Convulsions and remedy explanation

GUERNSEY says,” Think of this remedy for convulsions which are excessively violent- whether epileptic, cataleptic, clonic or tonic ; eclampsia.”
The convulsions extend from center to circumference. The convulsion spread from above downwards and thus it is opposite of CUPRUM. The convulsions of CPRUM spread from the extremities to the centre; the little convulsions, cramps are first felt in fingers then hands, later in chest and whole body. In CICUTA the little convulsions of head, eyes and throat spread down the back with violent contortions.
Between the convulsions the patient is mild, gentle, placid,yielding, reverse of NUX V and STRYCH. NUX V has convulsions all over the body, worse for touch and draught,blueness: between the convulsions the patient is very irritable.
After swallowing a fish bone or stick which lodges in the throat a spasm comes on. After CICUTA the spasm will cease and it can be taken out. It is useful in cases of injury, accompanied with violent choking, so that he can not allow an examination to be made.
“Barber’s itch:” trouble from shaving.”
Mind and head symptoms after injuries.
“At times he knows no one, but when touched and spoken to be answers correctly.”
“It was the old remedy for tetanus and spasms caused by splinters in the skin or under the nails, competing with BELL. At the present day we find the most frequently indicated remedies for injuries to nerves are LEDUM and HYPERICUM
DR NASH:—- Also a wondeful for skin affections,” pustules which run together, forming thick yellow scabs on face, head, and other parts of the body. I once had a case of eczema capitis in a young woman—it was long standing–which covered the whole scalp, solid like a cap. I gave her CICUTA 200th and cured her completely in a very short time.”
Violent convulsive phenomena, then prolonged uncousness. Sudden shocks through body(IGN) or head, then rigidity or shrieks; a terrific spasm moves downward(reverse-CUP); the eye jerk and stare; OPISTHOTONOS and frightful facial contortions, with bloody foam from mouth;then utter prostration. Childish. Headache> flatus.
LOUD HICCOUGH; alternating with thoracic spasm(STRY).

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1 comment:

  1. Violent convulsive phenomena, then prolonged uncousness. Sudden shocks through body(IGN) or head, then rigidity or shrieks; a terrific spasm moves downward(reverse-CUP); the eye jerk and stare; OPISTHOTONOS and frightful facial contortions, with bloody foam from mouth;then utter prostration. Childish. Headache> flatus.
    LOUD HICCOUGH; alternating with thoracic spasm(STRY)


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