Vertigo and its homoeopathic management

(1)Vertigo-turning the head-Cal.c-con-kali-c

(2-)Vertigo-moving the head-Bry.calc.con

(3)Vertigo-Looking up.-Pulse-Sil

(4)Vertigo -Looking down-Phos -Spig -Sulph.

(5)Vertigo while walking.-Nat mur -Nux -Phos -Pulse

(6)Vertigo aggravated on lying (Right) Mur acid -Phos(left) Iod-Phosp -Sil.

(7) Vertigo when rising from seat.Bry -Phos

.(8) Vertigo when ascending -Calc .

(9) Vertigo when descending .Bor.Con.Fer.Gelse.Plat.Sanic.

(10) Vertigo must lie down.Bry.Cocc.Phos.Puls

.(11) Vertigo after sleep.Lach -Petro.

(1) Cocculus+Lobelia +Gelse+Bry.

(2)Petroleum+Ambra g+Cocculus +Conium.

(3)Bry +Cocculus +Conium

use any .All in 30 potency.take 4 pills TDs

.(4)Echinacea q (1p)+Hydrastis can q (1P)

+Equsetum (1p) + Ginkgo biloba q (1/2 P)+

Capsicum q(1/6P). Mix well.take 10 drops .3 times.

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