Role of homoeopathy in Impotency

Absence of erections. Impotence. — Caust., Con.
Entire absence of erections and desire. — Nuph.
Erections absent, when coition is attempted. — Arg-n.
Erections absent, even after amorous caresses. — Calad.
Erections absent, nothing can produce. — Agar.
Penis relaxed during embrace. — Nux-v.
Complete impotence. — Coloc.
Impotence with mental depression, relaxed penis. — Agn., Calad., Con., Lyc., Nux-v., Sel., Sulph.
During coition feeble erection. Impotence. — Sel.
Impotence in elderly men. — Lyc.
Incomplete coition, erection weak emission speedy. — Calc., Nat-c., Nux-v., Sulph.
No erection even after caress. — Calad., Calc., Graph.
No emission, no orgasm during an embrace. — Sel., Sep.
Incomplete erection during coition. — Con., Graph., Lyc., Ph-ac., Phos.,Sep., Sulph., Ther.
Erection fails when coition is attempted. — Agn., Arg-n., Calad., Graph., Nux-v.,Phos., Sel., Sulph

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