The Thrill: Latins spoke of pigmentum for "paint color" and for make-up, finally for style ornaments. When the Spanishs invaded Mexico, they discovered a edible plant with red fruit and called it pimentia.
The name Capsicum derives from capsa: box, case (which contains the seeds).
Longing for identity
Locked in his box in his quest for identity
The concept of alien allows access to identity
It is only being foreign to something or someone that has an identity
Either it is in the other (and have not identity) or is against
Compulsive verification about where his identity is
It constantly checks that he is not the other.
It has no individual ego
It exists only as opposes to another
He is a stranger among strangers
Longing for recognition
Nostalgia for a world where we should not fight to be recognized
Nostalgia of symbiosis where we were recognized, where there was no problem of identity, the lost paradise
Transplantation causalities, moving
Propensity to scare and to be afraid
Fear and cowardice to die
Dreams full of obstacles
Sleep interrupted by shouts and bursts, as if falling from above
Anxiety and apprehension, he thinks he will die
Anxiety that forces him to take a deep breath
Willingness to be overly active and worried
The child is awkward, especially when he has a headache
Clouded intellect, idiocy, melancholy, hypochondria
Haunted by a suicide provision
I'm a stranger lost in a strange world
Obviously brutal confrontation with a foreign environment, seen as hostile will cause a regression to an intense nostalgia, often imaginary, as an ideal world.
The Lost World is imagined as an ideal, then the problem comes from the outside but the lost identity is the problem.
The sudden feeling that his identity collapses, it has experienced a loss of identity, the impermanence of it "self".
This is a real tragedy, the subject will react by enclosing himself in a shell, in an attitude of rejection, such as chili locks itself in the "small box with thick skin".
In the mental sphere, nothing is more striking than the symptom of homesickness.
Such nostalgia is always found in this remedy, and it is accompanied by redness of the cheeks, insomnia, a feeling of intense heat in the pillars of the soft palate, fears.
A bottle in the sea, a message from elsewhere
Obsessive and repetitive nature of this evil of a lost country: the CLAN
Nostalgia of the Clan is a throwback to the "mother", the "bad mother" who swallows, represses and encloses.
This nostalgia can be a desire for identity inside the clan, but, beyond that, the sacrifice in the clan
Need to find a true identity in and outside of the clan.
Thus the new environmental world of Capsicum appears to him as hostile, because he'll have to confront in order to grow, he will have to mourn this "mother" to achieve the idealized identity of his "self".
Have fear of not achieving this identity: take the risk of being engulfed by the clan or you do not exist.
We must therefore challenge the environment and challenge also the mother to leave the cocoon.
At first there is nostalgia of the clan with refusal of the environment, and denial of access to the clan with autonomy.
It is the sacrifice of the mother.
The child regrets the opinion of the clan and he refuses it if it is imposed upon him.
If she wants something, she does not want it if it is offered by someone else.
"I'm xenophobic"
Capsaicin is révulsive
Makes hair grow
Burning, especially on mucous membranes, or smarting as if there were red pepper on the regions.
Diarrhea: stools with tenesmus and burning in the rectum and bladder, dysentery.
Bladder: burning pain when urinating, frequent urination, bladder tenesmus, purulent urine, hematuria, red cheeks, irritability, homesickness, uprooting.
Burning the tip of the tongue
Key words
The jail - disposal - decay - exile
Longing for identity
Family home
The concept of foreigner allows access to identity
It is only being foreign to something or someone that has an identity
Taciturn, moody and stubborn.
A world without taste
Lost love
I forget, clumsiness, laziness
Did not want to work or think.
Pepper was used as a love potion, as an aphrodisiac, against the evil eye
The tropics
Capsicum is often linked to an exotic, tropical history and specialy with emigrants
Temperamental, lunatic
children stubborn, cautious, reluctant and clumsy
fear of blame
fear of criticism
contradiction of the will
aversion to the pension
moody or lunatic
blames others
cries during sleep
affection on emotion
aversion to joke
Capsicum and the opposition
The subject is him or the other (and has no identity - he is in harmony with the mothering topic - is it against the other to reach an identity in opposition to the mother? - I don't come from here, from this matrix.
"Wanted to return to my parents" (she felt rejected, neglected) but... during her childhood the patient was unable to speak, she was criticized constantly, reprimanded, rejected.
Without access to his identity (deleted).
She had to get out, to oppose so sometimes violent, making an identity crisis of adolescence that was probably essential to her development.
Capsicum could certainly help in this life step, just as the birth or weaning.
Fear of being criticized.
The inner sense of weakness, lack of confidence, the feeling of lacking identity destabilizes the subject Capsicum who will react by protecting others.
Very critical, their opinions in opposition. It may even build a model, a reference opinion, a new morality.
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