Homoeopathic Prophylaxis

Homoeopathic Prophylaxis

Abortion - Aconite Napellus (Abortion from fright or anger), Apis Mellifica (Abortion during early months), Arnica montana (Threatened abortion after trauma), Aurum Mur Natronatum, Caulophyllum, Helonias, Kali Carb, Pulsatilla, Sabina, Secale Cornutum, Sepia, Thuja occidentalis, Viburnum Opulis, Viburnum Prunifolium.

Adherent Placenta - Hydrastis.

Adhesions - Calc Fluor.

African Fever - Terebinth.

Air Sickness - Belladonna, Borax.

Alopecia Areata - Calcarea fluor, Fluoric acid.

Animal bite, ill effects - Anagallis Arvensis, Hypericum, Ledum Palustre.

Anthrax - Anthracinum.

Anxiety - Argentum nitricum, Gelsemium.

Apoplexy - Nux Vomica.

Arteriosclerosis - Nux Vomica.

Bed wetting - Sepia, Rhus Toxicodendron, Apocyanum.

Bee sting ill effects - Arnica, Urtica Urens, Apis Mellifica.

Boils - Arnica montana, Berberis vulgaris, Camphor, Hepar Sulph, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Gunpowder.

Burns, Scalds ill effects - Cantharis, Urtica urens.

Calculus - Berberis Vulgaris, Carduus Marianus, China Officinalis, Fragaria, Hydrangea, Lycopodium, Natrum Phos, Terebinth, Urtica Urens.

Car sickness - Cocculus Indicus, Petroleum, Tabacum.

Carbon Monoxide, ill-effects of - Natrum Muriaticum.

Carbuncles - Arnica Montana.

Caries of teeth - Coca.

Cataract - Calcarea Fluor, Calcarea Phos, Cineraria Maritima, Succus, Kali Phos, Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum Sulph, Silicea.

Catheter Fever - Camphoric Acid.

Chicken Pox - Antimonium Crudum, Antimonium Tartaricum, Pulsatilla, Rhus Toxicodendron.

Chillblains - Sulphur, Tuberculinum Bovinum.

Chills - Fucus Vesiculosus.

Cholera - Arsenic Album, Camphora, Choleratoxin, Cuprum Aceticum, Cuprum Metallicum, Lachesis, Sulphur, Veratrum Album.

Coffee Abuse - Guarana (Paullinia Sorbilis).

Cold - Aconite Napellus, Ammonium Carbonicum, Arsenic Album, Bacillinum, Camphora, Chamomilla, Cupressus Australis, Ferrum Phos, Influenzinum, Kali Iodatum, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Saponaria.

Collapse, post operative - Strontium Carb.

Concussion - Arnica.

Convulsions - Amyl Nitrosum, Santoninum.

Coryza - Aconite napellus, Nux Vomica.

Croup - Phosphorus.

Debility - Aletris Farinosa, Caulophyllum, China Officinalis, Helonias, Secale Cornutum.

Delivery, painful - Arnica Montana, Caulophyllum, Cimicifuga, Gelsemium.

Dengue Fever - Eupatorium Perfoliatum.

Dental Complications - Arnica montana, Hecla Lava, Hypericum.

Dentition ill effects - Calcarea Carb, Calc Phos, Chamomilla.

Diarrhoea, Exams - Argentum Nitricum, Gelsemium, Kali Phos.

Difficult parturition - Arnica montana, Caulophyllum, Cimicifuga, Pulsatilla.

Diphtheria - Apis Mellifica, Carbolic acid, Diphtherinum, Diphtherotoxin, Lac Caninum, Mercurius Cyanatus, Phytolacca Decandra, Phytolacca Octandra.

Dog bite,ill effects - Chamomilla,Hydrophobinum.

Dysentry - Aloe Socotrina, Arsenicum Album, Colocynth, Ipecac, Mercurius Corrosivus.

Ear Wax - Conium Maculatum.

Encephalitis - Belladonna, Gelsemium, Opium.

Engorgement - Bryonia Alba.

Epilepsy - Ignatia.

Erysipelas - Graphites.

Examination Fear - Aethusa,Anacardium Orientalis, Argentum Nitricum, Gelsemium, Lycopodium.

Excoriation - Agnus Castus.

Fatigue - Arsenicum Album, Rhus Toxicodendron.

Felons - Calcarea Sulph.

Filaria - Calcarea Fluor, Ferrum Phos.

Flea bite, ill effects - Pulex Irritans.

Fractures ill effects - Arnica, Eupatorium Perfoliatum.

Frost Bite - Camphora Spiritus, Fluoric Acid, Pulsatilla, Sulphur.

Gall Stones - Chelidonium, China Officinalis, Chionanthus Virginica, Cholesterinum.

Ganglion - Ruta graveolens.

Gangrene - Arsenicum album, Calendula Officinalis.

Gnat bite, ill effects - Cantharis.

Gonorrhoea - Sepia.

Gout - Benzoic acid, Colchicum, Fragaria, Gaultheria oil.

Grey Hair - Thyroidinum, Lycopodium.

Haemorrhage - Arnica Montana, Coca, Millefolium, Phosphorus, Pituitrin, Pulsatilla.

Haemorrhoids - Hamamelis, Ratanhia.

Hair dyes ill effects - Sulphur.

Hair fall - Embelica, Fluoric acid, Lycopodium, Phosphoric Acid, Calc fluor, Selenium, Thyroidin.

Harelip - Calcarea, Sulphur.

Hay Fever - Allium Cepa, Arsenic Album, Psorinum.

Head injuries ill effects - Natrum Sulph, Arnica montana.

Hernia - Cocculus indicus.

Herpes - Hepar Sulph, Variolinum.

Hiccough - Cajuputum, Morphine.

Hydrocephalus - Apis Mellifica, Calcarea Phos, Mercurius Solubilis, Podophyllum, Sulphur.

Hydrophobia - Belladonna, Cantharis, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Lyssin.

Infant Liver - Medorrhinum.

Inflammation of veins - Hamamelis Virginica.

Influenza - Arsenic Album, Camphora Spiritus, Carbo Vegetabilis, Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Ferrum Phos, Gelsemium, Influenzinum, Kali Iodatum, Lachesis, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Rhus Toxicodendron, Sepia, Sulphur, Thuja Occidentalis, Tuberculinum Bovinum.

Injuries ill effects - Arnica montana, Carbo Vegetabilis.

Ivy Poison ill effects - Tanacetum Vulgare.

Jaundice - China officinalis, Kali Muriaticum, Nux Vomica.

Journey (Travel) Sickness - Coca, Arnica montana.

Laparotomy ill effects - China officinalis, Phosphorus, Staphysagria.

Lockjaw - Hypericum.

Malarial Fever - Arsenic album, Chininum arsenicosum, Chininum Sulph, China Officinalis, Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Gelsemium, Malaria Officinalis, Natrum Muriaticum, Sulphur, Terebinth.

Malformation - Phosphorus.

Mania,Phobia - Alumina, Calc Carb, Cannabis Indica, Cimicifuga, Graphites, Kali Brom, Lac Caninum, Lilium Tigrinum, Mancinella, Natrum Muriaticum, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Stramonium.

Marasmus - Calc Phos, Iodum, Plumbum, Natrum Muriaticum.

Measles - Aconite Napellus, Arsenicum Album, Morbillinum, Pulsatilla, Rubella, Sulphur.

Meningitis - Bacillinum, Belladonna, Cicuta Virosa.

Mosquito bite, ill effects - Ledum palustre, Pulex Irritans, Pyrethrum, Staphysagria.

Mumps - Mercurius Iodatum Flavum, Parotidinum, Pilocarpin, Trifolium pratense.

Oak Poisoning ill effects - Rhus Toxicodendron.

Operation Fear - Arnica Montana, Phosphorus.

Operation ill effects - Arnica montana, Hypericum.

Otitis Media - Baryta Carb.

Paralysis - Causticum, Cuprum Metallicum, Gelsemium, Opium, Rhus Toxicodendron, Silicea.

Plague - Badiaga, Cuprum Metallicum, Mercurius Vivus, Naja, Plaguinum.

Polio - Carbolic Acid, Lathyrus Sativa, Physostigma, Plumbum Metallicum, Poliomyelitis Nosode.

Puerperal Fever - Pyrogen.

Pus Infection - Arnica Montana, Calendula, Rhus Toxicodendron, Sulphuric Acid.

Pyaemia - Arnica montana, Pyrogeninum.

Pyorrhoea - Calcarea Renalis.

Quinsy - Baryta Carb, Hepar Sulph, Psorinum.

Rabies - Arsenicum Album, Belladonna, Cantharis, Danda Kalsa, Lyssinum, Hyoscyamus, Scutellaria, Laterriflora, Spirea Ulmaria, Strammonium.

Rachitis - Calcareacarb, Calcarea Phos, Silicea,THyroidin.

Radiation Sickness - Arnica Montana, Cadmium Iodatum, Fluoric Acid, Radium bromide, Phosphorus, Silicea, x-ray.

Radium Burn - Cadmium Iodatum, Cadmium Sulph

Respiratory Infection - Quadruple Nosode, Influenzinum, Bacillinum, Pneumococcinum, Streptococcinum.

Scarlet Fever - Ailanthus Glandulosa, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Phytolacca, Scarletinum, Sulphur, Rhus Toxicodendron.

Scirrhus - Scirrhinum.

Sea Sickness - Antimonium Crudum, Apomorphine, Cocculus Indicus, Hyoscyamus, Petroleum, Tabacum, Theridion.

Sinusitis - Distemper.

Small Pox - Antimonium Tartaricum, Malandrinum, Sarracenia, Sulphur, Thuja occidentalis, Vaccinum, Variolinum.

Snake bite, ill effects - Golondrina, Euphorbia Prostata.

Stage Fright - Anacardium, Gelsemium, Ignatia.

Still birth - Actea Racemosa.

Styes - Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, Sulphur.

Sun sensitivity ill effects - Mezereum.

Sunburn - Belladonna, Cantharis.

Suppuration - Arnica montana, Calendula officinalis, Pyrogeninum, Sulphuric Acid.

Sunstroke - Gelsemium, Glonoine, Ilex Paraguayensis, Natrum muriaticum.

Syphilis - Aurum Mur Natronatum.

Tartar - Bacillinum, Calcarea Renalis, Fragaria.

Tetanus - Aconite Napellus, Arnica Montana, Belladonna, Calendula officinalis, Chloralum, Cicuta Virosa, Hypericum, Ledum Palustre, Magnesia Phos, Silicea, Tetanus Antitoxin, Veratrum Album.

Tonsillitis - Bacillinum, Baryta Carb, Psorinum, Thuja.

Tooth Extraction ill effects - Arnica Montana.

Trauma - Arnica Montana.

Tuberculosis - Arsenic Iodatum, Bacillinum, Equisetum, Tuberculinum Bovinum.

Typhoid Fever - Baptisia, Bryonia Alba, Hyoscyamus, Typhoidinum.

Vaccination ill effects - Malandrinum, Sulphur, Thuja occidentalis, Variolinum.

Varicose Veins - Hamamelis, Pulsatilla.

Vomiting - Phosphorus.

Warts - Fluoric Acid, Mercurius Solubilis, Nitricum Acid, Sulphur, Thuja occidentalis.

Wasp bite, ill effects - Arnica Montana.

Whisky addiction - Ledum Palustre, Pulsatilla.

Whitlow - Silicea.

Whooping Cough - Antimonium tartaricum, Carbo Vegetabilis, Cuprum Metallicum, Drosera, Hydrcyanic acid, Pertussin, Pulsatilla.

Wisdom tooth impaction - Arnica montana.

Worms - Calcarea Carb, Cina, Natrum Muriaticum.

X-Ray Burns - Cadmium Iodata, Phosphorus, X-Ray.

Yellow Fever - Cimicifuga, Carbo Vegetabilis.

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Burns and homoeopathy


💊Kali mur [Kali-m]    
  ⛔Burns of the first degree, also those of the second. Blisters form, also scalds from boiling water. Can be applied externally. White or grayish exudation over wound.

💊Calcarea sulph [Calc-s]     
⛔Burns when suppurating.

💊Natrum phos [Nat-p]    
 ⛔ Burns with suppuration; also externally

💊.Natrum mur [Nat-m]   
   💊When blisters has been formed.

Types of homeopathic practice

Types of homeopathic practice

✔Various prescribing habits have developed in different countries or at different

✔ A clear conceptual division has emerged between two main schools of
practice, classical and complex.

✔Classical homeopaths generally treat with a single
remedy that exactly matches the patient’s inherent constitutional type and symptom

✔ There are occasions, however, particularly in the case of acute illness or
injury, where the physical symptoms far outweigh the emotional and other
symptoms. In cases such as these a more pragmatic approach may be taken, using
combinations of remedies in low potencies.

✔ Thus, for instance, five or six remedies
known to be helpful for influenza might be combined in a single tablet. This is the
complex approach, based on the theories of the British homeopath Dr. Richard
Hughes , and also known sometimes as combination homeopathy or

✔In some situations, generally of an acute nature, it may be adopted
by classical homeopaths, but in certain countries it is actually the standard method
of prescribing.

✔ In 1948 it was officially sanctioned by the American Institute of
Homeopathy, and in many European countries, such as France and Germany,
polypharmacy is more common than classical homeopathy.


✔Further variations on the homeopathic principle include isopathy, in which a
potentized microdilution of the substance causing the disorder is actually used to treat
the symptoms: for example, Apis (which is made from the sting of bee) might be given
to someone to treat a bee sting.

✔A classical homeopath will generally only expect a 20 to
30 percent success rate using this method, since it does not take into account the unique
constitution of each patient.

✔A refinement of this concept is tautopathy, in which the
exact substance triggering the symptoms is used to make a remedy for treating those

✔ In theory this means that the remedy for a bee sting would be prepared from
the actual bee that had inflicted the sting.

✔In practice the concept is most commonly used
for allergic reactions, such as treating a child with a remedy made from a vaccination to which child had received.

Source: Encyclopedia of Homeopathy

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The quickest results I have ever beheld from any homeopathic remedy, I have witnessed from the internal administration of Ledum in Mosquito bites ; it is one of the most certain proofs of the action of small doses to cure quickly, safely, and pleasantly.
Whilst in Canada in the autumn of 1854, some of my English friends were  complaining bitterly of the Mosquitoes that were busily humming round us. Much ridicule had passed respecting homoeopathy.
Having previously seen and felt the effects of Ledum, I determined to give them all positive proof that the little doses were sufficiently large to cure. I then explained to them the meaning of the fifteenth potency, and sent a messenger to the American side of the river for a bottle of Ledum globules, of the 10th potency. All present (there were eight,) eagerly tried the cure, not having any faith in its efficacy, when to their surprise, almost before the solution of the globules in their mouths, they lost the intolerable itching, which invariably accompanies mosquito bites, and, with some individuals, often lasts for weeks.
They voted their thanks to homoeopathy, accompanied with expressions of regret that they had not been previously aware of its “powerful medicines.” Many other cases of the use of Ledum in Mosquito bites have come under my notice, and all have been as satisfactorily cured as the one above related.

Reference: “Arnica, calendula, cantharides, ledum, ruta, and rhus tox as external remedies in cases of accident, etc. Henry Thomas, M.D.


Scars are the end result of the body’s natural healing processes. All kinds of injuries – burns, cuts, surgical incisions and trauma – form scars when they heal. These scars can be of different shapes, sizes and colors. Sometimes scars are raised from the surrounding areas of skin. Such a scar stands out and is very noticeable
Scar tissue forms in injured areas of our bodies and replaces cells that have been destroyed. It appears either inside the body or on its surface and is a normal part of the body's healing process whenever we have a significant injury. Scar tissue acts as a barrier and protects the place that was injured, but it unfortunately lacks the functionality of the original tissue and has low elasticity. On the surface of the body it may be a cosmetic problem or even be disfiguring.
Scar tissue on our skin looks different from the surrounding area and is usually referred to as a “scar". Some people develop hypertrophic scars on their skin. These are larger than normal and have a lumpy appearance. Keloid scars are raised and spread beyond the wound. Atrophic scars are sunken and form depressions in the skin. Inside the body, scar tissue in the form of adhesions or fibrosis may cause problems
Scar tissue is made of fibrous connective tissue. Connective tissue supports and connects body structures and holds them in place. Fibrous connective tissue contains fibres made of a protein called collagen. It also contains cells called fibroblasts, which make the collagen, as well as water and carbohydrates.
Fibrous connective tissue is sometimes known as dense connective tissue because the collagen fibres are densely packed and there are comparatively few cells present. It's a normal component of the body and is present in uninjured areas. Researchers have discovered that the connective tissue in scars has a slightly different structure from normal fibrous connect
ive tissue.

Scars may be caused by wounds such as burns, surgical incisions, physical injury, chemical injury, infections, diseases, inflammation and acne. Not all wounds cause scars. There must be significant damage to the body before scar formation is triggered. Some people tend to form scars more easily than others, however.
Scars on the skin are red when they are first made due to an increased blood flow as the wound heals. Over time, the blood supply decreases and the scar becomes paler. Scars may take many months or even years to reach their final form.
Skin scars are thicker than their surroundings. The scar lacks hair, sweat glands, and melanin (the chemical which protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation).
Abnormal skin scars
Hypertrophic Scars: In a hypertrophic scar too much collagen is made. The scar forms a raised area or lump above the wounded area of the skin. The lump is often pink in its early stages and may be itchy.
Keloid Scars
Keloid scars grow beyond the wound, forming a reddish tumour. This tumour is benign (not cancerous) and consists mainly of collagen. Keloid scars may form as a response to injury, but in some people they form spontaneously, with no known cause. They may be itchy and create a burning sensation.
Atrophic Scars
Atrophic scars look like pits in the skin and may be formed during skin problems such as acne and chicken pox. In this case, not enough connective tissue is formed to fill in the wound.
Homoeopathic remedies are best for dissolving scars without any side effects. Some of the important remedies are given below-
Causticum is the top Homeopathic medicine for scar formation following burns.It is suitable for deep scars. It works well in treatment of both scar formation soon after burns and when old burn scars resurface and re-freshen, leading to Keloid formation
Calcarea fluor. is best for deep scars. Injuries become sore again. Calcarea fluor. is good for birth marks, scar marks and hard skin.
Graphites is another remedy , and it is of great help for the early stage of scar formation. Graphites acts very effectively in the very beginning of formation to absorb the scar tissue and dissolve the scar.Somtimes from the scar oozes out a thin, sticky fluid.
Silicea is very effective for scar tissues especially forming after after drying up of pimples , blotches or ulcers. It is also good for scar formation after vaccination. Sometimes there is fistulous furrowingunder the process of suppuration. Also constitutional symptoms like , excessive offensive sweat on feet and sensitivity towards cold air may be present.The patient is chilly.
Both Crocus and Lachesis are best for old scars of wounds open again and again with a tendency to suppurate.
Lyssin is effective for dissolving scars left by the bite of a dog.
Hypericum is effective when nerves are affected. There is slight paralysis due to entanglement of nerves in the scar. Hypericum is best for removing effects of pain and bruises or injury to an old scar.
Silicea is best for burning pain in the scar of an abdomen after the operation.
Fluoric Acid is the best for scars that itch.The old scars become red around edges and itch. The itching disappears following the use of Fluoric Acid and the scars also begins to disappear . The itching may get worse by heat
These two remedies are used for the removal of ugly scars left after cure of small pox and chicken pox.
These remedies are best for removing scars left by small pox , or chicken pox on the face.

A few illustrations of king-pin rubrics and the expressions

A few illustrations of king-pin rubrics and the expressions from which they were drawn will throw some light on the methodology of this unique technique. Thereafter three illustrative cases will be given.
Expression Rubric (page No.)
1. It is for many days now, there is no relief. How long I shall have to wait? FEAR, extravagance of
2. Sir, there should be some relief at least to rely upon Fear, extravagance of
3. On what basis to wait further? Fear, extravagance of
4. Patient is irritable and says for how long I shall have to wait? I am much annoyed with your treatment. Irritable, pain during
5. I am at the dead end. No further fight. I am defeated. This is how I feel. Discouraged.
6. Somehow I am pulling on, he tells you in an egoistic tone and adds: but if I get medicine it will become easy to do so. SHREIKING aid for
7. Please do something for me. Call some doctor. I am badly involved. DELIRIUM, crying for help
8. I was making efforts with the aid of some auxiliary means to tide over the phase but it seems I can not depend upon them now. I must call for the regular treatment. DELUSION, help calling for
9. All life seems to have gone out of me. Limbs become numb and without energy. Everything is as if heading towards stagnation. It becomes so loose and out of co-ordination that ultimately I have to throw my body on something. TORPOR
10. I want to remain quiet. QUIET wants to be
11. If I have to think that I have become a burden, I fear that. FEAR, burden of becoming
12. There is no further way out. HELPLESSNESS, feeling of
13. I cannot bear it. IMPATIENCE, pain from
14. I want to be out of this routine. I feel as if I am in a prison. ENNUI
15. I was expecting some relief. Instead of that, I got headache as an addition to my present misery. DELUSION, wrong has suffered.
16. If it happens the way I do not want, it angers me. ANGER, contradiction from
17. I am always worried about my domestic affairs. CARES, full of, domes­tic affairs about
18. I have no hope of recovery. DESPAIR, recovery of
19. Please do not disclose anything about my sickness to anyone. SECRETIVE
20. Will I be able to go to ray work? They say I will have aggravation Hrst? BUSINESS.talks of
21. Oh, if onlyl could be saved from the next attack of the disease. ESCAPE.attempts to
22. I may beat my child and punish him; but he is not bothered about it. INDIFFERENCE to suffering
23. Whenever someone gives him some hope (light), that his mother will return soon, he laughs. LIGHT, desire for
24. The child never allows the mother to go out of sight. CLINGING, to persons.
25. Let me tell you the truth... Actually... NAKED, wants to be 


Practicing in Delhi I don't expect a pt will come to me and say that I have an ability to catch the fish as there are no lakes or pounds in delhi. So this rubric is use less for me. But if you use it metaphorically it can be easily used
Metaphorical meaning of FISHING is .To take advantage of troubled and uncertain condition for personal profit
So for any person who has an ability to take profit form troubled condition we can use this rubric
Only two med are there
LYCO is corrupt and can employ every possible means to achieve his ambition.



Chamomilla. [Cham] 

This remedy is almost specific for the lesser ailments of dentition. Many physicians, however, express themselves as finding it of doubtful value. It is however, a most useful remedy, and those who use it in the lower potencies are the only ones who are disappointed in its use. It is a remedy which acts far better in the 6th or 12th potencies than in strengths below these. Its symptoms are well known; child is peevish and fretful, one cheek is red, the other pale. The head and scalp are bathed in sweat, and a greenish, offensive diarrhoea is present. The mental condition of the child will invariably indicate the drug. The gums are red and tender. Ferrum phosphoricum especially useful when the respiratory tract becomes involved, with rapid breathing, hoarseness, cough dry and hard and patient very restless. Persistent diarrhoea, as a result of teething, may indicate Ferrum in some of its forms. Agaricus IX and 2X is a most useful remedy for simple irritability,fretfulness and restlessness of teething children; itching is an additional symptom.

Belladonna. [Bell]
This remedy suits both the febrile condition of Aconite and nervous erethism of Chamomilla. It is especially indicated by its cerebral hyperaemia,high fever and tendency to convulsions , violent starting and jumping , red face and other Belladonna symptoms. Terebinth. Raue, quoting from Cooper, recommends this remedy for teething , with restless at night, distension of the gums and symptoms of irritation. It acts promptly.

Calcarea carbonica. [Calc]Slowness in teething, with convulsions, or opposite state, where children teethe too rapidly, may indicate it. In backward dentition,where the gums are pale and shiny and teeth a long time in coming through, it is indicated in those children who present Calcarea characteristics.
Calcarea phosphorica [Calc-p]suits especially emaciated, rachitic children with open fontanelles, who are slow in teething and whose teeth decay rapidly. There is an actual deficiency of bone tissue. During the period of dentition an occasional dose of Calcarea phosphorica will often prevent all troubles. I use the 6X trituration. A diarrhoea may accompany.

Kreosote .[Kreos]An excellent teething remedy; dentition is very painful and difficult, the gums are spongy and painful, the child worries and tosses all night and the night, when erupted, show marks of decay on them. There is either constipation or undigested diarrhoeic stools. Zincum. The child is drowsy, has a pale face and brain symptoms occur during the process of dentition.

Six Homeopathic Remedies For Insect Stings & Bites

To select the most appropriate Homeoapathic remedy try to match the symptoms to the remedies listed below.
Aconite: shock and nervousness. There may be numbness and tingling.
Cantharis: Violent burning and smarting pains overshadow all other symptoms. Blisters may develop. Better for warmth,
Apis: Rapid swelling, looks red and angry, with stinging and burning pain. Worse for warmth, better for cold.
Ledum: Chilly sensation, but better for cold application, worse for warm applications.  Watery swellings which may look red and inflamed.
Urtica Urens: Itchy blotchy skin reactions, looks like nettle rash.
Staphysagria: Large bites which may itch violently with smarting, stinging pains which are worse for cold, better for warmth. Feels irritable and sensitive to touch.

Seek Medical Help Immediately:

  • In the event of a severe allergic reaction
  • Great Swelling which spreads rapidly
  • The lips tongue or joints become swollen
  • If the sting is in the mouth or throat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Wheezing
  • Palpitations of the heart
  • A bite or sting becomes unbearable painful or itchy
  • The person appears confused or faint

Mannish rubric - men's look, physical and mental activities like a man

Remedies of mannish rubrics:
Acid flr = mannish + bony, reaction will be Buoyancy (maje lo)
Nat Mur = mannish + whisker + sensitivity, reaction will be Hateredness
Ign = mannish + whisker + studious + image conscious, reaction will be = grief se anger me jaayega and Ferum me anger se grief me jaayega bt Ferum is not in mannish.
Staph = mannish + chilly +everything suppressed, reaction will be suppressed anger (staph, aurum, carc)
Sulph = mannish + untidy
Carbo veg = mannish + everything slow
Petroleum = Mannish + lean thin + fast, look older than his age
Sepia = Mannish + Broad Pelvis + Indifference to loved one
Graphitis = mannish + anxiety conscience + chilly + lft side (like puls)

Homeopathic Remedies for Body Odor

Homeopathic Remedies for Body Odor

Sulphur 30 , and Psorinum 30 : Best Homeopathic remedies for body odor
The top natural Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of body odor are Sulphur and Psorinum. Both these remedies act as very powerful agents to get rid of body odor. These natural body odor remedies are successful in treating even the acute cases of body odor .
In 30 potency , should be taken for a week . Take one remedy and after 15 minutes take the other.
Hepar Sulph in 30 potency , and Rheum Palmatum 3 or 6 potency:
Homeopathic remedies for curing sour body odor
Hepar Sulph and Rheum Palmatum are the top natural Homeopathic medicines for sour body odor. Hepar Sulph brings about the best results in cases of sour body odor as soon as there is any exertion. The exertion can be either physical or mental. The person also starts sweating after any of these exertions. Rheum Palmatum is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when sour smell from the body does not disappear even after washing with water.
Silicea 30 :
Top Homeopathic remedy for foul odor from feet
Silicea is a natural Homeopathic remedy of great help for treating foul odor from feet. Silicea is even successful in treating horribly offensive odor emanating from the feet.
Homeopathic treatment for bad odor from armpits
Sulphur 30 , is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for body odor when armpits exude fetid smell. Even washing does not help to reduce that smell.

Verbascum – Verbascum Thapsus

Verbascum – Verbascum Thapsus  This homeopathic medicine Verbascum thapsus is very effective in curing ear aches and ear infecti...