WEAKNESS - single remedy

WEAKNESS - single remedy

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- Day time,during heat of day - Sel 
- Day time, walking ameliorated - ph-ac 
- Morning, Fasting aggravation - con
- Morning, Idea at night; after copious flow of - tab
- Morning, lying aggravation - pulsatilla 
- Evening, bed in,aggravation - lycopodium 
- Abortion, after - kali c,ruta
- Abortion from weakness - sep, sil.
- acute disease, during,but out of proportion - Ars,sul ac
- Anxiety, after - Cocc 
- Appetite, with increase - sec, Sulph 
- Apraxia, during - Nat mur 
- Ascites, from- Lyco 
- Breakfast, about the time of - sep
- Cancer,in - cadmium I,carb an,carb v, Nat c.
- Catarrh, after- kali m
- Causeless - Psor
- Chemotherapy, after - kali p, sep.
- Children, newborn in- aeth.
- Chilliness with - sep
- Coffee, odor of, from- sul ac
- Coition after,in man - calc,kali p, Sel, sil.
- Coition after,in female- Berb,sep.
- Cold,after exposure to- Ars 
- Company, aggravation - sep
- Conversation, after - sil.
- Convulsion, after,hysterical - Ars 
- Dampness,from exposure to - Ars,.
- Descending stairs agg - Stann.
- Diabetes, in - acet ac,ars,lac ac, op,Phos.
- Diarrhoea, suppressed, from- ph ac.
- Dinner,if delayed - sulph 
- Drinking agg,after- Nat mur 
- Drugs,psychotropic, from - sep
- Eruption, after suppressed - Ars s f
- Excessive, pain from - Ars 
- Exertion, as from excessive exertion - apis
- Feet, while washing the- merc
- Food,from sour- aloe
- Gout, after - Cyprus
- Headache, after - Arg n
- Heartburn, from - Lyco
- High attitude, at - coca
- Indigestion, from - colch 
- Leucorrhea, from - con
- Looking down word,agg - kali c
- Love,from unfortunate - ph ac
- Medicine, from abuse of allopathic - carb v,nux vom
- Menses, during,agg, breath, must lie down,can scarcely - nit ac
- mortification, from - ign
- Music, aggravation - lycopodium 
- Numbness with - con
- Operation from,cancer surgery- kali p
- Pain from, sacrum in- sep
- Paralytic, accompanied by,stiffness - lith c
- pollution, nocturnal - Medo 
- Quinine, from abuse of- Ars s f, Chel, Nat m
- Resting head on something and closing eyes ameliorated - Anac
- Sea bath, after- mag m
- Sexual, excitement agg- pic ac
- Sitting impossible - pic ac
- Somnambulism,after - sulph 
- Spinal origen, from - Cocc
- Stooping agg- graph
- Strom,before and during agg - sil
- Sudden,evening - fl ac
- Sudden, Chilliness during - sep
- Sudden,eruption comes out,after the- Ars 
- Sun agg,after- lach,Nat c
- Surprised, from- Gels
- Surprise, pleasant,from - coffia 
- Tea,amelioration - dig
- Transfusion, after blood- p- benzq 
- widows in - con
- Women,obese in - am c
- Young people, in - Ferr

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