Allergic to dust, smoke,strong perfumes Histamine 1M weekly (3 Doses)
Allergic to bread, acidic food Nat Mur 30 or 200, 4 hourly
Allergic to beer, malt liquor Kali Bich 30, 4 hourly
Allergic to dust(asthma) Pothos Foe 6X or 30, 4 hourly
Allergic to warm boiled milk, fatty pork (diarrhoea) Sepia 30 or 200, 4 hourly
Allergic to milk Magnesia Carb 30 or 200, 6 hourly
Allergic to cod liver oil Hepar Sulph 30, 6 hourly
Allergic to aspirin, bad liquor, salt butter,bad eggs, poultry items Carvo Veg 30, 4 hourly
Allergic to antibiotics Sulphur 30 or 200, 6 hourly(3 Doses)
Allergic to castor oil Bryonia Album 30, 6 hourly
Allergic to coffee Nux Vomica 30, 4 hourly
Allergic to heat Apis Mel 30, 4 hourly
Allergic to cold drinks, fruits, rotten food, iodine Arsenic Album 30, 4 hourly
Allergic to dampness Dulcamara 30 or 200, 4 hourly
Allergic to smell of flowers(asthma) Ailanthus G, 6X or 30, 4 hourly
Allergic to sweats, fatty meat, onion Thuja Occ 30 or 200, 6 hourly (3 Doses)
Allergic to sugar Argentum Nit 30 or 200, 6 hourly(3 Doses)
Allergic to rice Tellurium 30 or 200, 6 hourly
Allergic to cabbage Petroleum 30 or 200, 6 hourly
Allergic to cheese Nitri spiritus dulcis Q or 30, 6 hourly
Allergic to cold milk Kali Iod 200, 6 hourly
Allergic to decayed vegetables Carbo animalis 30 or 200, 6 hourly
Allergic to unripe fruits, prunes, Rheum 200, 6 hourly
Allergic to veal Kali Nit 200, 6 hourly
Allergic to pastry; rich icecream, mixed food Pulsatilla 30, 4 hourly
Allergic to lemonade Selenium 30 or 200, 6 hourly
Allergic to indigestible food, tonque clean, constant nausea Ipecac 30 or 200, 6 hourly
Allergic to melons Zingiber 30, 4 hourly
Allergic to iodide of potassium Aurum Met 30 or 200, 6 hourly
Allergic to sugar; bitter food Natrum Phos 6X or 30, 4 hourly Incurrent remedy Psorinum 200 or 1M, fortnightly(3 Doses)
Allergic to vinegar; pickles, sour foods, acids Lachesis 200, weekly (3 Doses)
Allergic to strawberries Oxalic Acid 30 or 200, weekly (3 Doses)
Allergic to oysters Lycopodium 200, 6 hourly.
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