
RESTLESSNESS - mental & physical


MENTAL OVER-STIMULATION. Unhealthy acuteness of mind, precocity.

CONFUSION AS TO HIS IDENTITY. Religious delusion he is Christ or a person that has to save the world. Delusions he’s a great person. Feel they must protect the weak.

RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS. Religious delirium. Praying. Preaching.
Religious despair. Anxiety about salvation. Doubtful of the soul’s welfare.

Despair of social position. Never happy with social position, feel they deserve better.
Brooding < evening.

Violent. Mania with desire to tear things. Erotic, puerperal insanity. Delirium with loquacity, with open eyes, raging.


RESTLESSNESS - go up and down. The moment the mind is working, the restlessness becomes more and more. Restlessness in chronic as well as in acute states.
CHILLY (esp. during the acute state). Internal chill, coldness in blood-vessels. Chill as if coldness in the bones.

Cold perspiration (forehead, feet, face, hand). <during menses, during stool, fainting.

Great thirst for COLD DRINKS with ice.

Vomiting / diarrhœa- violent vomiting and profuse diarrhœa with coldness and cold perspiration. Vomiting during diarrhoea.

Rocket vomiting. Collapse from vomiting.

Rapid sinking of vital forces- complete prostration and collapse. Faints easily.


AGG.: fruit, cold, pears, raw food, potatoes, warm (becoming, wraps, room, sensation of heat), during menses
AMEL.: continued motion, after perspiration, walking.
DES.: sour, salt, salt and lemon, unripe fruit, ice, cold drinks, cucumber, herring, sardines.

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