Role of Homeopathy in Diseases arising from Air Pollution

Role of Homeopathy in Diseases arising from Air Pollution
Homeopathy heals holistically!
Homeopathic medicines stimulates the body’s inner strength and boost the immune system to work well i.e. to reduce the disease load and to improve the overall health.
The constitutional or individualized homeopathy is known to reduce to tendency to catch respiratory illnesses.
The prescription is dependent upon symptoms, signs, tendencies, history and causation.
The treatment can be curative, palliative or supportive depending upon state and staging of disease.
In every stage homeopathy has a definitive role to play.
Homeopathic medicines can be taken safely along with other/conventional medications (ADD-ON Therapy).
In addition to constitutional/individualized medicines, the following medicines are frequently used on the basis of causation and symptom similarity:
Allium cepa: Rhinitis, coryza copious, fluent, watery, acrid discharge; burning in nose, mouth, throat; violent sneezing; eyes red, burning with profuse, watery, bland lacrimation; headache, cough, hoarseness.
Ammonium carb: Complaints from fumes, charcoal fumes; emphysematous changes in lungs; frequent sneezing, profuse discharge from nose, burning like hot water; stoppage of nose at night, wake up from sleep; sensation of dust particles in throat; dry tickling cough; chokes; wheezing.
Arsenicum album: An important remedy that is used in majority of complaints incidental to air pollutants, e.g. conjunctivitis, rhinitis, asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, leukaemia and other malignancies, etc; quick respiration; suffocation inducing cough; scanty, frothy expectoration; sneezing without relief; burning in eyes; burning pains all over.
Blatta orientalis: Complaints from fumes, coal dust, smoke; relieves bronchospasm, acts as expectorant; dyspnoea, oppression of breathing; cough, with thick and purulent sputum.
Bromium: Complaints from coal dust; allergy to dust; complaints of sailors who suffer from asthma when they go ashore, better on sea. Dry spasmodic cough, airway feels filled with smoke; difficulty in inspiring, as if breathing through sponge.
Carbo veg: Complaints from carbon gas, carbon monoxide, dust, smoke, fumes from incomplete combustion of fuels. Collapse from imperfect oxidation. Oppressed, quick respiration; air-hunger, longing for fresh air; wants windows open; long spasms of cough with weakness, wheezing, gagging.
Cassia sophera: Complaints from exposure to dust, smoke; asthma, dry cough, with pain in chest, irritation in throat, better warmth; expectoration thick, yellowish; worse during winters, change of weather.
Dulcamara: Ailments from changing, damp environment, foggy weather, cold damp conditions, air-conditioned rooms; dry, teasing, spasmodic cough; hoarseness; dyspnoea after physical exertion.
Euphrasia: Inflammation of the conjunctiva; profuse acrid lacrimation; profuse, fluent bland coryza, sneezing in morning; violent cough in day time, abundant expectoration; worse indoors, warmth; better in open air.
Lobelia inflata: Ailments from smoke, dust; emphysematous changes; extreme dyspnoea; cough with sneezing, gasping; scanty expectoration; extreme nausea and vomiting, cannot bear taste or smell of tobacco.
Natrum sulph: Ailments incidental to spring & rainy season; dyspnoea; coughs continuously, towards end hacks up thick, ropy, greenish mucus.
Pothos foetidus: Ailments from smoke, dust; great dyspnoea and cough, frequent sneezing, pain in throat and chest, anxiety, abdominal distension and tension, better in open air.
Phosphorus: An important remedy that may be used in majority of complaints incidental to air pollutants, e.g. conjunctivitis, rhinitis, asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, leukaemia, and other malignancies, etc. Breathing anxious, panting, short, hurried, very much oppressed; tightness across chest; violent hard, dry, tight, racking cough in spasmodic paroxysms.
Plumbum metallicum: An important remedy for lead toxicity. Interference with homoeostasis, rapid reduction in number of red cells, with pallor, icterus, anaemia. Localized neuralgic pains, neuritis, paralysis, wrist drop; stinging and tearing in limbs, with twitching, numbness.
Sulphurous acid: Persistent choking cough with copious expectoration; hoarseness, constriction of chest, difficult breathing.
Sabadilla: Rhinitis, pharyngitis; violent spasmodic sneezing, abundant watery nasal discharge, itching and tingling in nose, redness and burning in eyes, lacrimation, frontal headache, dryness and irritation in throat.
Sambucus: Nasobronchial hypersensitivity; paroxysmal nightly suffocative attacks; nose stopped up at night, breath through mouth; cough deep, restlessness, profuse perspiration.
Sanguinaria can: Nasobronchial hypersensitivity, asthmatic bronchitis. Severe dyspnoea, constriction in chest, severe spasmodic cough. Expectoration of thick yellow mucus, dislodged with difficulty. Sneezing, profuse watery mucus from nose; sensitive to flowers, odours.
Spongia: Complaints from sudden change of atmosphere, smoke. Severe form of asthmatic bronchitis, with dryness of respiratory tract. Severe dyspnoea, with wheezing, suddenly wakes up at night with intense suffocation; respiration rapid, short.

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