HOMEOPATHIC OUT LOOK FOR TREATING FEAR AND PHOBIA PHOBIA – Phobias are a form of anxiety disorder and are characterized by intense and irrational fears of an object or situation that poses no real threat. A phobia is an irrational fear of specific objects, places or situations, or activities. Although fear itself is to some degree adaptive, the fear in phobias is irrational, excessive, and disproportionate to any actual danger.  The phobia itself may be very specific, the root cause is often less so. Sometimes cause is found in childhood or in past or the cause is sometimes genetic. For most of us these feelings are temporary and manageable. For those living with phobias however, this unease becomes a persistent and all-consuming anxiety with the power to turn into overwhelming panic. There are associated symptoms in phobia are – abnormal exaggerated Fear + Headache + Vertigo + Delusions  SOME TYPE OF PHOBIAS Acrophobia – Fear of high places Agora Phobia – Fear of open places Claustro Phobia – Fear of narrow places Pyro Phobia – Fear of fire Hydro Phobia – Fear of water Nyeto Phobia – Fear of darkness Zoo Phobia – Fear of insects and birds Patho Phobia – Fear of disease Anthro Phobia – Fear of people Archmo Phobia – Fear of sharp point objects Aeluro Phobia – Fear of cats Gephyro Phobia – Fear of crossing bridges Clino Phobia – Fear of going to bed Entomo Phobia – Fear of insects FEAR - FEAR - A fear is an emotional response to a real or perceived threat. Fears are COMMON and are often normal reactions to objects or events.  *HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES* - HYDRO PHOBIA – Lyssin , Hyosymus , Stramonium etc PYRO PHOBIA – Natrum mur , stramonium , kali phos , causticum etc NYETO PHOBIA – Stramonium , Cannabis indica , Aconite etc  OCHOLO PHOBIA – Aconite , Arg-nit , Nat -mur , Puls etc ZOO PHOBIA – Apis , calc-carb , nat-mur etc PATHO PHOBIA – Kali-carb , phos , etc CLAUSTRO PHOBIA – Aconite , Arg-nit , Stram etc ACRO PHOBIA – Arg-nit , carcinosin etc AGORA PHOBIA – Aconite , Calcarea , Arnica , Kali-phos etc ANTHRO PHOBIA – Aco , hyos , nat-c , lyc , rhus-tox , kali-phos ARCHMO PHOBIA – Sil , spigelia AELURO PHOBIA – Caust , TUB , hyos , stram ENTOMO PHOBIA – Abelmoschus , Calc , nat-mur CLINO PHOBIA – Lach , Ars

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