POINTERS to remedy selection
1. Arg nit-hurriedness
2. Ars alb-insecurity, desire company, possessive, avaricious, fastidiousness, anxiety about health.
3. Aurum met- depression and loathing of life
4. Baryta carb-misplaced
5. Bryonia-loneliness and insecurity
6. Calc phos-discontended
7. Causticum-graudal paralysis, graduality
8. Carbo veg-sluggishness, coldness, desire to be fanned
9. Chelidonium-forceful individual
10. Dulcamara-domineering and possessive
11. Hepar sulph-oversensitive and abusive
12. Ignitia-women liberation, grief
13. kali bich-narrowness
14. Kali carb-distinctive personality, committed, dogmatically to the sense of duty, inflexible to rigid degree
15. Lachesis-constantly seeking outlet for relief
16. Mag mur-sour temperament
17. Medo- fitful, unstable, profusion inversion
18. Merc-lack of reactive power coupled with inability or inefficiency of functions
19. Nat mur-introversion
20. Nit acid- dissatisfaction
21. Phos acid-weakness or enfeeblement
22. Phosphorous- diffusion
23. Platinum-exemplifies the process of perversion and conflict between normal function
24. Plumbum-paresis
25. Pulsatilla-changeability
26. Rhus tox-stiffness
27. Sepia- bipolar conditions of body
28. Silica-yeilding
29. Stannum met- exhaustion
30. Staphysagria- suppression of emotions
31. Stramonium- violence
32. Thuja-ugly and deceitful
33. Tuberculinum-changeability (extreme levels)
34. Veratrum-constant activity.
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