P -- fears to be alone, is afraid of the dark, in a thunder storm, restlessness and great anxiety.
H -- Haemorrhagic diathesis, slight wound bleed much.
O -- Optimistic and Escapism is a cornerstone of PHOSPHORUS ' defence mechanism.
S -- Sanguine temperament.
P -- Patient appearance, tall,slender,fair skin,blonde or red hair,quickly,lively perception and sensitive nature.
H -- Hunger-must eat often or he faints,right after or soon after a meal,is hungry,hungry in the night,must eat. Relived by eating but is soon hungry again.
O -- Oedema or bloating, oedema all around the eyes and whole face bloats.
R -- Respiratory organs,pneumonia-lower half of rt. lung, pleuritis,pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumo-typhus.
U -- Ulceration tendency
S -- Spine and brain-burning sensation, feeling of intense heat running up the back (BETWEEN THE SCAPULA )

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