MIND RUBRICS Mind – Fishing – aptitude for

MIND RUBRICS Mind – Fishing – aptitude for


Mind – Fishing – aptitude for : Lyc, Sil

The ability of person to get its purpose by a certain plan or setting.(Trap or hook )

First thing remember the plan or setting ( trap or hook ) is used when things are not going to get in easy way. If fisherman can collect the fishes by hands then he does not need to use trap or hook to catch fishes so as I say usually try to understand the situation where the rubrics born actually.

Example :- .

If products are not selling then one offers attracting offers though those are not beneficial to customers like buy three and get one free, or product on easy installment etc. Through such plans actually they get more profit than usual.

One more practical example of fishing aptitude for :

A lady was choosing dress from shop .
Shopkeeper : Madam, this one dress is very suiting for you !

Lady – Yes ? ReallShopkeeper : Really looking beautiful !

Immediately lady purchased that dress.

Shopkeeper ( In Mind ) : Hushhh ! This one dress was not selling since many days !

For this one should know exactly how to attract or how to fool or how to deceive the peoples to get our purpose. Person having fishing aptitudes may share following traits by nature :

Lycopodium and Silicea both are intellectual, hypocrite and deceitful while Silicea is manipulative, and Lyco is flatterer and charlatan(a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill.)

One more example :

Conversation between LIC agent and client : ( Fishing aptitude for )

LIC agent – Do you want to make policy ?

Client – No , as I have not that much money to save for policy as my expenses are more .

LIC agent – Just think Sir , you have to put aside JUST HUNDRED RUPEES daily for policy from your daily expenses .


LIC agent : Yes Sir , JUST HUNDRED RUPEES daily ! Its nothing for you it will give you a safety and benefit of long time . So please give me 9000/- of three months and documents please !

Client – Now I have 8000 rupees only.

LIC agent – No problem Sir,now we will final your documents with 8000 only , remaining amount I will collect tomorrow.

Client – OK! done

Later client thought I have to pay almost 36000/every year which is far more of my annual budget.
But already I had paid 8000/-which is not refundable now

O my God ! That

made all this problem

Rubrics of LIC agent – Fishing aptitude for

Rubric for Client – Naive

Naive ( Dictionary meaning ) :
(of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.
(of a person) natural and unaffected; innocent.

Rubrics :

Mind – Fishing – aptitude for
Mind – Naive

Example :

A young man went to mobile phone shop to purchase the mobile phone.

Sell Girl – Hello Sir !

Man – I want to purchase a mobile .

Sell Girl – Which one ?

Man – Samsung.

Sell Girl – Sir, do you want to purchase same handset or may I show you better model ?

Man – Better model ?

Sell Girl – Yes Sir, better and cheap in cost also.

Man – Which one ?

Sell Girl – Micromax ! It is have ——
this much facilities and also have a low cost as compare to Samsung.

Man – Give me Micromax only.

Sell Girl – One more thing Sir !

Man – What ?

Sell Girl – We have insurance policy of 3000 rupees on this handset. It will provide you safety even after physical damage of phone.

Man – Oh ! Do that also.

Man paid bill and then he saw a label of Micromax mobile on T-shirt of Sell girl  and then he realised that what she told is just for sells and services of company and not in care of him.

Sell Girl has aptitude for fishing.
Customer Man is Naive.




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