Inability to retract the foreskin (prepuce) over and behind the glans penis due to adhesion b/w the inner surface of the prepuce and the glans penis
The adhesion b/w the inner surface of the prepuce and the glans penis is either present at the birth naturally or it may results from the inflamation of the glans (balanitis) or the inflamation both of the glans and the prepuce (balanoposthitis)
The phimosis by birth is called " Physiologic Phimosis " and The phimosis resulting from infection is known as " Pathologic Phimosis "

- Balanitis
- Balanoposthitis
- Pain & Burning while urinating
- Pain during erection
- Discharge of pus
- Blood may be present in urine
- It may be urine retention
- Baloon like shape of the prepuce
- Stenosis on the opening of prepuce t

APIS, AUR, CALC, Cor r, Dig, KALI M, Kali s, Nat c, Rhod, Sars

jac c, Cor r, MERC C, Merc

Pain & Burning while urinating
Apis, ARS, Can s, CANTH, Calc, Cinnb, dig, kali i, Lyc, MERC C, Nit ac, Rhod, Rhus t, Sars, SULPH

Discharge of pus
Hep, sulph, cinnb

Blood in urine
bell, CANTH, can s, kali i, lyc, Merc c, Merc, Nit ac

Retention of urine
APIS, ARN, ARS, BELL, Calc, Can s, CANTH, Coloc, cinnb, Dig, Hep, kali i, LYC, merc c, Nit ac, Rhus t, sulph

Painful Erection
CAN S, CANTH, Dig, hep, kali i, lyc, merc c, Nit ac

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