remedy pearls offered by the master on Arsenicum album

E.B Nash MD was a somewhat younger colleague of Dr. Lippe's, an excellent homeopath, and a prolific writer.  Here are some remedy pearls offered by the master on Arsenicum album: "No remedy is more restless than this one. The Aconite restlessness comes in the earlier stages of inflammatory diseases, with fever of a high grade. Arsenicum in the later stages, after the patient has become greatly reduced in strength, or in low grades of fever like typhoids. The Aconite patient tosses to and fro in agony and fear. The Arsenic patient is too wealth to toss as the anguish and restlessness would incline him to. He cannot move himself around as he desires, but wants to be moved from place to place, or bed to bed, while the least exertion on his own part exhausts terribly. He has fear of death, but not like the Aconite fear, but rather an anxiety and a feeling that it is useless to take medicine for he is going to die; he is incurable. The mental restlessness is as great as the bodily. He has attacks of anxiety that drive him out of bed at night. Even when there is no pain at all he wants to be continually changing place, walking about if strong enough, without any other reason than that he can't keep still. Often the first beneficial effect to be observed in cases calling for this remedy is that the anxiety grows less, the patient lies still, his pain is not so much less, but it does not make him so restless; he can bear it better. This is a good sign and is generally followed by amelioration of all the symptoms. It makes little difference what the disease, if this persistent restlessness and especially if great weakness is also present, don't forget Arsenic. Arsenicum leads all the remedies for burning sensations, especially in acute diseases. It is not by any means confined to acute diseases, but is often found in chronic affections, especially of a malignant character or tending to malignancy. I think perhaps Sulphur outranks it generally for burnings in chronic affections." Via - Canadian academy of Homoeopathy

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