Joint Pain Relief with Homeopathy

Joint Pain Relief with Homeopathy

Joint Pain Relief with Homeopathy

If you have trouble moving around or feel pain and stiffness in your body, you could have arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation of one or more of your joints. Arthritis can affect any joint in the body but it is most noticeable when it affects the hands and the fingers.
Types of Arthritis:
Arthritis is not a single disease – it is a term that covers over 100 medical conditions.
The most common types of arthritis include:

Osteoarthritis – degenerative joint disease often related to aging
Rheumatoid arthritis – auto-immune disorder when your immune system mistakenly attacks your own body`s tissues.
Infectious (septic) arthritis – joint inflammation caused by a bacterium, virus or fungus.
Psoriatic arthritis – arthritis caused by psoriasis
Gout – rheumatic disease that results from deposition of uric acid crystals within tissues and joints
Symptoms of Arthritis:
Depending on the type of arthritis you have, your signs and symptoms may include:

decreased range of motion
Homeopathy and Joint Pain
Homeopathy is a gentle form of medicine that is over 250 years old. It aims to strengthen immune system and increase vitality. Homeopathic treatment of arthritis focuses not only on relieving the symptoms and improving joint function but also on finding the root cause of the illness. Homeopathic medicines have no side effects and do not create drug dependency. Homeopathy is a cost effective treatment compatible with other treatment modalities.

Homeopathic “Pain-Killers” for Arthritis
The most common homeopathic medicines for joint pain include:

Apis Mellifica – needle-like pain in pinkish, shiny and swollen joints; the pain and edema are relieved by cold applications
Bryonia – joing pain triggered by the slightest movement or touch; improved by rest and strong pressure.
Causticum – arthritis pain paradoxically is improved by damp weather; useful for advanced arthritis for preventing joint deformities.
Dulcamara – rheumatic pain caused by cold and damp weather; improved by dry weather and movement
Rhododendron – joint pain is aggravated before a storm and improved after a storm and by movement and heat
Rhus tox – morning stiffness alleviated by slow and continuous movement or warm applications; stiffness in legs, arms, hips and back due to immobility and in cold and damp weather.

1 comment:

  1. Homeopathy treatment successfully controls joint pains and also further degeneration of joints. Damages in Joint are long lasting and they cannot be reverted in this case homeopathy treatment helps to provide relief from joint pains and stops further damaging of joints. for more details visit:


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