bladder, kidney ,prostate, urethra and urine under urinary organs and chill, fever and perspiration under one section.

🔘 In every chapter arrangement of rubrics is in alphabetical order except in some situations,e.g. Vertigo- Vertigo is the first rubric, then time modalities and only after this we can find the anatomical arrangement.

🔘 Key word or RUBRIC is kept close to the margin line and is printed in CAPITALS of heavy block type. Modifications or sub-rubrics are placed two spaces to the right of the margin line. Remedy line is four spaces to the right. Every sub-rubric to placed two spaces to the right of one above

🔘 The S T M E Arrangement was brought forward by Julia Minerva Green, a disciple of Kent. This arrangement is mainly seen for subjective sensations like pain, numbness etc. but in objective symptoms like discharges, eruption, discoloration etc we do not find this S T M E arrangement. In the chapter on chill TIME is given as a separate rubric. Skin, Fever, Perspiration, sleep etc do not follow this arrangement.

🔘 Each rubric is modified by six factors

🔘 According to Kent In Physical generals – perversion of sexual sphere including menstrual symptoms are more important.

🔘 Elizabeth Wright has compiled rubrics found in BTPB which are not found in Kent.

🔘 CCRH New Delhi added few rubrics from Boericke’s repertory to Kent

🔘 No single rubric in Kent’s repertory can match with Gibson miller’s Hot & Cold remedies.

1 comment:

  1. please tell me which edition of kent repertory is most popular


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