Also called The Flower of Transitional Period and Anxiety Buster

*For Mental*:
For those who had Panicky by nature having a deep fear about what wil happen.
Work like Bach Aspen
For those whose anxiety lead to tics or nervous body shaking
Work like Bach White Chestnut
For those who experience feelings of helplessness, terror , blind panic
For those who upset and anxious even in dreams
For those who are overwhelmed by major life changes such as puberty or Pregnancy
Work like Bach Elm
It is very good for pregnant women and new mothers who feel inadequate
It assists bonding between mother and child
With Drumstick Flower remedy, it helps to give up Smoking

For Physical issues.
For those who are hyper about everything
 Children walking and screaming from the nightmare or numbness when the individual can neither speak nor move, as though paralysed by Fear
Bottlebrush flower remedy when there is insufficient clearing of toxic waste products giving rise to toxemia
Work like Bach Crab Apple
It is good for athletes specifically because it eliminates lactic acid, which develops during strenuous exercise.
This essence can be used for treating the muscular tissue when there is Physical exhaustion.
Work like Bach Olive
Also Strengthens the kidneys and is a good tonic for the nerves.
It can be used when there is a deterioration of muscular tissue because toxemia is not eliminated from the cellular tissue of the muscular structure
It also helps in removing drug addiction, for heart stroke
With KACHNAR Flower remedy, Bottlebrush flower heals and prevents Sunstroke
Also helpful in acne, eczema and varicose veins when applied externally

This is one of the key essence in INDIAN RESCUE REMEDY

It gives personal courage like Hanuman in Sundarakanda

"It brings about a state of mind where there is complete forgetfulness of self"

Miasms -Understanding and Classifying Miasmatic Symptoms

Miasms -Understanding and Classifying Miasmatic Symptoms

Miasms – Understanding and Classifying Miasmatic Symptoms

The symbol “<” means “worse from”
The symbol “>” means “better from”

In Hahnemann’s words,”the true natural chronic diseases are those that arise from a chronic miasm, when left to themselves, improper treatment, go on to increase, growing worse and torment the patient to the end of his life.” §78 Organon of Medicine

Hahnemann spent 12 years investigating miasms and collecting proof of his findings, the results of which can be found in his work, THE CHRONIC DISEASES. He named 3 miasms – Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. Later a fourth miasm was added (by J. H. Allen), calledPseudo Psora or Tubercular Miasm.

The conditions that would modify a miasm in a person’s body would be things like: climate, and peculiar characteristic reactions of the person to it; mental delays; excesses, or abuses in life; dietary passions; habits and various customs. The medical profession (allopathic doctors) have put names on various diseases such as, jaundice, dropsy, leucorrhoea, hemorrhoids, eczema, asthma, hysteria, rheumatism, herpes, mania to name a few. Hahnemann considered all these were based on the same beginnings. The conventional medical profession treats each one of these diseases on an individual basis with seperate medical treatment for each one of them. But as far as homeopathy is concerned, all these names have no use and no influence on the practice of the true homeopathic physician, who believes in the theory of miasms.

In Homeopathy, only the totality of the symptoms of the individual state of each particular patient is used to cure the disease. So no real cure of miasms can take place without a strict particular treatment (individualization) of each case of disease. Chronic miasms are much hidden and the symptoms are much more difficult to be ascertained. Lot of questions need to be asked to trace the picture of disease, i.e., questions about the medical history of one’s family, mental delusions, dreams and peculiar symptoms.

Physical expressions of the miasms

The mind and body work together as a unit and the disturbances are expressed in both spheres.

A – Psoric Miasm: The reaction of body on exposure to environmental stimuli, to ones surroundings, like noise, light, and odors, producing functional disturbances like headache, nausea, and discomfort.
B – Sycotic Miasm: Hypersensitive (hypertrophic) response to something specific, arising from a deficiency of the normal response like tumors, allergies, keloids. Deficient feeling gives rise to an increased attempt to repair the fault.
C – Syphilitic Miasm: Not manageable, tissue destruction like gangrene, ulceration. Body and mind destroy itself, give-up.
D – Tubercular Miasm: Respiratory imbalance, weak lungs, offensive discharges, head sweating, worse from exposure to cold, reccourring epistaxis, bleeding gums, long eyelashes, craving for salt, enuresis, bloody stools, milk disagrees causing diarrhea, anemic, weakness, ringworm, acne, white spots on nails, nightmares.

Personality types

A – Psoric Miasm: Highs and lows, struggling with outside world, becomes apparent at times of stress, lack of confidence, constant anxiety feeling, fear, like he can’t do it, insecurity, anxiety about the future but always having hope, mentally alert.
B – Sycotic Miasm: Secretiveness, hides his weakness, tense, constantly covering up situations, fixed habits, suspicious, jealous, forgetful.
C – Syphilitic Miasm: Strong, pessimistic view on life, cannot modify what is wrong, gives-up, destroy, no point in trying to adjust, sudden impulsive violence directed at himself or others, distorted rigid ideas. Mental paralysis, mentally dull, suicidal, stupid, stubborn, and homicidal.
D – Tubercular Miasm: Dissatisfaction, lack of tolerance, changes everything, does harmful thing to one’s self.

General Nature of the Miasm

A – Psoric Miasm: Itching, burning, inflammation leading to congestion – philosopher, selfish, restless, weak, fears.
B – Sycotic Miasm: Over production, growth like warts, condylomata, fibrous tissue, attacks internal organs, pelvis, and sexual organs.
C – Syphilitic Miasm: Destructive, disorder everywhere, ulceration, fissures, deformities, ignorance, suicidal, depressed, memory diminished.
D – Tubercular Miasm: Changing symptomology, vague, weakness, shifting in location, depletion, dissatisfaction, lack of tolerance, careless, “problem child”, cravings that are not good for them.

Dermatological Symptoms of the Miasms

A – Psoric Miasm: Dirty, dry, itching without pus or discharge, burning, scaly eruptions, eczema, cracks in hands and feet, sweat profuse < during sleep, offensive.
B – Sycotic Miasm: Warts, moles, unnatural thickening of skin, herpes, scars, nails are thick, irregular & corrugated, oily skin with oozing, disturbed pigment in patches.
C – Syphilitic Miasm: Ulcers, boils, discharge of fluids and pus, offensive, slow to heal, leprosy, copper colored eruptions < by heat of bed, spoon shaped thin nails that tear easily, gangrene putrid.
D – Tubercular Miasm: Ringworm, eczema, urticaria, herpes, recurring boils with pus and fever. Does not heal fast. Leprosy < by warmth of bed > by cold; nails, white spots.

Pains of Miasms

A – Psoric Miasm: Neurological type, sore, bruised, >rest <motion.
B – Sycotic Miasm: Joint pains, rheumatic pains are < cold, damp > motion, stitching, pulsating, wandering.
C – Syphilitic Miasm: Bone Pains, tearing, bursting, burning.
D – Tubercular Miasm: Great exhaustion, never enough rest, sun ameliorates, gives strength.

Miasmatic Clinical Diseases

A – Psoric Miasm: Acidity, burning, cancer, sarcomas, constipation, epilepsy, flatulence, hoarseness, itching of skin, leprosy, burning of spinal cord, watery discharge from nose and eyes with burning.
B – Sycotic Miasm: Abortion, acne without pus, angina pectoris, anemia, appendicitis, cough (whooping), colic, pelvic disease + sexual organs, piles, prostatitus, nephritis (kidney), gout, arthritis, asthma, dysmenorrhoea, herpes, rheumatism, warts, urinary ailments, swellings without any cause, overgrowth of tissue anywhere in the body, benign enlargements.
C – Syphilitic Miasm: Discharges putrified, blindness, ulcerations in veins and bones, carcinomas, fistulas, gangrene, hyperextension, bone marrow inflammation, insanity due to depression, leucorrhoea, rheumatism of long bones, skin disease with ooze + pus, ulcerated sore throat, history of abortions, sterility, immature death, ischemic heart disease, suicidal deaths, insanity, destructive/last stage of cancer, disseminated tuberculosis, ulcers of ear, nose, urinary organs, mouth.
D – Tubercular Miasm: Aching pain in knees, swelling, bedwetting, cancer, carious teeth, destruction of bone marrow, diabetes, dry cough (barking), eczema, emaciation, epilepsy, extreme fatigue, weakness, glands enlarged, tonsils, influenza, insanity, obstruction of intestines, malaria, insomnia, nocturnal perspiration, palpitation, profuse hemorrhage of any orifice, pneumonia, ring worm, short temper, nasal coryza, worms.


Why is it necessary for a homeopath to know the chronic miasms? Some might say as long as one prescribes according to the law of simillimum, he cures his cases. The important factor here is “so long as he selects the most similar remedy as possible.” The fact is, we cannot select the most similar remedy possible unless we understand the phenomena of the acting miasm.

The true simillimum is always based on the existing miasm. It makes the difference between fighting the disease in the dark and in bright light when one knows the underlying principle that fathers the phenomena. If one has no knowledge of the laws of action and reaction, how can we watch the progress of a case without a definite knowledge of the disease forces (miasms) with their mysterious and persistent progressions. So, if we know nothing about the traits and characteristics of our enemy, it’s impossible to wage a war against the disease.

Hahnemann wrote about these things in his theory ofChronic Disease: The physician skilled in anti-miasmatic prescribing dips deeper into the case and applies an agent that has a deeper and closer relationship with the perverted life force. The results are always better.

A knowledge of all miasmatic phenomena would be a complete knowledge of all that is known as disease. Hahnemann discovered the miasms due to the fact these ailments kept coming back, year after year. Even when the correct remedy was given, there was no permanent cure. Hahnemann’s proof of the existence of miasms was the persistency of these chronic diseases even after taking care of other disease causing factors like diet, hygiene etc. They seem to come from within the organism, from some peculiar dynamis within, from something that was deranged within the life-force itself, inherent, internal, pre-existing within the dynamis.


Organon 5th and 6th edition – Samuel Hahnemann
The Substance of Homeopathy – Rajan Sankaran
Miasmatic Diagnosis – S. K. Banerjea
The Chronic Miasms and Pseudo Psora – J. H. Allen

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Typhoid fever is an infectious fever that cause continued fever,diarrhea,rashes on the skin,enlargement of spleen,ulceration of small intestine. This is due to bacteria
called Salmonella typhi.


S.typhi is the causative organism of typhoid fever. It finds an entry into an human being through food or drink. The bacilli enters the intestinal tract,pass to the peritoneum, liver,spleen.

After this , they multiply & enters the circulation of blood & then go back to the intestine, where the developed bacteria form a lesion near the ilea-cecal region resulting in ulceration & hemorrhage.


General ill-feeling,fever abdominal tenderness,nose bleed, severe fatigue,sluggish & lethargic feeling, delirium,vomiting,constipation etc,.
But the untreated fever is divided into

four stages

In 1st stage.. temperature rises slowly. Fever fluctuation is seen with headache & cough. Sometimes bloody nose is found in this stage. The WIDAL TEST may be negative in this stage.

In 2nd stage.. high grade fever with bradycardia.Deliriums are frequently found. Rose spots appear on the lower chest and abdomen. distended abdomen with diarrhea.
tenderness on liver & spleen,The Widal test is strongly positive with antiO and antiH antibodies.

In 3rd stage.. intestinal hemorrhage - can be serious but not fatal. intestinal perforation- serious complication & is frequently fatal.Frequent deliriums.

In 4rth stage.. Dehydration ensues and the patient is delirious .By the end of third stage the fever starts subsiding.


It’s essential to have a healthy, hygienic diet if someone suffers from typhoid fever. You need to keep your body hydrated enough in this condition. So please drink plenty of fluids like unsweetened lime water, clear soups, fresh juices (which you are sure is safe and uncontaminated), and especially boiled and filtered water.

As for food, you must eat food items that provide plenty of calories, protein and carbohydrates. When a person gets fever, his metabolic rate becomes high, hence calorie intake has to be increased. Protein is also essential in curing a fever, so consume plenty of eggs and milk to fulfill the requirement.

Carbohydrates also meet the new needs that your body develops due to typhoid fever. These elements are known to be effective to this disease.

Homeopathic remedies work very well for typhoid.

Here are very few medicines with simlimum...



Rhus tox,



Muriatic acid etc.



1st. Frequent one sided headache.

2nd. Frequent hair falling.

3rd. Frequent inflammation of eyes.

4th. Very severe epitaxis in girls and youths .

5th. Frequent tedious dry or fluent coryza or catarrh.

6th. Long continued obstruction of both nostrils.

7th. Sore nose

8th. More frequently cracked tongue.

9th. Dryness of mouth

10th. Sour taste of mouth.

11th. Scrofula.

12th. Much phlegm in throat.

13. Frequent inflammation of throat.

14. Frequent hoarseness.

15th. Morning nausea.

16th. Distended abdomen.

17th. Worms , (rectum itching)

18th. Dark urine

19th. Frequent attacks of dyspnoea.

20th. Sweollen enlarged veins on the legs.

21. Chillblans.

22. Corns pain.

23. Disposition to crack joint.

24. Strain or wrench one joint to another.

25. Crackling of joints on moving.

26. Frequent boils.

27. Frequent felons.

28. Predisposition to erysipelas now and then.

29. Frequent cramps in the claves .

30. Twitching of the limbs on going to sleep.

31. Amenorrhoea

32. Vertigo

33. Hair becomes grey to early. White in spots

34. Dry eruption on scalp.

35. Tinea capitis.

36. Malignant tinea.

37. Hard swelling of the glands of the neck.

38. Conjunctival troubles.

39. Itching in canthi.

40. Eye gum .

41. Cataract.

42. Opaque spots on cornea.

43. Squinting

44. Night blindness

45. Blindness

46. Deafness

47. Nasal polyp

48. Sneezing


50. Vesicles

51. Erysipelas

52. Thrus and stomatitis

53. Sordes about the mouth.

54. Dropsies

55. Anasarca


57. Diarrhoea

58. Looseness of bowels.

59. Pin worms

60. Intestinal worms

61. Fibrous change in kidney

62. Urination when sneezing , coughing, or laughing

63. Dysmenorrhoea

64.functional disturbances of ovary and uterus .

65. Leucorrhoea scanty nothing peculiar about colour.

66. Burning of soles of feet.

67. Numbness of extremities with tingling sensation.

68. Prickling or tingling in extremities due to poor circulation.

69. Constant chillness

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Few Points About Homoeopathy

Few Points About Homoeopathy

Homoeopathic Medicines are Dynamic and Has Frequency or Vibrations called Potencies .

Each Potency Vibrates at certain Level or Plane . when this Frequency of Medicine matches with patient’s Frequency the Effects are Positive .

It is just like tuneing the radio . With the same level of Frequency between two person there is Attraction , Likes , Positivity etc . and if Frequency is not at same level there is a Repulsion , Dislikes, Negativity etc.

LOVE is the Result of same Frequency and so Hate is the Result of different Frequency . Even the Songs YOU like is due to your matching Frequency with Song . Well it is like Albert Einstein saying that Everything Vibrates in the world .

Source:homeopathy and cancer

Homoeopathic clinical tips

Stiffness of eyes: Kalmia.
Headache on moving: Bryonia.
Back pain on sneezing: Tellurium.
Asthma worse rotting leaves: Blatta.
Aspirin aggravates: Calcarea carbonica.
Debility at the ocean: Muriaticum acidum.
Menses, night only: Bovista, Magnesia carbonica.
Pain occipital and in the right eye: Sanguinaria.
Convulsions at the sight of running water: Lyssin.
Sleeplessness, feels scattered about the bed: Baptisia.
Fear of birds: Ignatia, Calcarea sulphurica, Calcarea arsenica.

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homoeopathic clinical tips



PCOS have abnormalities in metabolism of androgen and estrogen and in the control of androgen production. Diagnosis of PCOS is made when woman has 12 or more follicles in at least one ovary -measuring 2-9 mm in diameter or total ovarian volume greater than 10 cm3.

Signs and symptoms:

Menstrual irregularities, anovulation, and signs of hyperandrogenism.
• Hirsutism
• Infertility
• Obesity and metabolic syndrome
• Diabetes mellitus
• Obstructive sleep apnea
On examination:
• Virilizing signs
• Acanthosis nigricans
• Hypertension
• Enlarged ovaries: may or may not be present


Tests to be done to exclude other disorders which can cause menstrual irregularities and hyperandrogenism like adrenal and ovarian tumors, thyroid dysfunction, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hyperprolactemia, acromegaly, and Cushing syndrome.

These tests should be done in women suspected to have PCOS:
• Thyroid function test (TSH, free thyroxine)
• Serum prolactin level
• Total and free testosterone
• Serum HCG level
• Free androgen index
• Cosyntropin stimulation test
• Serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHPG) level to rule our Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
• Urinary free cortisol and creatinine levels to rule out Cushing syndrome
• Low dexamethasone suppression test to rule out Cushing syndrome
• Serum insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) level to rule out acromegaly

Other tests:

• Androstenedione level
• FSH and LH levels (In PCOS LH to FSH ratio is usually greater than 3)
• GnRH stimulation testing
• Glucose level
• Insulin level
• Lipid level

Imaging tests:

• Pelvic ultrasonography preferably transvaginal approach
• Pelvic CT scan or MRI to visualize adrenals and ovaries

Endometrial biopsy may be needed to evaluate for endometrial disease, such as malignancy.


Lifestyle modification is the first line of treatment for PCOS:
• Diet 
• Exercise
• Weight loss

Homoeopathic treatment for PCOS:

While treating patients with homoeopathy, homoeopath prescribes constitutional remedy considering symptoms of mind and disposition along with physical symptoms of patients. Medicines given this way helps to treat women with PCOS in complete and permanent manner.
Some remedies which are frequently indicated for PCOS includes:

1. Apis mellifica: It mainly affects the right ovary with burning, stinging pains. Numbness in region of ovaries extending down the thighs.

2. Graphities: Swelling and induration of left ovary; also pain in the right ovarian region. Delayed and scanty menses.

3. Argentum metallicum: Bruised pain in left ovary. Sensation as if ovaries were growing large.

4. Iodium: Congestion or dropsy of right ovary. Dull, pressing wedge like pain, extending to right ovary to uterus like a plug, worse during menstruation. Dwindling of the mammae.

5. Lachesis muta: pain in left ovary better by menses. Cannot bear anything heavy or touch in ovarian region. 

6. Thuja: left sided ovarian affection. Grumbling pains in ovarian region with irritability.

Other remedies which are constitutionally indicated in PCOS are Calcarea carb, Sepia, Pulsatilla, Ignatia, Natrum mur, Phosphorus, Platina, Sulphur and many more.

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Get the rubric Ailments from fright or fear, accident, from sight of an

Ailments from fright or fear, accident, from sight of an

Get The Rubric

Ailments from fright or fear, accident, from sight of an

In this patient, problem started when he was frightened by seeing an accident. Many times pts say that since that accident which I saw at that time, it started …. problem. The fear of that accident led to … problem.
Ek accident ko dekh kr pt itna darr gya k usse koi takleef start ho gyi.

Medicines: Acon, Calc carb and opium.

Calc carb is so much sensitive that not only in reality but even in cinema, he can’t see such things like accidents or cruelties

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homoeopathic clinical tip

When the remedy doesn't find its desired targets , then two questions arise one is quality of the medicine and second , the knowledge of the physician who has selected the patient's remedies .
So it's the credibility of both are at stake.

So opt for the premium quality and well tested and well tried pharmacies only . Don't get carried away by marketing gimmicks.

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Get The Rubric Quick to act

Quick to act

It means the performance of the patient is very fast, prompt to undertake, swift, fast speed, fast action, quick movement. 
Pt says that his child is so fast in his activities that he does his homework in a very short time or we say our other child to bring a glass of water, he just gets up but this child brings till then. This rubric is regarding the performance of various activities quickly in a short time. 
(A positive rubric)

DD Hyperactive, they are abnormally or extremely active, having more energy, gets excited easily, can't stay still or think about work. Mostly their concentration in studies n other activities is poor. Their performance cn be poor. (Cn be a negative rubric).

In both these rubrics 3 medicines are common. Lach, Nux vom n opium. In another repertory Ign has also been added.

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Today's Homoeopathic smart note

Today's Smart Note:

Hahnemann Sir writes in the footnote to Aphorism No 16 in his ORGANON OF MEDICINE, VI Edition (published by B Jain, Publishers, New Delhi, V & VI Edition).

"Most severe disease may be produced by sufficient disturbance of the vital force through the imagination and also cured by the same means".

Generally it has been seen that people get affected by various disease when they fail to achieve what they desire, but they can not get cured through their mental powers as stated above, because of their weak will power. In such cases, the law of similia comes to their aid.



1. Iodum: desire to travel out of capriciousness.

2. Tuberculinum: like traveling because he like speed.

3.Carcinocine: like travel because he loves to see nature

4. Ignatia:because he want to go and find solitude and be away from stress

5. Nitric acid: travelling reduce her anxiety

6. Mercury: likes travel as he has uncontrolled impulse to travel.



Optic neuritis is an inflammation of the optic nerve, the bundle of nerve fibers that transmits visual information from your eye to your brain. Pain and temporary vision loss are common symptoms of optic neuritis.

Optic neuritis is highly associated with multiple sclerosis, a disease that causes inflammation and damage to nerves in your brain and spinal cord. In some people, signs and symptoms of optic neuritis may be the first indication of multiple sclerosis.

Most people who have a single episode of optic neuritis eventually recover their vision.

☯Causes- The exact cause of optic neuritis is unknown. However, optic neuritis is believed to develop when the immune system mistakenly targets the substance covering your optic nerve (myelin), resulting in inflammation and damage to the myelin.

Normally, the myelin helps electrical impulses travel quickly from the eye to the brain, where they're converted into visual information. Optic neuritis disrupts this process, affecting vision.

☯The following autoimmune conditions often are associated with optic neuritis:

Multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which your autoimmune system attacks the myelin sheath covering nerve fibers in your brain and spinal cord. In people with optic neuritis, the risk of developing multiple sclerosis following one episode of optic neuritis is about 50 percent over a lifetime.

Your risk of developing multiple sclerosis after optical neuritis increases further if an MRI scan shows lesions on your brain.

Neuromyelitis optica. In this condition, inflammation occurs in the optic nerve and spinal cord. Neuromyelitis optica has similarities to multiple sclerosis, but neuromyelitis optica doesn't cause damage to the nerves in the brain as often as multiple sclerosis does. Optic neuritis arising from neuromyelitis optica tends to be more severe than optic neuritis associated with multiple sclerosis.

Other autoimmune conditions, such as sarcoidosis and systemic lupus erythematosus, have also been associated with optic neuritis.

Other factors that have been linked to the development of optic neuritis include:

Infections. Bacterial infections, including Lyme disease, cat-scratch fever and syphilis, or viruses such as measles, mumps and herpes can cause optic neuritis.

Drugs. Some drugs have been associated with the development of optic neuritis. One of these drugs is ethambutol (Myambutol), which is used to treat tuberculosis

☯Symptoms-- Optic neuritis usually affects one eye. Symptoms might include:

Pain. Most people who develop optic neuritis experience eye pain that's worsened by eye movement. Sometimes the pain feels like a dull ache behind the eye.

Vision loss. Most people experience at least some temporary reduction in vision, but the extent of vision loss varies. Noticeable vision loss usually develops over hours or days. Exercise or a hot bath or shower may exaggerate the vision loss. Vision loss is permanent in some cases.

Loss of color vision. Optic neuritis often affects color perception. You might notice that colors appear less vivid than normal.

Flashing lights. Some people with optic neuritis report seeing flashing or flickering lights.



– Optic neuritis in the first stage. Sudden piercing pains. Pain around orbits. Burning stinging pain.+


—Severe throbbing headache with flushed face. Better by cold application or by keeping the head high


- Those who work in foundries. With burning pain. Eyes draw together. Periodical loss of vision. Blak spots, flames , sparks before the eyes


- Atrophy of the optic nerve with cataract . Green halo about the candle light. Sensation as if everything were covered with a mist or veil or something pulled tightly over eyes.


- Neuralgic pain in eyeballs, while walking, worse right side. Profuse lachrymation with dull pains in eyeballs extending to malar bone

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Exposure to sunlight, freckles, acne and several other skin diseases are responsible for making the skin look dull and discolored. In the modern times, people are becoming more and more conscious to look good and keep on trying several natural skin care products or skin whitening creams to enhance their glow. One hardly explores a homeopathy for achieving permanent clear skin and a perfect glow that can actually last for years.

Berberis Aquifolium

Berberis Aquifolium is one of the most homeopathic remedy recommended by leading homeopaths for a clear skin. It is known for its cleansing effect and lightening the complexion. This remedy hardly fails to bring a noticeable glow on your face. The results are promising and satisfactory to the many people as per a few studies conducted. To conclude, Berberis Aquifolium is a precious gem for effective homeopathy care.


If you are experiencing dark skin or facial pimples caused due to side effects of cosmetic skin care products or skin whitening creams, then Bovista could help you in achieving natural glow and fair skin desires. This medicine is known for its efficacy in treating skin problems related to enormous use of cosmetics. You would notice a serious reduction in the number of pimples over a short time after using this homeo-medication.


Sulphur is another popular medicine among the many homeopaths . Homeopathy applauds its benefits for treating complicated skin issues including dullish look, unhealthy and dry skin. Its use has been found helpful in curing skin out of pimples and acne along with the elimination of excess urge for sweet food. Thus, it serves important functions in bringing the most health benefits to the individuals.

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Homoeopathic clinical tips

Homoeopathic clinical tips

Jonoshia ashoka


A tree is found in India, called “Ashoka”. Jonosia ashoka is prepared from the bark of this tree. This medicine is very useful for curing many diseases of the women.      

Useful in various symptoms:

Stomach-related symptoms:
In the symptoms of stomach diseases, the patient suffers from over thirst, desires for eating sour-sweet products all the time, severe retching, constipation and blood piles. Giving Jonosia Ashoka to the afflicted patient cures above symptoms.   

Gynecology-related symptoms:
Jonosia Ashoka is a great remedy in the cases of delayed menstrual excretion, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, pain of the ovary glands before menses, excessive excitement of the vagina and secretion of water from the vagina.

Head-related symptoms:
Jonosia Ashoka should be used in the cases of pain in the rear of the head, headache due to accumulated blood in the head, eyeballs pain, photophobia, excessive discharge from the nose like water due to catarrh and lack of smelling power. It provides quick relief from above symptoms.

Sleep-related symptoms:
Jonosia Ashoka is an excellent remedy in the cases of insomnia during sleep at night and watching dreams at night as if he is traveling far away from the home.

Back-related symptoms:
Jonosia Ashoka can be used in the cases of back bone pain that moves to the stomach and thighs. It provides relief from pain quickly.

Jonosia Ashoka can be compared with Bibernum, Opulus and Bibernum pranipholium.

Mother tincture or 3x potency of Jonosia Ashoka should be given to the patient according to the symptoms of diseases

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Foetus Displacement

Foetus Displacement

Allopathy :-
In some cases Gynae and Obst.  are able to correct the position in early stage, but I have seen that while doing this procedure patient goes into abortion or bleeding P.V or interference in the blood supply to the placenta.

Homoeopathy :-
Pulsatilla is an excellent remedy for putting the foetus or child in right place.

Foetus Movement :-
1.) If movement have ceased


2.) If movements are violent and painful and disturb the sleep of mother with urge to urinate.

Then. THUJA 30

3.) Sensitiveness, tenderness and soreness is felt in uterus on account of movements of foetus.
Then ARNICA 200

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Observation in clinic

jObservation in clinic...

1. Pt who enters in ur clinic by talking on the phone and don't look at you till they sit on chair once they sit they will have eye contact but a fear slightly seen on their face .........means while entering their something anxiety in their mind going on how I will face the Dr soo keep talking to not get caught..........are mostly *calcareas*

2. Pts while entering look down and in a whole case keep looking down don't look at your face .......... *ambra gresia and muratic acid* ( they sit in chair like that of a dead person no expression on face seems their is no life in them )

3. Pts who keep talking in between the case while Dr is talking to the accompanied person 
"Tell the Dr that thing 
Tell the Dr that thing "
These are mostly *iodums*

4. There are people who are in very hurry when enters in your clinic and want to leave also as soon as possible 
*Argentum nit.* ....very hurry becos the time is fixed what are thing he want to do at what time .very nervous 
He cannot wait for the bus or train will start walking ahead .

*Sulphuric acid*. ...too much hurry hurry .want to many work at one time imagine a house wife given time to finish cooking washing and wiping floor she will do and can do at one time all the 4 work. Perfectly but if you tell her to do one work shevwull get tired will not able to perform.
*Lil tig*. .....loves to do too many work at one time.

*Ars sulp flavum*..
akwardness in walking very hurried.

5. Pts who reply very slowly slowly to your questions. ..... *barytas calcares, helloborous, gelsimium, kali phos, spongia*

6. Pts who are always in doubt. ....alumina carbo veg laces is petrol

*Carbo veg* .....always confusion about the people .I feel I have met u but I don't remember although he has met him yesterday only. Slowness after long disses *Alumina* .....
confusion in taking decision weather to do this or that always gets confused .
*Anacardium* confusion is by two wills. Suppose a lady went to market to purchase the clothes one cloth is 1000 rs and same looking cloth is in 500 she will find the pros and cons of the both the dress is what is the benefit of purchasing 1000 rs ie it is good 
it has quality
It's has life foryrs 
But it's costly while the cloth which is of 500rs 
Very cheap 
Same like that of 1000 rs cloth 
It has life for less yes but no warranty now here she gets confused the heart says purchase 1000rs dress but the pocket says purchase 500 this the confusion of *Anacardium.*

*Lachesis*....doubts every one near surrounding her .

7. Pts who enters clinic keeps on complaint complaint complaint on all the occasions 
*Aloes nitric acid China*

8. Pts who threaten Dr's when they don't get cured 
Dr since 2yrs I m coming but I m not getting see to it I have 10 ....15 boys which can do anything for me once I raise my voice. Mostly *tarentula*

9.pts who keep on complaint about their neighbours and surrounding people's ....... *merc sol*.

10. People who keeps on complaining about the injustice happening in society but they cannot do anything for it........ *caustic and staohysigria*.

11. People who torments about their complaint to every one 
Look what I am having this is increasing in size repeatedly 
........ *zincum met and nitric acid*.

12. Pts who complain in sleep..... *Anacardium belladonna conium ignitia nux vom op stram sulphur*

14. People who complain in comatose ........ *Anacardium and opium*

15. Pts who in coma ask for water ......... *terbenthina*

16. Pts who talks continuously and don't care weather u listen to them or not ....... *sticta pulmonaris*

17. Pts who enjoy talking will keep on talking although if Dr is on another phone ........ *nm Paris stram*

18. Pts who lie whole day but at night they speak only truth ...... *hyos bell stram.*

19. At night they speak very slowly as if wishpering. .... *camphor*

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1.Ferrum phosphoricum

If the mother is suffering from exhaustion, it may be due to low iron levels, in which case, the tissue salt Ferrum phos 6X may act as a pick-me-up. This additional minute amount of iron will enable the hemoglobin to make more oxygen available to the cells.
Ferrum phos should not be taken at night as it may cause restlessness.

Ferrum phos is extremely effective at the earliest stage of a cold. Taken as soon as there are indications of a scratchy throat, runny nose or sneezing, it may quickly stop the infection.

2. Arnica Montana

This remedy helps reduce shock and trauma to both the unborn child and the mother. Whether the situation is an amniocentesis, a severe fall or even the emotional trauma of seeing something frightening, Arnica will reduce and remove the emotional and physical strain. It also minimizes pain and bruising, prevents hemorrhaging and cramping and allows for a restful sleep.

A dose of Arnica 200 can then be taken.

Arnica will also prevent a threatened miscarriage due to a serious fall or a great shock. After such an accident, the woman may feel nervous, excited and bruised. One dose of Arnica 200 in the liquid energized form should be taken every six hours until the shock has dissipated. If a fall, blow or overexertion induces symptoms of miscarriage, this remedy can be given frequently–first as granules, then in energized liquid form.

3.Aconite nepallus

This remedy is particularly useful in offsetting any impending miscarriage due to fright. For example, the woman who may have seen an accident or experienced some deeply upsetting news may become restless, fearful and disturbed especially between midnight and 3 am.

4. Ignatia amra

This is useful for the woman who is mentally and physically exhausted by short-term grief associated with miscarriage, abortion or marital separation. The woman may sigh and weep frequently, feel overwhelmed and find it difficult to adjust to this great loss. One dose of Ignatia 30 CH or 200 CH can be taken whenever these strong feelings overwhelm her. It is best not to take the remedy at night because it could cause restlessness.

5.Cimicifuga (Actea racemosa)

If the woman experiences great pain and backache that is relieved by warmth or if she has rheumatic pain, this remedy will help.

6.Rhus tox

If there is stiffness associated with backache or muscle pain and the pain is decreased with warmth and slight motion, but increased with overexertion or lifting, then Rhus tox is appropriate. Remember not to bathe, shower or swim for a day after taking Rhus tox, as water undermines its action.

7.Kali carbonicum

This remedy is appropriate for low back pain that is worse between 3 am and 5 am. This pain may be accompanied by a bearing down sensation in the pelvic region. The mother-to-be who needs Kali carb tends to have a strong sense of duty and responsibility.

8.Pulsatilla nigra

This remedy corrects the inability of the uterus to expand and enables the child to turn and descend head first into the birth canal prior to delivery. During the 33rd week (the seventh month), the mother can take Pulsatilla 30 once a day for a few weeks, From weeks 33 to 36 there is still time for the child to turn without stress. If the child has still not descended by week 36, one dose of Pulsatilla 200 can be taken. In this way, Pulsatilla will help avoid breech and other abnormal presentations.

Pulsatilla is especially suitable if the mother is tearful, feels better in the open air and uncomfortable in a warm room. Further clues are thirstlessness and a co-operative, easygoing disposition.

9.Calcarea phosphate

When taken by the mother during her pregnancy, a double dose of Calcarea phos 30 followed 10 days later by a single dose of the same remedy at 200 helps to facilitate bone formation. This remedy also ensures that the fontanelles [spaces in an infant’s skull where the bones meet] develop normally and that the child will walk and talk at the proper time. Note: Calcarea carbonicum is a deeper acting remedy and works in a manner similar to Calcarea phos to facilitate bone formation.


Caulophyllum 30 , for false labor pains in the last month of pregnancy. These pains are characterized by a bearing-down sensation in the lower part of the abdomen.

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Homoeopathic daily tips

Daily tips

Routine remedies in homoeopathy..

Routine remedies in homoeopathy..

Causticum is the routine remedy for retention of urine after operation.= Dr. D.M. Foubiser
Nothing equals Hypericum in cases of smashed fingers.= Dr. E.A. Frrington
Hyoscyamus is one of our best remedies for hiccough occurring after operations on the abdomen.= Dr. E.A. Farrington
Hypericum is the main remedy for spinal injuries.= Dr. D.M. Foubister
Berberis Vul. is an excellent remedy for renal colic.= Dr. E. A. Farrington
Cholesterinum is said to be almost specific for gallstone colic.= Dr. Pulford
Colocynthis cures colics again and again.= Dr. T.K. Moore
In biliary colic, Calc. Carb. has never failed me.= Dr. R. Hughes
One’s chief use for Mag. Phos. has been in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea.= Dr. M.L.Tyler
Any haemorrhage seeming to be in sympathy with heart trouble, think of Cactus.= Dr. E.B. Nash
In cramps of the calves, I have never known Cuprum to fail.= Dr. Jousett
In habitual vomiting in babies, one should think of Iris.= Dr. C.G. Raue
For the excessively obstinate child, Tuberculinum is most often indicated.= Dr. D.M. Foubister
I have cured probably 100 cases of Adenoids with Tuberculinium alone.= Dr. J.T. Kent
Persons suffering from ulceration of the lungs can scarcely get well without Kali Carb.=Dr. Hahnemann
There is one remedy in regard to enlarged prostate and that is Hydrangea.= Dr. A.H. Grimmer
For the terrible falling out of hair after Typhoid, Fluoric Acid is well indicated.= Dr. C.M. Boger
I recommend Arnica Mont. as preventive and curative of boils.= Dr. Hahnemann
Nitric Acid is almost specific for diarrhea after antibiotics, especially the mycins.= Dr. E.W. Hubbard
I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple acne as Kali Brom 30.= Dr. J.H. Clarke
Lycopodium is master remedy in infantile Eczema.= Dr. Leon Renard
We have found Bacillinum almost specific for ulceration of cornea in children.= Dr. M.L. Tyler
Several cases of cataract have been arrested in their progress by Causticum and the sight even improved, where before its administration they were rapidly going on to complete blindness.= Drs. Allen and Norton
The more Benzoic Acid is used in Gout the more it will be prized.= Dr. C. Hering
Arthritis deformans responds to Antim Crud. a near specific.= Dr. Schwartz
In Diabetes, 2 or 3 grains of the 3rd trituration of Uran. Nit. Administered morning and night, will in a short time reduce the quantity of urine passed to nearly a normal standard, and after a continual use, the proportion of sugar is materially lessened.= Dr. Bradford
Some of the worst cases of chronic rheumatism have been cured by Ant. Crud., guided by the extreme tenderness of the soles of the feet.= Dr. E.B. Nash
Ipecac. is especially the infant’s friend and is commonly indicated in the bronchitis of infancy.

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Toad Stool-Bug Agaric

This fungus contains several toxic compounds, the best known of which is Muscarin. The symptoms of poisoning do not develop at once, usually twelve to fourteen hours elapse before the initial attack. There is no antidote, treatment, entirely symptomatic (Schneider). Agaricus acts as an intoxicant to the brain, producing more vertigo and delirium than alcohol, followed by profound sopor with lowered reflexes.

Jerking, twitching, trembling, and itching are strong indications. Incipient phthisis; is related to the tubercular diathesis, anæmia, chorea, twitching ceases during sleep. Various forms of neuralgia and spasmodic affections, and neurotic skin troubles are pictured in the symptomatology of this remedy. It corresponds to various forms of cerebral excitement rather than congestion. Thus, in delirium of fevers, alcoholism, etc. General paralysis. Sensation as if pierced by needles of ice. Sensitive to pressure and cold air. Violent bearing-down pains. Symptoms appear diagonally as right arm and left leg. Pains are accompanied by sensation of cold, numbness and tingling.

Mind.--Sings, talks, but does not answer. Loquacity. Aversion to work. Indifference. Fearlessness. Delirium characterized by singing, shouting, and muttering; rhymes and prophesies. Begins with paroxysm of yawning.

The provings bring out four phases of cerebral excitement.

1. Slight stimulation-shown by increased cheerfulness, courage, loquacity, exalted fancy.

2. More decided intoxication-great mental excitement and incoherent talking, immoderate gaity alternates with melancholy. Perception of relative size of objects is lost, takes long steps and jumps over small objects as if they were trunks of trees-a small hole appears as a frightful chasm, a spoonful of water an immense lake. Physical strength is increased, can lift heavy loads. With it much twitching.

3. Third stage produces a condition of furious or raging delirium, screaming, raving, wants to injure himself, etc.

4. Fourth stage-mental depression, languor, indifference, confusion, disinclination to work, etc. We do not get the active cerebral congestion of Belladonna, but a general nervous excitement such as is found in delirium tremens, delirium of fevers, etc.

Head.--Vertigo from sunlight, and on walking. Head in constant motion. Falling backward, as if a weight in occiput. Lateral headache, as if from a nail (Coff; Ignat). Dull headache from prolonged desk-work. Icy coldness, like icy needles, or splinters. Neuralgia with icy cold head. Desire to cover head warmly (Silica). Headache with nose-bleed or thick mucous discharge.

Eyes.--Reading difficult, as type seems to move, to swim. Vibrating specters. Double vision (Gels), dim and flickering. Asthenopia from prolonged strain, spasm of accommodation. Twitching of lids and eyeballs (Codein). Margins of lids red; itch and burn and agglutinate. Inner angles very red.

Ears.--Burn and itch, as if frozen. Twitching of muscles about the ear and noises.

Nose.--Nervous nasal disturbances. Itching internally and externally. Spasmodic sneezing after coughing; sensitiveness; watery non-inflammatory discharge. Inner angles very red. Fetid, dark, bloody discharge. Nosebleed in old people. Sensation of soreness in nose and mouth.

Face.--Facial muscles feel stiff; twitch; face itches and burns. Lancinating, tearing pain in cheeks, as of splinters. Neuralgia, as if cold needles ran through nerves or sharp ice touched them.

Mouth.--Burning and smarting on lips. Herpes on lips. Twitching. Taste sweet. Aphthæ on roof of mouth. Splinter like pains in tongue. Thirsty all the time. Tremulous tongue (Lach). Tongue white.

Throat.--Stitches along eustachian tube to ear. Feels contracted. Small solid balls of phlegm thrown up. Dryness of pharynx, swallowing difficult. Scratching in throat; cannot sing a note.

Stomach.--Empty eructations, tasting of apples. Nervous disturbances, with spasmodic contractions, hiccough. Unnatural hunger. Flatulent distention of stomach and abdomen. Profuse inodorous flatus. Burning in stomach about three hours after a meal, changing into a dull pressure. Gastric disturbance with sharp pains in liver region.

Abdomen.--Stitching pains in liver, spleen (Ceanothus) and abdomen. Stitches under short ribs, left side. Diarrhœa with much fetid flatus. Fetid stools.

Urinary.--Stitches in urethra. Sudden and violent urging to urinate. Frequent urination.

Female.--Menses, increased, earlier. Itching and tearing, pressive pains of genitals and back. Spasmodic dysmenorrhœa. Severe bearing-down pains, especially after menopause. Sexual excitement. Nipples itch, burn. Complaints following parturition and coitus. Leucorrhœa, with much itching.

Respiratory Organs.--Violent attacks of coughing that can be suppressed by effort of will, worse eating, pain in head while cough lasts. Spasmodic cough at night after falling asleep, with expectoration of little balls of mucus. Labored, oppressed breathing. Cough ends in a sneeze.

Heart.--Irregular, tumultuous palpitation, after tobacco. Pulse intermittent and irregular. Cardiac region oppressed, as if thorax were narrowed. Palpitation with redness of face.

Back.--Pain, with sensitiveness of spine to touch; worse in dorsal region. Lumbago; worse in open air. Crick in back. Twitching of cervical muscles.

Extremities.--Stiff all over. Pain over hips. Rheumatism better motion. Weakness in loins. Uncertain gait. Trembling. Itching of toes and feet as if frozen. Cramp in soles of feet. Pain in shin-bone. Neuralgia in locomotor ataxia. Paralysis of lower limbs, with spasmodic condition of arms. Numbness of legs on crossing them. Paralytic pain in left arm followed by palpitation. Tearing painful contractions in the calves.

Skin.--Burning, itching, redness, and swelling, as from frostbites. Pimples, hard, like flea-bites. Miliary eruption, with intolerable itching and burning. Chilblains. Angioneurotic œdema; rosacea. Swollen veins with cold skin. Circumscribed erythematous, papular and pustular and œdematous lesions.

Sleep.--Paroxysms of yawning. Restless from violent itching and burning. On falling asleep, starts, twitches, and awakes often. Vivid dreams. Drowsy in daytime. Yawning, followed by involuntary laughter.

Fever.--Very sensitive to cool air. Violent attacks of heat in evening. Copious sweat. Burning spots.

Modalities.--Worse, open cold air, after eating, after coitus. In cold weather, before a thunder-storm. Worse, pressure on dorsal spine, which causes involuntary laughter. Better, moving about slowly.

Relationship.--Compare: Muscarine, the alkaloid of Agaricus (has much power over secretions, increasing lachrymal, salivary, hepatic, etc, but diminishing renal; probably neurotic in origin, stimulating the terminal fibers of the secretory nerves of all these structures, hence salivation, lachrymation and excessive perspiration. Atropin exactly opposes Muscarine. Resembles Pilocarpin in action). Amanita vernus-spring mushroom-a variety of Agar Phalloides-Death cup-active principle is Phallin, active like Muscarine. Amanita phalloides (Death Cup-Deadly Agaric). The poison is a toxalbumin, resembling the poison in the rattle snake and the poison excreted by the cholera and diphtheria germs. It acts on the red blood corpuscles, dissolving them so that blood escapes into the alimentary canal and the whole system is drained. The amount of this toxic principle is small, even handling of specimens and breathing of spores affects some people unpleasantly. The poison is slow in development. Even 12 to 20 hours after taking it the patient feels all right, but vertigo violent choleraic symptoms with rapid loss of strength with death the second or third day, preceded by stupor and spasms. Fatty degeneration of liver, heart and kidneys, hæmorrhages in lungs, pleura and skin (Dr. J. Schier). Vomiting and purging. Continuous urging to stool, but no gastric, abdominal or rectal pain. Intense thirst for cold water, dry skin. Lethargic but mentally clear. Sharp changes from rapid to slow and from slow to rapid breathing, extreme collapse, suppressed urine, but no cold extremities or cramps. Agaric emet (severe vertigo; all symptoms better, cold water; longing for ice-water; gastritis cold sweat, vomiting sensation as if stomach was suspended on a string). Tamus (chilblains and freckles). Cimicif; Cann ind; Hyos; Tarantula.

Antidote: Absinth; Coffea; Camphor.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth and two hundredth potency. In skin affections and brain exhaustions give the lower attenuations.

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RESTLESSNESS - mental & physical


MENTAL OVER-STIMULATION. Unhealthy acuteness of mind, precocity.

CONFUSION AS TO HIS IDENTITY. Religious delusion he is Christ or a person that has to save the world. Delusions he’s a great person. Feel they must protect the weak.

RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS. Religious delirium. Praying. Preaching.
Religious despair. Anxiety about salvation. Doubtful of the soul’s welfare.

Despair of social position. Never happy with social position, feel they deserve better.
Brooding < evening.

Violent. Mania with desire to tear things. Erotic, puerperal insanity. Delirium with loquacity, with open eyes, raging.


RESTLESSNESS - go up and down. The moment the mind is working, the restlessness becomes more and more. Restlessness in chronic as well as in acute states.
CHILLY (esp. during the acute state). Internal chill, coldness in blood-vessels. Chill as if coldness in the bones.

Cold perspiration (forehead, feet, face, hand). <during menses, during stool, fainting.

Great thirst for COLD DRINKS with ice.

Vomiting / diarrhœa- violent vomiting and profuse diarrhœa with coldness and cold perspiration. Vomiting during diarrhoea.

Rocket vomiting. Collapse from vomiting.

Rapid sinking of vital forces- complete prostration and collapse. Faints easily.


AGG.: fruit, cold, pears, raw food, potatoes, warm (becoming, wraps, room, sensation of heat), during menses
AMEL.: continued motion, after perspiration, walking.
DES.: sour, salt, salt and lemon, unripe fruit, ice, cold drinks, cucumber, herring, sardines.

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Hindi meaning :-

English meaning:-

Cross reference:-
Answer , abruptly; rudely ,
Answer hastly
Harshness, impolite talk indisposed to.
irritability , questioned , when.
Talk , taking , talk , abrupt
Talk talking , talk terse.
Rubrics which r related to abrupt.
Abrupt; yet affectionate.
Abrupt harsh .

explanation :-

English:- when a patient has developed a habbit of doing things unexpectedly or changing the decision suddenly howsoever important it may be.
When the person talks in a harsh tone specially when he is questioned or it may be his routine way of talking with other people.

Hindi explanation:- jab kisi vyakti ka vyavhar aaksasmik aur apratyasit tareeke se rukha , aur amitripurna ho jata hain.
Yani ki ye sab cheeje achanak hi uske andar dovelop ho jati hain, person aisi cheeje karne lag jata hai, jiski kisi ko ummid bhi nahi hoti hain.

jab person kisi se bahut gande tareeke se bat karne lagta hain,

Agar person se koi kuch puchhe to vo bahut rukha sa answer deta hain, ya gande tareeke se bat karta hain, agar uski daily routine k bare me koi bat kare ya usse kuch puchhe to vo gussa ho jata hain , uska behaviour change ho jata hain.

Aap kese is cheej ko malum karege

Dr. Saab agar koi mujhse mere bare me meri daily routine k bare me bat karta hain, to mujhe bahut ajeeb si feeling aati hain, main unko acha jawab deta hu , ki bas apne kam se kam rakho , mujhe ye sab pasand nahi hain.
Jab aapke clinic me koi patient aata h, jisko aapne medicine di thi,
Aur vo aapke pas dubara se aaya agar use result nahi mila ,
To uska behaviour aapke lie harsh ho sakta h , suddenly uska behaviour rukha ho jata hain, aapke lie .
Kya batau pata nahi kese dawai dete h aap bilkul bhi aaram nahi h,
Aap ke lie bhi uska behaviour 

da ho jata hain.
Jab ki first meeting me vo aapko kafi acha laga tha.
Aur second meeting me usne suddenly apna behaviour change kar lia....

Rubrics related with abrupt .

⏯Abrupt ; yet affectionate.

Aise logo k lie patient ka behaviour rukha hota hain, jo unke kafi snehi hote hain.

Abhi tak ya ab tak jo uske kareebi the , jinhe vo pyar karta tha, jinhe vo sneh karta tha ,
Ab unke lie uska behaviour abrupt hain.
Unke lie suddenly uske behaviour ka change ho jana, unke lie uska behaviour ganda ho jana.

Ye aur bhi jagah aur conditions me apply ho sakta hain.

Dr. Saab jinhe main bahut pyar karta tha, unke lie bhi mera behaviour suddenly change ho gaya h , ganda ho gaya hain, unfriendly ho gaya hain.

Ye patient aapko khud bhi bata sakta hain, 
Ya uske sath vale , ghar vale bhi bhi aapko bata sakte hain.

Abrupt , harsh

Very strict and unkind

Bahut hi jyada kathor ya nirmam rukha pan kisi bhi person k lie.

Patient ka behaviour kisi k lie bahut ganda ya nirmam ho jata hain.

Dr. Saab inka behaviour suddenly bahut ganda ho gaya h , itne jyada nirmam aur kathor ho gae hain , achanka se hi ye sab hua h kuch samajh me nahi aata ki ye kya hua hain inhe.

Ye patient apne lie bhi bol sakta hai ; ya uski wife ya uske sath vale bhi bol sakte hain.

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POINTERS to remedy selection

POINTERS to remedy selection

1. Arg nit-hurriedness

2. Ars alb-insecurity, desire company, possessive, avaricious, fastidiousness, anxiety about health.

3. Aurum met- depression and loathing of life

4. Baryta carb-misplaced

5. Bryonia-loneliness and insecurity

6. Calc phos-discontended

7. Causticum-graudal paralysis, graduality

8. Carbo veg-sluggishness, coldness, desire to be fanned

9. Chelidonium-forceful individual

10. Dulcamara-domineering and possessive

11. Hepar sulph-oversensitive and abusive

12. Ignitia-women liberation, grief

13. kali bich-narrowness

14. Kali carb-distinctive personality, committed, dogmatically to the sense of duty, inflexible to rigid degree

15. Lachesis-constantly seeking outlet for relief

16. Mag mur-sour temperament

17. Medo- fitful, unstable, profusion inversion

18. Merc-lack of reactive power coupled with inability or inefficiency of functions

19. Nat mur-introversion

20. Nit acid- dissatisfaction

21. Phos acid-weakness or enfeeblement

22. Phosphorous- diffusion

23. Platinum-exemplifies the process of perversion and conflict between normal function

24. Plumbum-paresis

25. Pulsatilla-changeability

26. Rhus tox-stiffness

27. Sepia- bipolar conditions of body

28. Silica-yeilding

29. Stannum met- exhaustion

30. Staphysagria- suppression of emotions

31. Stramonium- violence

32. Thuja-ugly and deceitful

33. Tuberculinum-changeability (extreme levels)

34. Veratrum-constant activity.

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(Extract of supra-renal bodies. A Sarcode)
Tincture or trituration.


Addison's disease. 
Adrenal neuralgia. 
Bronzed skin.


Adrenalin has cured a number of cases of Addison's disease and has arrested others.

The leading features of this affection may be taken as guides for its use:

 Bronzing of skin;

loss of strength;

wasting; exceedingly rapid pulse.

It has cured a case of hæmaturia accompanied by pain in the adrenal region.

It has been used locally in cases of hyperæmia of the conjunctiva, dissipating it almost immediately, and thus rendering operations possible.

 It appears to possess a very powerful local action over dilated blood-vessels.

When injected into the circulation blood pressure rises, the arteries being contracted.

 The general muscular system is affected, a slight stimulus producing prolonged contraction.

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The bone stand for inner stability and the solidity of a person,s personality structure .

The pathological orientation to others or tha CIRCUMSTANCES and the complete neglect of any conflicts , the permanent disrespect of One,s inner voice and life impulses have damaged your basic strructure so saverly that it has bees destroyed ....

Characteristic Remedies ..

AUR MET => Lack of self esteem ...

CALC FLOUR => Seeks support at any cost ...

FLUOR ACID => The chemistry doesn't match , cannot live and let live ...

HEKLA LAVA => Individual life energy is misused ...

MERC SOL => one's own life energy finds no form and is sacrificed to the life energy of someone else ..

SILICEA => Head , feelings suppressed be cause of hurt ...

STICTA PUL => Doing the dirty work ...

SYMP OFF => Suffering until collapse until broken ...

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Master’s Quotes on Homoeopathic Heart Tonic – Crataegus Oxycantha

Master’s Quotes on Homoeopathic Heart Tonic – Crataegus Oxycantha

The name Crataegus oxyacantha is from the Greek kratos (hard), oxus (sharp) and akantha (thorn). Common names for hawthorn are Mayblossom, Quick thorn, Whitethorn, Haw, Hazels, Gazels, Halves, Ladies’ Meat, Quick Thorn, and Bread and cheese tree. The fruit has been called as Pixie Pears, Cuckoo’s Beads and Chucky Cheese. Hawthorn has a long history of use as a medicinal herb. There are references to Dioscorides, a Greek herbalist 100 AD, in his writing referred to it as Crataegus oxuakantha and the name was partially retained by the 18th century Swedish physician Linneus.

Crataegus oxycantha has been used traditionally as a cardiac tonic and current uses include treatment for angina, hypertension, arrhythmias, and congestive heart failure. Animal studies have also indicated that Crataegus extracts may also have potential use as anti-ischemic and lipid-lowering agents.

I have tried to collect the quotes of our Stalwarts in homoeopathy regarding Crataegus. This will help us to understand Crataegus better from Homoeopathic point of view.

Crataegus was introduced as a heart remedy by an Irish practitioner named Greene; and he gained a great success and reputation from its use. An American one, Dr. M. C. Jennings, communicated what he had learned of Greene’s practice to the New York Medical Journal of October 10th, 1896, giving cases which showed it, in crude dosage, to have great power in restoring failing compensation. It soon made way in our school across the Atlantic, and numerous testimonies to its efficacy were borne. It seems to do, in about five-drop doses of the tincture (which is made from the fresh berries), all that digitalis in much larger quantities can accomplish.

 Dr. Richard Hughes (The Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy)

This is a superior remedy in various heart troubles; it not only relieves, as many other remedies do, but often proves curative as well. Being a good heart tonic and restorative it improves circulation and consequently favors better oxygenation of the blood. We think of it in hypertrophy, valvular insufficiency, pre-cordial oppression, tachycardia, neuralgia of the heart, cardiac dropsy, or dropsy the result of weak heart’s action; vertigo, apoplexy, angina pectoris, pericarditis and myocarditis.

 Dr. Fred Julius Petersen (Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics)

Cratægus, which has been lauded as a heart remedy, had a proving under the direction of Dr. Cowperthwaite, of Chicago, who reported the result to the American Institute of Homoeopathy, in 1900. Fourteen provers took part, one taking repeated doses ranging from 5 to 185 drops of the tincture, and Dr. Cowperthwaite reports that the only action of the drug, common to nearly all the provers, was a purgative one. One of the doctors who assisted in the work and followed up the action of the drug on the provers, reported that “this much-vaunted cardiac remedy, after thorough test physiologically on the healthy, and as a therapeutic measure in a large number of cardiac lesions, has shown such a limited sphere of action as to be entirely superseded by other drugs.”

Dr. Pierce Willard Ide (Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons)

An enthusiastic doctor once compared the action of the mother tincture of Crataegus oxycantha – the berries of the white English hawthorn – to the action of “a good meal on a tired, hungry and cold man”. The dose is about 5 to 10 drops in a little water. Crataegus seems nearly a universal heart remedy, fitting all cases.

 Dr. E. P. Anshutz (New, Old and Forgotten Remedies)

It should be remembered in all cases of failing compensation with dilatation of the heart; also in fatty hearts where it frequently gives relief when Digitalis and the other cardiac stimulants have failed. It is of service in dilatation of the heart, the first sound being absent, weak, prolonged or replaced by a murmur; the pulse is accelerated, often intermittent, and irregular.

Dr. A. L. Blackwood (A manual of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacology)

Sleeplessness in heart affections was found under crataegus, the prescription was thirty drops of mother tincture in half a glass of water one tea spoon full every 30 hours , the effect was unbelievable . In 2 days the patient blue cyanosed, face becomes moist he begins to lie down a little and the immense hyper-trophied and dilated heart progressively less in short a marvelous improvement set in.

Dr. C. M. Boger (A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica)

Crataegus is believed to be the king of heart tonics; it has been extensively used in Chicago by heart clinics for 50 years with utmost ratifying results.

 Dr. T. K. Moore (Pointers that point to the Cure)

Crataegus is of the greatest value in myocardial degeneration with a steadily failing heart. In such a condition there will be the usual accompanying symptoms, increasing pulse rate, signs of pulmonary congestion, a certain amount of oedema, slight cyanosis and aggravation from any exertion. In such a condition, Crataegus in low potency may produce a dramatic effect and a considerable amount of recovery in the apparently irreparably damaged heart. Give Crataegus 3x every 3 to 4 hours for several weeks.

 Dr. D. M. Borland (The Treatment of Certain Heart Conditions)

The real danger is very bad malignant case with no high blood pressure at all. The systolic may be quiet low but with a high diastolic, crataegus I think you might consider using it in big doses i.e, 30 minims t.i.d

 Dr. T. D. Ross (Bedside Prescriber by Dr. C. Saha)

Blood Pressure High or Low: chances in blood pressure can also be a criterion of correct selection of the remedy, it makes no difference whether the case under study originally had normal or abnormal vascular tension, the simillimum always normalizes the blood pressure; it lowers the high and raises the low pressure and does not change the normal while the partially similar remedy; the palliator, mostly lowers the pressure.

Dr. F. K. Bellokossy (Random Notes)

This remedy has mostly been used in five to ten-drop doses of the tincture. But Dr. Wilbur Bond of Greenfork, Indiana, some years ago reported a number of nice cures with this remedy in high potency and the writer has had cases cured with it in potencies thus confirming its power in potency when applicable. This valuable drug should have a complete Hahnemannian proving. This remedy seems to accomplish all that digitalis does in material doses without the consequential heart poison that the accumulated affects of digitalis produces.

 Dr. A.H. Grimmer (The Collected Works)

Old Age Pulse: I was asked to prescribe for a physician of 80 years old, the pulse was rather peculiar, and there were 2 or 3 regular beats, 3 or 4 quick pulsations of the artery. It reminded me of an old horse drawing a heavy load, the driver whip him and the horse will go rapidly for 2 or 3 steps again. The old doctor’s heart which served him long faithfully was just getting tired and him so long and faith fully was just getting tired and was liable to stop beating or ever. I prescribed tincture Crataegus 10 drops every 3 hours in alteration with Kali Phos. I heard from him a year after wards, he was very much better and was able to attend to office business.

Dr. Eli G. Jones (Definite Medication, 1911)

The few provings that have been made show conclusively that its action is directly upon the heart, which, primarily, it excites moderately, but to such a degree that it becomes quite evident that the long-continued use of the drug would result in lowering the tone of the heart and enfeebling its action.

Dr. Adolf Von Lippe (Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms of the Materia Medica)

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