7 Best Homeopathic Medicines for DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

7 Best Homeopathic Medicines for DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

7 Best Homeopathic Medicines for DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

🔘What is DVT?
✅Deep vein thrombosis or DVT is a condition where blood clots form in one or more deep veins of the body. DVT usually occurs in the deep veins of the legs which are the largest and run through the calf and thigh muscles. DVT is most commonly seen among persons with a medical condition that causes blood to clot. However, clots can result from anything that prevents the blood from circulating normally.
🔘Symptoms and Risk of DVT
✅Major symptoms of DVT include pain, swelling and redness in the affected area. The pain usually starts in the calf muscles. The person feels great soreness and cramping pains in the legs. In some cases of DVT, well marked symptoms do not show up. DVT can occur at any age, even though persons above 60 years of age are at a higher risk. Many factors can increase the risk of developing DVT. These include prolonged bed rest or long hours of sitting, in a flight for example or at work. Smoking also increases the risk of DVT as it affects blood clotting and circulation. Other common factors leading to DVT are surgery, obesity, pregnancy and birth control pills.
🔘Homeopathy can treat DVT
✅Homeopathy is a wonderful science that takes a natural approach to healing. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances and are therefore, safe and have no toxic side effects. This is also what makes them more effective in treatment of DVT. Homeopathic medicines act at the root level and stop further progression of the disease. They stimulate the disease fighting mechanism of the body. As the healing system of the body is strengthened, the disease is completely eradicated.
💊Homeopathic Medicines for DVT
✅The most recommended Homeopathic medicines for treating DVT are Apis Mellifica, Bothrops and Vipera. Apis Mellifica is mostly prescribed for treating DVT cases where the symptoms include severe, stinging pain and swelling of the legs. Bothrops, also one of the excellent Homeopathic medicines for DVT, works especially well on DVT resulting from a surgery. Vipera is best recommended for DVT due to sitting for prolonged hours.
💊Apis Mellifica – One of the top rated Homeopathic medicines for DVT with severe pain, swelling
💊Apis Mellifica is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for DVT with severe burning and stinging pains. The symptoms include swollen feet, legs that feel stiff, tired and bruised. A person suffering this condition may also have swelling in the knees which are sore from stinging pain. Other limbs may also feel heavy, numb and immovable in cases which will show marked improvement with prescription of Homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica.
💊Bothrops – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for DVT caused after surgery
Bothrops is one of the most useful Homeopathic medicines for DVT caused after surgery. The limbs feel heavy and numb. The leg veins are swollen and painful. A leg that is badly infected after surgery for varicose veins and DVT is the ideal case for Homeopathic medicine Bothrops.
💊Vipera –Most suitable of Homeopathic medicines for DVT due to prolonged sitting
💊Vipera is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for DVT that results from prolonged sitting. The symptoms include extreme pain when the limbs are allowed to hang down, severe cramps in the lower limbs. The veins feel swollen and sensitive due to severe pain in cases where Vipera is the best prescription among Homeopathic medicines for DVT.
💊Hamamelis – One of the top Homeopathic medicines for DVT with a bursting feeling in the legs
Homeopathic medicine Hamamelis acts well for DVT in cases where the symptoms include swollen legs which feel like they will burst from pain. The limbs feel tired and very sore. The joints too may feel tense. In fact, Hamamelis is rated among the best Homeopathic medicines for DVT as well as varicose veins.
💊Lachesis – Effective among Homeopathic medicines for DVT with joint pain
Lachesis ranks among the best Homeopathic medicines for DVT where it is accompanied by joint pain. A bluish swelling in the joints, especially after sprains, has been noticed in such cases. The person complains of severe pain in the joints and legs. The pain worsens with the slightest motion. Cramps in the calves with swelling in the ankles are treated well with Homeopathic medicine Lachesis.
💊Calcarea Iodata – Homeopathic medicines for DVT with indolent ulcers
Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Iodata is well indicated for DVT with indolent ulcers. A person suffering from this condition complains of a tired feeling in the limbs, especially in the calves. Numbness, along with a dull, heavy feeling in the legs is also noticed. Among Homeopathic medicines for DVT, Calcarea Iodata has shown the most wonderful results in such cases.
💊Secale Cornutum – Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for DVT with violent cramps
One of the best Homeopathic medicines for DVT where it is accompanied by violent cramps is Secale Cornutum. Symptoms include tingling sensation, numbness and violent pain in the legs. Icy cold sensation has been observed in the limbs



Kali Carbonicum’s three main issues in life are: fear of aloneness, irritability,
and a tendency to be outrageously unkind to the people in her life, and
these issues can affect Kali’s relationships in many different ways.
When interviewing Kalis about their childhood experiences, I am struck
by how many fond memories they often have. One Kali Carbonica woman told
me that she felt closest to her mom, who encouraged everyone to truly be themselves.
Her father was rather strict and stern and wasn’t around very much, but
they were still very close to each other as a family. She described how they were
always doing things together, like playing together and going on outings, picnics
and family re-unions. She told me that once you are part of the family, you can’t
do anything to get out of it. Even if you do something the family disapproves of,
they may pretend it never happened, but they would never even consider disowning
anyone. She also explained how, when she became a teenager and
needed more space to do her own things, the connection to her family was
almost too much because there was always something they were supposed to be
doing together.
When she was a child, she used to play with her brother and sister, and
the neighbor’s children. One of the hardest thing she experienced as a child was
when she went inside to get a drink, or to use the bathroom, and the other
children were gone when she came back out. If they had run away, or if they
were hiding from her somewhere, she felt totally left out, sad and forsaken. She
felt that you should always be able to depend on your family and friends, and
that nobody should ever have to be left out of the group.
I have seen the same tendency in other Kali clients as well. One Kali
woman was a sports enthusiast, and most of her friends were team mates. Her
father had taught her how to be good in sports, and that became the way she
chose to relate to people and make friends. Another Kali joined a local religious
group and spent much of her spare time pursuing her religious interests with
likeminded people. Kali feels anxious and vulnerable when she has to be alone,
and she is much happier if she can be part of a group of some kind.
A Kali is probably one of the best team mates you can find, whether it is
in sports or in business. They love company, and they like making decisions
together with others. In addition to being good team players, Kalis are reliable
and responsible by nature. If Kali says she is going to do something, you can
count on it. One Kali woman told me that she considers herself “overresponsible.”
She always tries to keep her word, even if she sometimes wishes
that she hadn’t committed herself in the first place. Another Kali woman was
working in a government building. She was so conscientious that she would go
to work an hour early every day, just to organize her desk and make sure she
was properly prepared for the work she was expected to do that day. That kind
of conscientiousness and dedication is very rare, so she is probably much appreciated
by the company she works for.
Kalis are often so reliable that people find it easy to trust them. They
usually stick to the rules and do what is expected, and they have a good eye for
detail. They work systematically and often do well in areas of science and research.
Kali’s whole life revolves around relationships, family relationships, work
relationships or groups of friends doing things together. Kali may have a hard
time dealing with casual contacts. They often don’t feel socially at ease unless
they know they have common areas of interest, so they do better when joining
some kind of group first, and then getting to know the people in the group. Light
and superficial “chit-chat” usually doesn’t appeal to Kali at all.
There are certain issues that often show up more in Kali’s personal
relationships than in business relationships. In personal relationships Kali is,
first of all, looking for friendship, and secondly, intellectual connection. Kali
loves stimulating conversation, and because she is primarily a mental type, the
mental connection is very important to her. She often looks at everything from a
very rational point of view, and she can easily develop fixed ideas of how things
should be. Kali Carbonicum is a metal remedy, and metal remedies are often
stubborn when it comes to what they like or don’t like. Kali likes being in control;
and things need to make sense to her in a very logical way. If someone acts
irrationally in any way, Kali will step in and give advice or criticism, regardless
of whether someone has asked her for advice, or not. She has good intentions
and means well when she expresses her opinions. She only expresses what
makes sense to her, and she is convinced that her advice is in the other person‘s
best interest. If, however, the other person doesn’t take her advice, she often
feels offended and irritable. This can lead to discontent and general irritability
and quarrelsomeness. We can often see this kind of irritability and desire to
scold or criticize, especially towards her mate or children, if they don’t listen to
her advice. In this situation, Kali may not treat any of them very nicely, hence
the rubric “Company, desire for, treats them outrageously, yet“.
Kali’s stubbornness can also make her less spontaneous than other types,
and this can also become an issue in her relationships. She likes to stick with a
daily routine, and she likes planning things ahead of time in a logical manner.
She is not too happy when someone spontaneously wants her to change her
plans. A Kali would probably never go on a vacation without having a proper
travel itinerary. She would like to know, ahead of time, where she is going to
stay, what she is going to see, and how long she is going to be in each place. She
simply doesn’t like surprises because surprises aren’t always pleasant, and she
always feels better when she is more in control.
However, the lack of spontaneity is often well balanced with what Kali
has to offer in a relationship. She is loyal, dedicated to her family, responsible,
trustworthy and consistent in her views. She has a great ability to create a safe,
secure environment for herself, her mate and her children. She shares her sense
of integrity and values with the people in her life, and in return she needs other
people’s support so she can also feel secure. Kali feels the happiest in relationships
where everyone involved value mutual dependence and togetherness, and
everybody supports everybody else. In this kind of relationship, she will always
feel a great sense of belonging that quickly puts her mind at ease.

Fungal infection

Fungal infection

Redness, itching, or burning of the skin is an indication of a fungul infections caused by different types of fungi including yeast, fungal infections can affects any part of the body and any age. The most common sites are feet, head nails groin shoulder.
Fungal infection of the foot is known as Atheletes foot, it usually results in redness itching and burning especially between the toes.
Fungul infection affecting the groin thighs and genitals is known as Jock itch, mostly occurs in summer or in warm wet weather.
Another common fungal infection in medical terminology Onchomycosis affects the nails of the hand and feet it starts at the edges of the nails and leads to discoloration of nails.
Fungal infection of the scalp results in patches appearing on the scalp it is more common in children.
Candidiasis or thrush is another common fungal infection it affects mouth skin and vagina there is intense itching and a white discharge in vaginal thrush.
Fungal infection of the body or the skin causes red, ring shaped rashes on arms, legs or the face. Most of these fungal infections are contact with infected people.
The Homoeopathic medicines are Thuja,Sepia , Graphite, Siliceia, petroleum and many more.

Thuja is in treating fungal infection on dry and sensitive skin.

Sepia is for fungul infection appearing every spring season.

Graphites is for treatmen of recurrent episode of Jock itch.
Infections on feet are petroleum and Siliceia, Silecea in treating atheletes foot with painful and foul smelling ulcers on the feet, crippled and brittle nails affected.

Graphite and Sepia fungal infection in the groin, genitals or the thighs region
Fungul infection around the vulva is best treated by Graphites. 
Sepia on the other hand is best remedy for fungal infection when even scratching provides no relief in the groin and genitals.
For fungal infection in the nails ( Tinea Unguium) are Ant crud
Discoloration of nails can be due to ring worm infection. This can happen at any age but is found more frequently in those women who do household work such as washing utensils and clothes, handling masalas etc. Detergent soaps and masalas can cause Harn to the nail bed ( the soft nail tissue) making the nail weak and clearing the way for fungus attack. This is how ringworm infection sets in. It may also affect men, especially those working in factories and handling oil, grease and chemicals.
The nails are infected by fungus which gives rise to severe pain with swelling. They acquire a yellowish brown discoloration. Myristica 200 , c potency five pills three times daily.
Pus under the nail bed
The initial infection is ringworm but sometimes because of scratching a secondary infection sets in which becomes full of pus. This pus is situated below the nail and cannot be seen by the naked eye. After a few days it begins to csuse pain and the nail bulges out. If you press the nail, purulent matter comes out. Mezereum 1 m potency five pills three times a day is the best remedy.
Corrugated nails
Fair and fat individual who have a tendency to perspire a lot tend to suffer from this problem. The nails are irregular spotted and corrugated. Calc carb 200 five pills three times daily
Black nails, rough hard, horn like nails with tendency to grow thick cracked and out of shape. A glutinous substance oozes out from the corner of the nail Graphites 200 five pills three times daily.
Cracked nails
Due to repeated ringworm infection the skin around the nail becomes very dry and this dryness gradually spreads to the nails this results in cracked nails are very painful because when the cracked portion gets entanged it gets pulled and causes nerve pain Petroleum 200 five pills three times daily.
Deformed nails
Nails grow unevenly thick in some places and thin in others they tend to break easily burning vapours are being emitted from them Floric Acid 6 c potency five pills three times daily
Ulcerated nails due to ringworm infection Alumina silicate 200 five pills three times daily
Kali sulph and Thuja will help treating fungal infection on the scalp.
Borax and Helonias are great help for treatment of white lessons or patches of fungus in the mouth.
Fungal infection on the skin ( Tinea corpori) can be treated with Thuja, Tellurium and Sepia 200 with violent itching.
Tellurium 200 is very good for ring shàped fungal infection lesions.
Sepia 6 for skin infections in isolated spots

Homeopathic medicines for calcaneal Spur and Heel Pain.

Homeopathic medicines for calcaneal Spur and Heel Pain.
Homeopathic medicines for Calcaneal SpursPain in the heel not only restricts movement, but the general discomfort on walking or standing also disturbs the whole persona of a person. The pain can be attributed to a medical condition known as Calcaneal Spur. It refers to a sharp, pointed, horny outgrowth on the calcaneal bone present in the heel. The outgrowth is the build-up of calcium deposit on the heel bone. The reason behind Calcaneal Spur formation is repeated stress on the heels. When the heels are exposed to repeated stress, it leads to damage of muscle, ligaments and fascia that cover the heel bone. As a result, the heels are exposed and become prone to trauma and formation of Calcaneal Spur. People who are obese and athletes are prone to develop Calcaneal Spurs. Wearing of high heels and ill-fitting shoes also spurs the formation of calcium deposits on the heel bone. The main symptom of Calcaneal Spur is pain in heel around the spur. The pain gets worse when a person steps on ground after a period of inactivity especially in morning following a long rest. The pain increases while walking, running and standing. The character of pain may be described as sharp pain, dull pain or pain as from pin-pricking. Homeopathic medicines offer a very safe and complete treatment of Calcaneal Spur. The Homeopathic medicines for calcaneal spur are made of natural substances and have no side effects.
Homeopathic Treatment for Calcaneal Spur
Top Homeopathic Medicnes for Calcaneal Spur
Calcarea Fluor:
#Calcarea Flour: It is the most effective natural Homeopathic medicine with the best healing power to dissolve the Calcaneal Spur. This Homeopathic remedy is of great help in all cases of Calcaneal Spur whether painful or not. Calcarea Fluor acts as the best resolving agent for Calcaneal Spur and is considered the first choice of Homeopathic remedy in every case of Calcaneal Spur.
#Ammonium Mur: One of the top most Homeopathic Medicine for Calcaneal Spur when there is pain in heel on walking
Ammonium Mur is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for Calcaneal Spur. This Homeopathic remedy is of great help in decreasing the pain in heel on walking due to Calcaneal Spur. Ammonium Mur helps in decreasing the pain as well as dissolving the spur. Apart from specific worsening of pain on walking, the person also complains of pain in morning. A few people needing Ammonium Mur may get relief by slight rubbing of the heel. The pain can be stitching or tearing in nature for using Ammonium Mur.
#Rhus Tox: Homeopathic medicine for Calcaneal Spur with pain on standing
Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is the top natural remedy for pain in heel on standing due to Calcaneal Spur. Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox also helps in repairing the muscles and ligaments covering the heel bone, thus preventing further heel damage. Its next action is to dissolve the spur. Rhus Tox thus acts in three spheres for Calcaneal Spur patients — pain relief, strengthening the muscles or ligaments, and dissolving the spur. The pain narrated by the person on standing is most of the times stitching in character. The person may feel the pain as being similar to that caused by a splint. Another expression used may be pain as from a nail under the skin.
#Aranea Diadema: Homeopathic medicine for Calcaneal Spur for Boring pain in Heel
Aranea Diadema is considered among the top natural Homeopathic medicines for Calcaneal Spur treatment. This Homeopathic remedy is best for getting rid of digging and boring type of pains in heel. The pain may alternate with a numb feeling in the heel. An extreme sensitivity to cold air can also be predominantly present.
#Aurum Met: One of the Top Homeopathic medicines Calcaneal Spur which causes pain at night
The pain in heel at night due to Calcaneal Spur is best relieved by natural Homeopathic remedy Aurum Met. It is a very appropriate and efficient Homeopathic medicine to get rid of night pain in heel arising because of the spur.
#Mezereum: Homeopathic treatment for Calcaneal Spur that hurts by touching
For patients complaining of pain in heel spur when touched, natural Homeopathic medicine Mezereum is the best remedy. Mezereum is of great help in treating the heel spur pain that worsens by touching. The patient may show an increased sensitivity to cold air.
#Ruta: Homeopathic treatment for Calcaneal Spur with pain in heel extending to Achilles tendon
The tendon that connects the calf muscle present in the back of the leg to heels is known as Tendo Achilles. For patients who have pain in heel due to Calcaneal Spur with the extension of pain in Tendo Achilles, the best Homeopathic remedy for relief is Ruta. Ruta is of great help in bony and tendon complaints



NUX-V......................wants to acheive.
SULPHUR.................wants to convert.
NAT- MUR...............wants to reform.
LYCO.......................wants to execute.
PHOS.......................wants to impress.
LACH.......................wants to express.
ARS.........................wants to dictate.
SEP.........................wants to bear.
PULS........................wants to obey

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FEW IMPORTANT TIPS of Materia Medica:

FEW IMPORTANT TIPS of Materia Medica:

When free ( In leisure):
Phosphorus will go to Museum
Pulsatilla will visit friends
Tuberculinum will desire to wander and travel
Lachesis will go for shoping, esp.clothes.
Natrum mur will go back to home, will stay with family.
Arsenic will stay at home, will do some artistic work.
Medorrinum will like to see sea.
Sulphur will like to read books.
Kali sulph will enjoy seeing others being happy.

Arsenic is aristocrate.
Phosphorus is attractive.
Lycopodium is handsome.
Pulsatilla is pretty.
Carcinocin is beautiful.
Platina is like queen.( Arogant)

Arsenic is well organized.
Lachesis is interesting.
Sulphur is boring and philosophical.
Natrum mur is right on the target.

Aptitude for--------
Arsenic for art.
Phosphorus and Pulsatilla for friends.
Lycopodium for politics.
Natrum mur for teaching and counseling.
Kali bichrom for army.
Sulphur for business and scholarship.

Inborn quality---------

Pulsatilla child is sweet and playful.
Cina child is irritating.( Ill-humored)
Chamomilla child is constantly weeping..( Whining.)
Tarentulla child is hyperactive.
Sulphur child is dirty.
Tuberculinum child loves dancing and music.
Baryta carb child is silly.
Calc.carb child is fair, fat and flabby.( Scrofulous.)
Hyoscyamus child is curious.(Inquistive)
Stramonium child is terrified.
Carcinocin child is intellectual.
Causticum and Phosphorus child is fearful.
Natrum mur child is sad and withheld.
Kali brom child is terrified.
Ignatia child is born intelligent.


Playing with the toy cars------ Calc.phos.
Playing with the toy cars by doing accidents to each other -----Tuberculinum.
Playing with the toy cars, just by breaking it and enjoying-----Tarentula.
Playing with the toy cars but remains curious how it works----Sulphur.


Fastest speed but purpose oriented------- Argentim nit.
Speed fast with purpose oriented but more result oriented-----Nux vom.
Speed fast due to restlessness but most respectful---------------Rhus tox.
Speed fast but hyperactive------- Iodum.
Speed fast with most dangerous act (due to restlessness)-------Tarentula.
Speed fast but with weakness------------- Tuberculinum.

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✔Here some lesions are given exactly in the form of rubric, but a few rubrics are interpretation as per the appearance of the skin lesions.

1. Acne Simplex: Boericke → Face → Acne simplex

2. Acne Rosacea: Kent → Face → Eruptions → Acne rosacea

3. Psoriasis: Kent → skin→ eruptions → psoriasis (Also given under many parts)

4. Guttate Psoriasis: Kneer → Skin → Eruption → Psoriasis → Guttate

5. Lichen Plannus: Boericke → Skin → Lichen planus

6. Vitiligo: Boericke → Skin → Leucoderma

7. Tinea Versicolor : Boericke→ Skin → Tinea versicolor

8. Tinea Corporis (Ringworm): Boericke → Skin → Trichophytosis → Ringworm

9. Tinea Cruris: Kent → Genitalia Male/female → Eruptions →Herpetic

10. Tinea Capitis: Kent → Head → Eruptions → Herpus → Circinatus

11. Tinea Pedis: Kent → Extremities → Foot → Eruptions → Herpes

12. Pityriais Rosea: Kent →Skin → Eruptions → Red

13. Scabies: Kent → Skin → Eruptions → Scabies

14. Cellulites: Boericke → Generalities → Cellulites

15. Erysipelas: Kent → Skin → Erysipelas [also in parts]

16. Furuncle: Boericke → Skin → Furuncle (Boil)

17. Carbuncle: Kent → Skin → Eruptions carbuncle [Refer parts]

18. Impetigo: Boericke → Skin → Impetigo [Refer parts]

19. Bullous Impetigo: Kent → Eruptions → Blisters

20. Ecthyma: Kent → Skin → Eruptions → Ecthyma

21. Eczema: Kent → Skin → Eruptions → Eczema [Refer parts]

22. Nummular/discoid Eczema: Synthesis → Eruptions → Rupia

23. Seborrhea Dermatitis: Robin murphy → Head → Seborrhea

24. Cradle Cap (neonatal seborrhoeic dermatitis): Boericke → Head → Scalp → Crusta lactea

25. Seborrheic keratosis: Kent → Skin → excrescences → horny

26. Melasma: Kent → Face → Discoloration → Brown

27. Freckles or Lentigo: Robin Murphy→ Face → Freckles

28. Miliary Rash: Robin Murphy → Skin → Eruptions → Miliary

29. Sunburn : Boericke → Skin → Ephelis

30. Café de spot: Synthesis → Skin → Discoloration → Brown

31. Mongolian Spot: Boger → Skin → Naevi, birthmark, etc

32. Atopic Dermatitis: Boenninghausen → skin →Eruptions, humid → Chronic eczema

33. Weeping Eczema: Kent → Skin → Eruptions → Discharging → Moist

34. Dishydrotic Eczema or Ponphylox : Synthesis → Skin → Eruptions → Sudamina (Dishydrotic Eczema)

35. Contact Dermatitis: Robin Murphy → Skin → Eruptions → Allergic

36. Intertrigo: Robin Murphy → Skin → Intertrigo

37. Pyoderma: Robin Murphy → Skin → Eruptions → Suppurating

38. Pyoderma Gangrenosum: Robin Murphy → Skin → Eruptions → Phagedenic

39. Necotizing Fascitis: Boericke → Skin → Gangrene

40. Stevens–Johnson Syndrome (Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis ): Boericke → Skin → Gangrene

41. Pemphigus Vulgaris: Boericke → Skin → Pemphigus

42. Bullous Pemphigoid: Boericke → Skin → Pemphigus

43. Chickenpox: Robin Murphy → Fevers → Chickenpox

44. Small pox: Robin Murphy → Generals → Small pox

45. Herpes zoster: Boericke → Skin → Herpes Zoster

46. Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus: Robin Murphy → Eyes → Herpes

47. Herpes Simplex: Robin Murphy → Generals → Herpes, simplex

48. Measles: Robin Murphy → Fevers → Measles

49. German Measles: Boericke → Fever Exanthemata, eruptive fever → Rubella, Measles

50. Molluscum Contagiosum: Robin Murphy → Generals → Molluscum Contagiosum

51. Skin Tag: Synthesis → Excrescences → Spongy

52. Warts: Synthesis → Skin → Warts.

53. Malignant Warts: Synthesis → Generals → Cancerous

54. Corns: Synthesis → Extremities → Corns

55. Callosities: Synthesis → Skin → Hard → Callosities like

56. Keloid: Synthesis → Skin → Keloid

57. Hemangioma: Synthesis → Tumors → Angioma

58. Naevus: Synthesis → Skin → Nevi

59. Malignant Melanoma: Synthesis → Generals → Cancerous affections → Melanoma

60. Purpura: Synthesis → Skin → Purpura

61. Urticaria: Synthesis → Skin → Eruption → Urticaria

62. Dermographism: Synthesis → Skin → Eruption → Urticaria → Scratching after

63. Angioedema: Boericke → Skin → Edema → Angioneurotic

64. Hydradenitis: Kneer → Outer chest → Axilla → Abscess → Hydradnitis

65. Decubitus Ulcer: Boericke → Skin → Decubitus

66. Systemic Lupus Erthematos (SLE): Robin Murphy →Skin →Lupus → Lupus Erythematosum

67. Scleroderma: Boericke → Skin → Scleroderma

68. Ichthyosis Vulgaris: Boericke → Skin → Ichthyosis

69. Itch scratch syndrome: Robin Murphy → Skin → Itching → Scratching → Changing place on

70. In growing Nails: Robin Murphy → Nails → In growing → Nails

71. Panaritium: Robin Murphy → Hands → Nails → Panaritium

72. Onycholysis: Robin Murphy → Hands → Nails → Exfoliation

73. Koilonychia: Phatak → Nails → Curved

74. Clubbing: Phatak → Fingers → Clubbing

75. Splinter Hemorrhage: Robin Murphy → hands → Nails → discoloration → blood, settles under nails

76. Alopecia Areata: Clarke → clinical → alopecia; areata

77. Scalp Psoriasis: Boenninghausen →Head external → Eruption on → Scaly; large (psoriasis)

*In case you find a more suitable rubric to the above skin lesions, you are always welcome to share.*

*We learn only by sharing *




©Dr Muhammed Rafeeque

1. Abrotanum: Angioma of face; face becomes purplish from eruptions.

2. Agaricus: Angioedema; burning and itching as from frostbite.

3. Alumina: Itching from warmth of bed; Chapped dry skin, scratch till bleeds.

4. Ammon carb: Eczema of skin folds; Erysipelas in aged with brain symptoms; faintly developed eruptions from poor vitality; Malignant scarlatina.

5. Anacrdium: Itching with irritability; Neurotic eczema; Lichen plannus.

6. Anthracinum: Boils, carbuncles, abscess with terrible burning pains.

7. Ant crud: Eczema with gastric complaints; Itching when warm in bed; Corns.

8. Apis mel: Skin troubles with stinging and burning pains; Urticaria with edematous skin.

9. Arnica: Symmetrical skin lesions; Crops of small boils; Ecchymosis; Bedsores.

10. Ars alb: Burning > by warmth; Ulcers with putrid discharge, restlessness.

11. Ars iod: Exfoliation of large scales leaving raw surface; Eczema < washing.

12. Arum trif: Raw bloody surface; Impetigo contagiosa; Scarlet rash.

13. Asafetida: Nervous troubles from suppressed skin; Itching > scratching; Edges of ulcers painful.
[©Dr Muhammed Rafeeque]
14. Astacus: Urticaria allover body; Skin lesions with enlarged lymph nodes.

15. Bacillinum: Ringworm; Eczema of eyelids; glands of neck enlarged and tender.

16. Badiaga: Rhagades: Freckles; Skin sore to touch.

17. Belladonna: Dry and hot skin; Sudden appearance of skin lesions with scarlet redness.

18. Berberis aqui: Scalp eruptions extending to face and neck; Pimples with dry skin; Psoriasis.

19. Boviosta: Urticaria < bathing, morning on waking; Urticaria on excitement, with rheumatism, palpitation, diarrhea; instruments leave deep impression on skin.

20. Bufo rana: Blisters on palms and soles; every slight injury suppurate; bullae leave raw surface with ichorous fluid.

21. Caladium: Sweet sweat attracts flies; Itching and burning from insect bite; itching alternates with asthma.

22. Calendula: Promotes granulation and prevents suppuration; Erysipelas.

23. Cantharis: Vesicular eruptions with burning and itching; Burns with rawness > by cold application; Erysipelas with restlessness; Secondary eczema in genitals from sweating.

24. Carbo animalis: Copper colored eruptions; Warts on hands and face of old people; Dark/blue marks on the skin.

25. Carbolic acid: Itching vesicles with burning; Burns tend to ulcerate; Bed sores.

26. Carcinocin: Malignant melanoma; Skin lesions with family history of cancer.

27. Castor equi: Cracked and ulcerated nipples; Chapped hands; Warts on forehead and breast.

28. Causticum: Facial warts; Soreness of skin folds; Ailments from burns; old injuries reopen; intertrigo during dentition.

29. Chrysarobinum: Skin lesions with foul discharge and crust formation in the entire area; Dry scaly eruptions with violent itching; Scabs with pus underneath.

30. Corallium: Palmo plantar psoriasis; Coral colored, thin dark red spots, changing to copper colored spots; Red, flat ulcers.

31. Croton tig: Intense itching with painful scratching; Vesicular eruptions with burning, itching and oozing; Herpes zoster.

32. Condurango: Fissures at mucocutaneous outlets; Ulcerative stage of skin cancer with fissures.

33. Dolichos: Itching without eruptions; Senile pruritus; Itching with no swelling or rash; Itching < night; Itching of shoulders, elbow, knee and hairy parts; Herpes zoster.

34. Dulcamara: Itching in cold wet weather ; Warts on palmar surface of hands; Urticaria brought on by exposure or sour stomach; Thick yellow-brown crusts, bleeding when scratched; Humid eruptions of the genitals.

35. Echinacea: Recurrent boils and carbuncles; Infected wounds, ulcers and gangrene; Skin irritations from insect bites and poisons plants.
[©Dr Muhammed Rafeeque]

36. Eugenia jambos: Indurated acne painful for some distance around; Comedones.

37. Euphorbium: Vesicular erysipelas; Old ulcers and carbuncles; Gangrene; Ulcerative skin cancer.

38. Graphites: Eruptions with sticky honey like discharge; Rawness in bends of limbs groins, behind ears; Every little injury suppurates; Persistent dryness of skin unaffected by eczema.

39. Gun powder: Septic suppuration; Blood poisoning; Crops of boils; Herpes facialis.

40. Hamamelis: Varicose ulcers; Prickly heat; Purpura; Ecchymosis; Traumatic inflammations.

41. Hepar sulph: Every little injury suppurates; Pus smells like old cheese; Wants to be covered warmly; Ulcers surrounded by little pimples; Chronic and recurrent urticaria; Cracked hands and feet; Sweating with no relief.

42. Hypericum: Hyperidrosis; Hair fall after injury; Lacerated wounds with blood loss and weakness; Eruptions seem to be under the skin.

43. Icthyolum: Itching and scaly eruptions; Crops of boils; Pregnancy itching; psoriasis.

44. Ignatia: Skin lesions from emotional suppression; Sensitive to draught of air; Itching urticaria; Excoriation around vagina and mouth.

45. Kali brom: Acne of face with pustules; Psoriasis; Itching of chest, shoulder and face.

46. Malandrinum: Skin troubles of vaccination; Clears the remnants of cancerous deposits; Rhagades of hands and feet in cold weather and from washing; Skin dry and scale with itching. [©Dr Muhammed Rafeeque]

47. Mancinella: Large blisters as from scalds; Pemphigus; Fungoid growths; Intense erythema.

48. Medorrhinum: Itching at night when thinking of it; Fiery red rash about anus in babies.

49. Mercurious: Constantly moist skin; Profuse offensive sweat which gives no relief; ulcers with irregular shape with undefined edges; Itching< warmth of bed.

50. Mezerium: Eczema with intolerable itching; eruptions with thick scabs with pus underneath; ulcers with vesicles and red areola around; Herpes zoster; ulcers breed vermin.

51. Myristica s: Panaritium; Hastens suppuration; Acts powerfully than hepar or silicea; Inflammation of cellular tissue; Carbuncles and fistulas.

52. Natrum mur: Oily skin; Eruptions on margin of hair; Fever blisters; Urticaria after exercise; Alopecia; Warts on palms; Skin troubles from sun.

53. Nitric acid: Warts bleeds on touch; Ulcers with splinter like pain; Lesions on mucocutaneous junction; Base of ulcers look like raw flesh; Ulcers with irregular edges.

54. Petroleum: Skin dry rough and cracked; Suppuration from slightest scratch; Rhagades < in winter; Intertrigo; Psoriasis of hands; Leathery skin.

55. Psorinum: Dirty skin; Herpetic eruptions on scalp and bends of joints; Intolerable itching; Suppressed eruptions causes asthma; Itching < warmth of bed.

56. Pulsatilla: Measles; Pimples < fatty food; Urticaria after rich food.

57. Pyrogen: Small injury becomes swollen and inflamed; Septic condition.

58. Rhustox: Vesicular eruptions; Chicken pox; Urticaria; Intense itching; cellulites; Burning eczematous eruptions with scales.

59. Rhus ven: Itching > hot water; Erythema nodosum with night itching and pain in long bones; Dark red erysipelas.

60. Sanicula: Dirty wrinkled skin; Eczemas, fissured hand and fingers.

61. Sarracenia: Aborts chickenpox, arrests postulation; Removes scar of chicken pox.

62. Sec cor: Varicose ulcers with burning, better by cold and uncovering, though cold to touch; Boils with green pus; Great aversion to heat; Skin shriveled, blue colored; Dry gangrene, developing slowly.

63. Sepia: Herpes circinatus in spots; Itching not relieved by scratching; Ringworm; Urticaria in open air, > in warm room; Ichthyosis with offensive skin; Chlosma and lentigo in young women; Hyperidrosis.

64. Silicea: Abscess boils etc; Every little injury suppurates; Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies; Eruptions itch only in day time; scar becomes painful; Profuse sweating.

65. Skookum chuk: Dry eczema; Urticaria; Anti psoric medicine as per Boericke.

66. Staphysagria: Scratching changes location of itching; Eczema with thick scabs and violent itching; Warts. [©Dr Muhammed Rafeequ]

67. Streptococcin: Skin infections of septic origin; Cellulites.

68. Sulphur: Every little injury suppurates; Voluptuous itching; Dry unhealthy skin eruptions; Itching from warmth; Scratching till bleeds; Aversion to washing.

69. Syzygium: Boils and eruptions in diabetic patients.

70. Thuja: Eruptions on covered parts; Warts, naeva, polypi etc; Honey like sweating; Brown spots.

71. Urtica urense: Urticaria with violent itching; Rheumatism alternating with urticaria; Complaints from suppressed urticaria; Burns and scalds; Angioneurotic edema.

72. Variolinum: Pustular eruptions; Preventive and curative in chickenpox; Shingles.

73. Vinca minor: Sensitive skin with redness and soreness from slight rubbing; Eczema of head and face; Hair matted together.

74. Xray: Non healing ulcers; Warty growths; Dry eczema; Erythema around roots of nail.


• Materia Medica by Dr William Boericke, Bjain.com
• A Capsule of Materia medica by Dr Muhammed Rafeeque (familyhomoeopathy.com/materiamedica/)
• Be A Master of Materia Medica by Dr Muhammed Rafeeque (Bjain publishers, new delhi)

©Dr Muhammed Rafeeque
Kerala, India.

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Neuropathic arthropathy (or neuropathic osteoarthropathy), also known as Charcot joint refers to progressive degeneration of a weight bearing joint, a process marked by bony destruction, bone resorption, and eventual deformity. Onset is usually insidious
Painless swelling of weight bearing joint, hip, knee and foot
- Osteoarthritis
- Deformity of joint
- Ulceration about joint
- Painful joint
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Syringomyelia
- Injury
- Tabes dorsalis
- Leprosy
- Alcohalic neuropathy
- Congenital insensibility to pain
- Osteomyelitis
It depends on signs and symptoms and causes of the disease
In relation to Painless swelling of joint, we give Lycopodium or Pulsatilla according to totality of symptoms and
In relation to osteoarthritis, we treat painful joint, stiffness and deformity of joint
If there is diabetes then we control it with homeopathic medicines etc etc

Dr. Lippe

From time-to-time, you may find you can only find a single truly characteristic symptom upon examining your patient. Dr. Lippe illustrates such a case and his solution below:
"The importance of a single symptom becomes most apparent when we detect in the patient a single characteristic symptom corresponding with a similar single characteristic symptom observed in the proving of a drug. To illustrate this position I will, first, quote a case from my own case-book in which an objective symptom indicated the truly specific remedy.
This case was one of very malignant “ship fever.” The patient had been sick nine days when I found him in the morning, lying on his back, perfectly unconscious; eyes wide open, glaring, and fixed on the ceiling, pupils dilated; cheeks red and hot; mouth wide open, the lower jaw hanging down; tongue and lips dry, black and cracked; picking of bed coverings; pulse 200. The pathological condition was most certainly approaching paralysis of the brain. Now if I had followed the advice of retrograding physicians, I should have gloried in having found in this pathological condition the important single symptom. Should I then have administered Morphine, or Helonia, Hydrastis and Opium in alternation, by the spoonful, drop, or more?
The unconsciousness in this case reminded me at first of Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Muriatic acid, Opium, Rhus tox., or Stramonium. The eyes indicated Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Opium, or Stramonium. The tongue and lips of Arsenicum album, Opium, or Rhus tox.. The picking of the bed-clothes of Arnica, Arsenicum album, Hyoscyamus, Opium, or Stramonium. The hanging of the lower jaw of Arsenicum album, Lycopodium, or Opium.
Not being able to select a remedy, I further examined the patient and found that he had passed urine involuntarily all night, but this single symptom again left me to choose between Arnica, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, or Rhus tox.; but upon still further examination I found on the sheet of the patient, that the urine involuntary discharged, had made a large deposit of red sand, resembling brick dust. Here was the objective symptom characteristic of the case and of the remedy. I now concluded to give Lycopodium, therefore I dissolved six pellets of the 200th potency in half a tumbler full of water, and had a spoonful, every two hours, put in the open mouth of the unconscious patient. When I saw him again, at 2 P.M., I found him with his eyes and mouth firmly closed in a natural sleep and in a very heavy perspiration. He finally recovered fully and enjoyed perfect good health for many years."
credits-Canadian Academy of Homeopathy



By - Dr. Farokh Master.
✔ In my practice I follow certain rules.
✔ The application of these rules will help you better analyze the effects of remedies in the long term.
➡ Rule - I
When the patient says "I feel better", You have to wait.
Even when a clear picture of a new remedy appears, do not give another remedy.
As a homoeopath we start from the idea that a feeling of well being means energy has improved.
➡ Rule - II
Never give a remedy when you don't get a clear picture.
Even when the former remedy did not work and have no clear picture for the next remedy, you'd better give SAC-L till a clear picture appears.
If you wait, the body will develop new signs and symptoms which will lead to a clearer picture.
➡ Rule - III
Never give a new remedy as long as the homoeopathic picture is changing.
Only when you get a clear picture of a remedy whose symptoms are present for at least a week, and the patient is patient is suffering seriously, then only you can give new remedy.
➡ Rule - IV
Do not be too hasty to give something when an old symptom or group of old symptoms comes back, even when it bothers the patient.
When the patient feels generally better meanwhile, you can be 100 Percent sure that the remedy is working and you have to wait.
➡ Rule - V
Never give a new remedy when a discharge or skin eruption appears after a former remedy and when the patient in general feels better.
➡ Rule - VI
When after the remedy most of the symptoms have disappeared you have to wait. Even if the patient seems to have some remaining symptoms, wait at least for a month.
As a physician, you have to judge for yourself the patients degree of suffering. Do not only listen to the words of the patient, because some anxious patients push you to prescribe something stronger. (Be careful with very affluent and anxious patients !)
➡ Rule - VII
Never give a new remedy when the symptoms move according to Hering's Law of Cure.
➡ Rule VIII
Never give a new remedy when the intensity and / or the frequency of the complaints diminish.
➡ Rule - IX
Never change a remedy that has worked well.
In case of a relapse, repeat the same remedy in the same potency. If this does not help, give a higher potency and if need be a lower potency, before leaving this remedy.
➡ Rule - X
Do not antidote a bad homoeopathic reaction with a homoeopathic remedy. This will only bring more chaos to the case.
It is better to overcome a disturbing homoeopathic reaction by waiting temporarily or telling patients to drink strong black coffee.
➡ Rule - XI
If you repeat a remedy too quickly, you can disturb the action of the previous remedy and thus spoil the case.
Keep a vigil eye, whether patient is not proving the remedy.
➡ Rule - XII
Only give a remedy when the organism asks for it, and not just because the patient asks for it.
➡ Rule - XIII
Only repeat a remedy that is working well in case of a complete relapse of 100 percent. This means when the patient is back in the same state as when he visited you for the first time.
Sometimes, it is impossible to judge whether a patient has completely relapsed or only partially.
In such as case, you can use the following tip: Tell the patient "If I give you a new remedy and you are at the moment better than before, you will have a complete relapse" and let the patient decide if he wants the remedy or not.
In cases of partial relapses, SAC-L. can produce miracles.
➡ Rule XIV
When the case is evolving according to Hering's law, do not prescribe any remedy.
This means, when the complaints evolve :
- From the inside to the outside
- From above downwards

single medicine rubrics. LYCOPODIUM

single medicine rubrics.
L- lamenting future about. 🌟
Y- yielding disposition.
C-children flies from the own. 🌟
O- offended easily, tekes everything in bad part.
P- pushed down
O- obstinate , children.
D- Dictatorial, despotic, power love of.🌟
I- impatience, walk during, on, while.🌟
U- unconscious, talking while.🌟
M- memory weakness, letters for the names of the.🌟

C- cross walking on🌟
L- laughing joyless🌟
A- answer dictatorial🌟
V- verses, makes.
A- abusive, fever during typhoid🌟
T- timidity, evening, going to bed, about appearing, talk , in public, to but capable to.🌟
U- ungrateful.
M- music agg. Wearisome from🌟

single medicine rubrics. SULPHAR

single medicine rubrics.
S- starting, startled , called by name when.🌟
U- undertakes many things , perseveres in nothing. 🌟
L- laughing continues after waking .🌟
P- prying
H- hurry hasty , involuntary hurry in movements. 🌟
A- anxiety, oppression with.🌟
R- religious affections , speculations , dwells on 🌟




✔An hour spent with a master like Dr. Vijayakar is worth more than a year of intense study in the library. What I am quoting here are only a few of the golden nuggets from his passing remarks made while discussing the cases.

1. Do not treat for fistula in a patient because you are then treating the ‘Disease in Man’ instead of treating the ‘Man in disease’. Find out the cause and treat.

2. Homeopathy is immunity based and not disease based and our remedies do modulation of immunity.

3. Single remedy, single dose cures of even the most advanced pathologies are only possible with Genetic Constitutional Similimum (GCS).

4. Nothing in this world happens without a cause and the cause of every disease is miasm.

5. Change in mental disposition is most important to note in acutes as also ‘Ailments from’. Once the miasm changes to sycosis or syphilis, these aspects cease to be of importance in arriving at the GCS.

6. Acutes are again of 2 types – purely psoric, like fever, headache, colic, spasms, diarrhea, vomiting etc., which are all ‘in control’ physiologic defenses; and the other kind, psoro-syphilitic like panic attacks, meningitis, acute abdomen etc. which are all ‘going out of control’ mechanisms.

7. As doctors we are only repairers and we cannot create anything.

8. Side of the body affected in the patient is most important to consider, because it belongs to genetic expression and is of significance while deciding GCS.
I understood this aspect to mean that if a patient with a space occupying lesion originating in the right hemisphere is to be given GCS, you need to give a left sided remedy (corresponding to the right hemispherical dominance), no matter how many right sided symptoms appear in your patient, because they are all secondary to the growth impingement (mass effect) of the tumour on the left hemisphere and GCS needs to address the primary genetic expression. That rules out a remedy like Lycopodium ranking high in the repetorization chart and points to a remedy like Lachesis, even if its keynote symptoms like loquacity etc. are all absent. The former is just the constitutional similimum which may at best palliate if not suppress the growth, while the latter remedy which is the GCS will cure the patient.

9. Left side symptoms in a patient mostly denote some unhappy circumstance or life situation relating to the spouse, children or those who are dependent on him; while right side symptoms relate to stressful situations from boss, parents, uncles, aunts etc., because body and mind are mirror reflections of each other. We have to work from the concrete and solid facts seen and felt in the body of the patient, and thus work from the known to the unknown, but not from the other way round, as it is abstract and fluid and liable to misinterpretation.

10. In chronics, we need to give importance to the physical makeup, whether the patient is lean or stout, tall or short, whether both eyes are of the same colour or different etc., because all these owe their expression to the genetic disposition of the patient.

11. Psora is different from Psoric defense and the two should not be confused. Psora is our basic need mental (love, support, self-esteem) and physical (air, water, food). Psora is something that keeps us going on and on, and when this cycle of harmony is broken – it is then that psoric defense comes into play – cells start getting inflamed etc. Thus Psoric defense is a reaction from starving of some life giving support system. (Probably what Dr. Vijayakar is referring to here are latent psora and active psora.)

12. In the 3 normal birthing process, the child undergoes a gradual transformation from anxiety (sharing the process of separation from the mother) to fear of descent through the birth canal and then shock of coming down into an environment totally different from what it got accustomed to inside the womb. But children born by cesarean come into this world with a sudden change in the environment without the benefit of undergoing the prior anxiety – fear- shock in a phased and gradual manner, and such babies start their lives directly in the syphilitic miasm. Similarly children born by the mother taking injections for a painless birthing process are also born syphilitic. Whether the child cried immediately after birth is a question that must be probed in every case.

13. Sensitivity belongs to the remedy/ constitution while reaction belongs to the miasm.

14. Basic traits in a person cannot be changed, but their expression tempered so that the person’s existence and energies will be channeled in constructive, rather than destructive ways. Thus, cases of fanaticism, religious fanaticism, terrorism and all such aberrations can be corrected.

15. Sycosis is slow and insidious in its development and more dangerous than the syphilitic miasm. We can get very fast results in syphilitic cases and the miasm reversed easily into sycosis.

16. ‘Amelioration by’ – rubrics are all sycotic and better not considered, because they are all related to subjective feeling. We want our patients to GET better and not just FEEL better. Aggravating factors belong to either the Psoric or Syphilitic miasm and can be relied upon. Desires also belong to Sycosis and are better ignored. So also, do not consider rubrics like ‘Hatred’ etc in repertorisation. At best those rubrics are to be used to identify the miasm in the patient

17. Homosexuality and other sexual perversions are against nature’s laws and all such cases can be cured with the GCS.

18. Meditation is forbidden while under homeopathy treatment. When not done properly and with correct method, it can interfere and spoil the case. Physiotherapy is also contraindicated in certain diseases like cerebral palsy.

19. Do not give GCS during an acute condition. A remedy based on the phenotype is to be given.

20. The best physician is the least prescriber

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