✔An hour spent with a master like Dr. Vijayakar is worth more than a year of intense study in the library. What I am quoting here are only a few of the golden nuggets from his passing remarks made while discussing the cases.

1. Do not treat for fistula in a patient because you are then treating the ‘Disease in Man’ instead of treating the ‘Man in disease’. Find out the cause and treat.

2. Homeopathy is immunity based and not disease based and our remedies do modulation of immunity.

3. Single remedy, single dose cures of even the most advanced pathologies are only possible with Genetic Constitutional Similimum (GCS).

4. Nothing in this world happens without a cause and the cause of every disease is miasm.

5. Change in mental disposition is most important to note in acutes as also ‘Ailments from’. Once the miasm changes to sycosis or syphilis, these aspects cease to be of importance in arriving at the GCS.

6. Acutes are again of 2 types – purely psoric, like fever, headache, colic, spasms, diarrhea, vomiting etc., which are all ‘in control’ physiologic defenses; and the other kind, psoro-syphilitic like panic attacks, meningitis, acute abdomen etc. which are all ‘going out of control’ mechanisms.

7. As doctors we are only repairers and we cannot create anything.

8. Side of the body affected in the patient is most important to consider, because it belongs to genetic expression and is of significance while deciding GCS.
I understood this aspect to mean that if a patient with a space occupying lesion originating in the right hemisphere is to be given GCS, you need to give a left sided remedy (corresponding to the right hemispherical dominance), no matter how many right sided symptoms appear in your patient, because they are all secondary to the growth impingement (mass effect) of the tumour on the left hemisphere and GCS needs to address the primary genetic expression. That rules out a remedy like Lycopodium ranking high in the repetorization chart and points to a remedy like Lachesis, even if its keynote symptoms like loquacity etc. are all absent. The former is just the constitutional similimum which may at best palliate if not suppress the growth, while the latter remedy which is the GCS will cure the patient.

9. Left side symptoms in a patient mostly denote some unhappy circumstance or life situation relating to the spouse, children or those who are dependent on him; while right side symptoms relate to stressful situations from boss, parents, uncles, aunts etc., because body and mind are mirror reflections of each other. We have to work from the concrete and solid facts seen and felt in the body of the patient, and thus work from the known to the unknown, but not from the other way round, as it is abstract and fluid and liable to misinterpretation.

10. In chronics, we need to give importance to the physical makeup, whether the patient is lean or stout, tall or short, whether both eyes are of the same colour or different etc., because all these owe their expression to the genetic disposition of the patient.

11. Psora is different from Psoric defense and the two should not be confused. Psora is our basic need mental (love, support, self-esteem) and physical (air, water, food). Psora is something that keeps us going on and on, and when this cycle of harmony is broken – it is then that psoric defense comes into play – cells start getting inflamed etc. Thus Psoric defense is a reaction from starving of some life giving support system. (Probably what Dr. Vijayakar is referring to here are latent psora and active psora.)

12. In the 3 normal birthing process, the child undergoes a gradual transformation from anxiety (sharing the process of separation from the mother) to fear of descent through the birth canal and then shock of coming down into an environment totally different from what it got accustomed to inside the womb. But children born by cesarean come into this world with a sudden change in the environment without the benefit of undergoing the prior anxiety – fear- shock in a phased and gradual manner, and such babies start their lives directly in the syphilitic miasm. Similarly children born by the mother taking injections for a painless birthing process are also born syphilitic. Whether the child cried immediately after birth is a question that must be probed in every case.

13. Sensitivity belongs to the remedy/ constitution while reaction belongs to the miasm.

14. Basic traits in a person cannot be changed, but their expression tempered so that the person’s existence and energies will be channeled in constructive, rather than destructive ways. Thus, cases of fanaticism, religious fanaticism, terrorism and all such aberrations can be corrected.

15. Sycosis is slow and insidious in its development and more dangerous than the syphilitic miasm. We can get very fast results in syphilitic cases and the miasm reversed easily into sycosis.

16. ‘Amelioration by’ – rubrics are all sycotic and better not considered, because they are all related to subjective feeling. We want our patients to GET better and not just FEEL better. Aggravating factors belong to either the Psoric or Syphilitic miasm and can be relied upon. Desires also belong to Sycosis and are better ignored. So also, do not consider rubrics like ‘Hatred’ etc in repertorisation. At best those rubrics are to be used to identify the miasm in the patient

17. Homosexuality and other sexual perversions are against nature’s laws and all such cases can be cured with the GCS.

18. Meditation is forbidden while under homeopathy treatment. When not done properly and with correct method, it can interfere and spoil the case. Physiotherapy is also contraindicated in certain diseases like cerebral palsy.

19. Do not give GCS during an acute condition. A remedy based on the phenotype is to be given.

20. The best physician is the least prescriber

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