Ichthyosis vulgaris  is an inherited skin disorder in which dead skin cells accumulate in thick, dry scales on your skin's surface.
The scales of ichthyosis vulgaris, sometimes called fish scale disease or fish skin disease, can be present at birth, but usually first appear during early childhood. Sometimes, mild cases of ichthyosis vulgaris go undiagnosed because they're mistaken for extremely dry skin.
Most cases of ichthyosis vulgaris are mild, but some are severe. Sometimes other skin diseases, such as the allergic skin condition eczema, are associated with ichthyosis vulgaris.
There are various types of ichthyosis , but Ichthyosis vulgaris is the most common and mild form. It is characterised by mild scaling and dryness of skin.


Ichthyosis vulgaris is commonly caused by a genetic mutation that's inherited from one or both parents. Children who inherit a defective gene from just one parent have a milder form of the disease. Those who inherit two defective genes have a more severe form of ichthyosis vulgaris. Children with the inherited form of the disorder usually have normal skin at birth, but develop scaling and roughness during the first few years of life.
If genetic abnormalities aren't responsible for ichthyosis, it's referred to as acquired ichthyosis. It's usually associated with other diseases, such as cancer, thyroid disease or HIV/AIDS.


Ichthyosis vulgaris slows your skin's natural shedding process. This causes chronic, excessive buildup of the protein in the upper layer of the skin (keratin). Symptoms include:
·         Dry, scaly skin
·         Tile-like, small scales
·         Scales colored white, dirty gray or brown — with darker-colored scales typically on darker skin
·         Flaky scalp
·         Deep, painful cracks in your skin
The scales usually appear on your elbows and lower legs and may be especially thick and dark over your shins. Most cases of ichthyosis vulgaris are mild, but some can be severe. The severity of symptoms may vary widely among family members who have the condition.
Symptoms usually worsen or are more pronounced in cold, dry environments and tend to improve or even resolve in warm, humid environments.


Some people with ichthyosis may experience:
Overheating. In rare cases, the skin thickness and scales of ichthyosis can interfere with sweating. This can inhibit cooling. In some people, excess sweating (hyperhidrosis) can occur.
Secondary infection. Skin splitting and cracking may lead to infections.


Homoeopathic remedies are found to be very effective for this condition . Some of the effective remedies are given below-


Arsenic iodatum is one of the top remedies for Ichthyosis.There is  marked exfoliation of large scales from the skin that leave behind a raw surface. The  skin is  scaly with much itching .


Hydrocotyle asiatica is another effective medicine for Ichthyosis.There is  great thickening of epidermal layer and exfoliation of scales of the skin. Circular spots on the skin  with scaly edges.Another prescribing symptom is  intolerable itching , especially  of soles


Petroleum is prescribed  where the skin is rough, dry and thick, with the presence of cracks. The skin is very sensitive .


Sepia is very effective for ichthyosis . Sepia is prescribed for ichthyosis with offensive odour of skin. Severe itching which is not relieved by scratching. Worse in bends of elbows and knees


Kali Sulph is the best Homoeopathic medicine  for icthyosis with dry, flaky skin with prominent, yellow scales.


Platanus occidentalis is prescribed for X linked ichthyosis with corneal opacity and cataract .


Natrum carb. is prescribed for Lamellar ichthyosis with photophobia


Clematis erecta is prescribed when red, brown , scaly, scabby skin occurs.  There is intense itching ,  worse washing in cold water


Zincum metallicum is effective for ichthyosis with corneal dystrophy.

Interesting Clinical tips on Homoeopathic management of Diabetes with dose and potency

Interesting Clinical tips on Homoeopathic management of Diabetes with dose and potency

1.Diabetes with calculi/inflammation/tumour of pancreas = Iris versicolor Q
2.Diabetes with creatinine high, kidney affections = Chimaphila Q
3.Diabetes with delayed/non healing ulcer = Secale cor Q, Syzygium Q (Syz Q external also)
4.Diabetes with emaciation = Syzygium Q, Argentum met 3x
5.Diabetes with fatty stool (fatty pancreas) = Iodum 3x
6.Diabetes with froathy urine = Cheonathus Q
7.Diabetes with froathy urine (prostate affections) = Carbolic acid Q
8.Diabetes with herpez, c/c malaria, urine sugar high = Grindelia Q
9.Diabetes with hysteria = Borax 3x, Moschus 3x (Ignatia 1M as IC)
10.Diabetes with impaired memory, giddiness, thirst more, appetite less, burning = Cephalandra Q
11.Diabetes with itching of anus = Ratanhia Q
12.Diabetes with kidney affections = Helonius Q
13.Diabetes with low confidence, nervous excitablility/irritability, esp. of drunkards = Argentum nit 200/1M
14.Diabetes with malignant pancreas diseases, anxiety = Acid phos Q
15.Diabetes with pregnancy (gestational) = Lactic acid 3x
16.Diabetes with prostate enlargement and high PSA = Senecio aureus Q
17.Diabetes with pterygium= Ratanhia Q
18.Diabetes with rheumatic affections = Colchicum Q
19.Diabetes with skin problems, ulcer, pruritis = Syzygium Q
20.Diabetes with Uremia = Kali brom 3x
21.Diabetes with weight loss = Iodum 3x
22.Diabetes with no other indications = Abroma augusta Q, Insulin 12 x
23.To increase insulin production = Pancreatinum 3x, Opium 200

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The out look towards Snake poisons

The out look towards Snake poisons

1. The ophidians are characterized by their paralysing action upon the nerves, disintegrating effect upon the tissues and decomposition of the blood.
2. The effects of snake-bites fall into three groups, corresponding to the three leading forms of disease which the potentized venom will cure:
3. (a) Direct poisoning of the nerve centers without local inflammation or blood changes. The great shock of the poison is first felt in the centers of the cord, then of the medulla, involving the functional integrity of the brain, the pneumo-gastric producing cardiac and respiratory symptoms, and finally affecting the sympathetic nervous system. Occasionally there are convulsions resembling those of epilepsy but death is almost instantaneous, or occurs in a short time from paralysis of the heart.
4. (b) The victim, surviving the first shock, exhibits symptoms of a haemorrhagic nature, ecchymoses, oozing of dark, thin blood from the orifices, and haematogenous jaundice and fever, flushed face, injected conjunctivae, thirst, anorexia, spongy bleeding gums, sore throat.
5. (c) Inflammation, agonizing pain and erysipelatous swelling at the seat of the injury, rapidly passing on into gangrene, foul ulcers, absorption of the venom by the lymphatics, inflammation of lymphatic glands, or through the veins resulting in pyemia.
6. At first there are anxiety, mental excitability and hallucinations. Later may arise mental confusion, stupor, low delirium, numbness, twitching, faintness, trembling, irregularities of circulation and apoplectic congestion with great prostration or paralysis.
Lachesis mutus
7. Lachesis (the lance heated viper) is the best known and therefore the most frequently used of all the snake poisons. A brief survey of the symptoms produced by the bite of the snake will suggest the character of the ailments which call for its use. They are fevers of a low type, septic and zymotic conditions attended by alarming prostration, relaxation of muscles, disorganization of the blood, phlegmonous inflammation, diphtheritic deposits, malignant ulceration with thin, ichorous discharges, violent disturbances of the circulation, exaggerated reflexes, paralysis and coma.
8. There are five grand characteristics which will enable the prescriber quickly to recognize the remedy in both acute and chronic cases.
They are:
1. Aggravation after sleep.
2. Extreme sensitiveness to touch.
3. Intolerance of clothing about the neck or abdomen.
4. Ailments on the left side or progressing from left to right.
5. Relief from the re-establishing of discharges or eruptions.
Any one of these characteristics is strongly suggestive of Lachesis; a combination of two or more usually makes the choice certain.
9. Other important characteristics to complete a practical study of the remedy are as follows:
Ailment from GRIEF; fright, vexation; JEALOUSY; or disappointed love.
HOT FLUSHES and other affections DURING or FOLLOWING THE CLIMACTERIC; *"Not well since change of life"*.
BLUISH or BLACK inflamed areas, swellings, ulcers.
FAINTING; during vertigo; palpitation; FROM EMOTIONAL EXCITEMENT.
Sensations of a ball in inner parts; numbness; heat.
*Pains:* STITCHING; stitching upwards; tearing; burning.
Unquenchable thirst; ravenous hunger or anorexia.
Empty, sinking sensation in the epigastrium.
Menses late, dark, CLOTTED, SCANTY, intermitting, RELIEVED all symptoms.
Worse: MORNING; NIGHT; SPRING; warmth; WARM, WET WEATHER; before and during a thunder storm; motion ON PAINFUL SIDE; TOUCH; during and AFTER SLEEP; BEFORE and AFTER MENSES; WARM FOOD.
Better: cold; cool air; pressure; loosening clothing; discharges.
10. Related remedies: Ars.; Bell.; Carbo v.; Caust.; Con.; Hep.; Lyc.; Merc.; Nit. ac.; Sep.; Tarent. cub.; Tarent. hisp.; Zinc.; and the Ophidia.
Complementary: Lyc.; Phos.; Zinc.; Iod.
Naja tripudians
11. Naja (the cobra) has been found useful chiefly in heart affections, uncomplicated cardiac hypertrophy in young people and children; myocarditis with violent stitching pains. Also in frontal headache associated with palpitation and pains in the spine; or heavy weight on the vertex with flushes to the face, and cold feet. As with Lachesis the patient is worse during and after sleep, wakens gasping for breath, with anxious expression and blueness of the face. Angina pectoris, pains extending to the neck and shoulder. Chronic nervous palpitation after public speaking.
12. Naja is more suitable than Lachesis for the after effects of acute cardiac inflammation.
13. Related: Ars.; Cact.; Carbo v.; Camph.; Cimic.; Tab.; Lach.; Laur.; the Ophidia.
Crotalus horridus
14. Crotalus horridus (the rattle snake) corresponds to low, septic, typhoidal or zymotic fevers; malignant diphtheria with haemorrhage from the nose of thin, black blood refusing to coagulate; sinking of the vital forces; cold, dry skin.
15. In these symptoms Crotalus is almost identical with Lachesis. It manifests also similar loquacity, mental depression, intolerance of clothing about the waist, spasm of throat muscles, aggravation after sleep, relief from cool open air, and general sensitiveness of the skin. But in Crotalus there is more of a tendency to weep, greater mental confusion, and less aggravation from anything touching the throat. Some of its complaints, notably those of the throat and respiratory organs, are worse from cold air, and it has a decided affinity for the right side. In collapse the skin of the Lachesis patient is cold and moist, that of the Crotalus subject is cold and dry.
16. Related; The Ophidia; Ars.; Camph.; Carbo v.; Lach.; Laur.; Sul. ac.; Tarent. cub.
Complementary: Lycopus.
Vipera berus
17. The therapeutic range of the venom of the German viper, owing to meagre provings, is limited to ailments of the menopause and inflammatory conditions of the veins and lymphatics; boils and carbuncles. But, whether the ailment be acute or chronic, the following characteristics prevail:
SENSATION OF FULLNESS or bursting pain when the part HANGS DOWNWARD, relieved by placing it in the HORIZONTAL POSITION.
Burning, better from cold applications.
Relief of all symptoms by gentle motion.
18. Related: the Ophidia, especially Lachesis. (Vipera more markedly affects the veins than any other of the group); Carbo v.; Calc. c.; Elaps; Lyc.; Puls.



David Little on May 15, 2008 in Organon & Philosophy

The Minimal Dose

✔James Kent was an extremely experienced homoeopath but he did make a few fundamental mistakes. This is true with all of us greater or lesser mortals. Perhaps the area where he made his biggest mistake was in his view of the dose. There is a commonly held belief in modern homoeopathy that there is no difference in the action of a homoeopathic remedy regardless of whether one gives one pill, one hundred pills, or for that manner, one thousand pills ad infinitum.

✔This idea originated with James Kent and can be found in his classic, Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy in the chapter called, On Simple Substance*. In this work Kent’s explains the Swedenborgian theory that energy is based on a fourth state of matter called the simple substance. This idea originated in the 18th century when all forms of energy were considered to have a subtle substance as their basis. This view was also reflected in the Newtonian theory that there were permanent atoms responsible for all forms of energy.

*Kent’s Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy, Lecture VIII, On Simple Substance, page 67, B Jain, New Delhi.

Hahnemann was one of the first visionaries to postulate the existence of pure energies that have no material basis in any substance. Aphorism 9 of the Organon states, “In the healthy condition of man the spiritual vital force animates the material body”. Kent objected to Hahnemann’s use of such words as the vital force, vital energy, or vital principle because he felt that all energy must be a subtle substance. Kent felt that what Hahnemann had written was misleading because there really was no such thing as a pure energy. Vide Kent’s Lectures.

“If he (i.e., Hahnemann) had used the words “immaterial vital substance,” it would have been even stronger, for you will see it to be true that it is a substance.”

Kent could not conceive of a purely energetic phenomena because he felt that all forces must be based on the subtle state of matter. Hahnemann equated the dynamic nature of the vital force with natural phenomenon akin to electromagnetism rather than any simple substance. He was a pure vitalist who taught that the material world is sustained by radiant energy sources not subtle forms of matter or permanent atoms. For Kent, however, such a lofty vision was impossible as he felt that everything must have a substantial basis even if it was of the most subtle nature. Vide Kent.

“For a number of years there has been a continuous discussion of force as force, or power to construct. The thought that force has nothing prior leads man’s mind into insanity. If man can think of energy as something substantial, he can better think of something substantial as having energy.

Kent believed that a “fourth state of matter” acted as a precursor to all forms of energy or force. He could not conceive of matter as being a form of condensed energy because he could not imagine that a force could come from “nothing”. The idea of a permanent atom originated ages ago with Democritus and continued until Einstein pointed the way toward quantum physics in the early 20th century. Kent felt that the process of potentization reduced a homoeopathic remedy to its “simple substance”, and correspondingly, the remedy itself entered into the fourth state of matter.

Swedenborg taught that in the 4th state of matter there was no “quantity” of simple substance but “only quality in degrees of fineness”. This is why Kentian homoeopaths believe that there is no difference in using one pill or one thousand pills of a high potency remedy. Kent felt that the fineness in degrees of the simple substance denotes the potency of a homoeopathic remedy. At the same time he felt that the simple substance has no “quantity”, so therefore, the number of pills used in a dose makes no difference. He also wrote that it makes no difference whether you take a remedy in liquid or a pill dose. Kent also felt it makes no difference whether you give 1 teaspoon or the entire glass of a medicinal solution. In Kentian homoeopathy the size of the dose is a static factor while only the potency is dynamic.

Modern physics states that all forms of energy are contained in small energy packets called quantums. The amplitude of a force is increased when the number of quantums of energy present are expanded at any given wave length. In the same way, Hahnemann taught that each pill of a homoeopathic remedy possessed a certain amount or “quantum” of medicinal energy. In a sense the potency of a remedy represents the wave form or frequency of the energy and the number of pills represents the amplitude or power of the signal. This is why the power of a homoeopathic dose increases each time the practitioner uses more pills when preparing the remedy for ingestion. Of course, this is a philosophical interpretation not one of a physicist’s.

Many modern homoeopaths interpret the size of the dose as being synonymous with the level of the potency used. They mistakenly believe that using a smallest dose relates to the tiny amount of the original substance present in a high potency remedy. This is not the case as Hahnemann speaks of the difference between the size or amount of a dose and the potency factor in his writings. In the Organon, he tells his homoeopaths that an excessively large amount of the correct remedy is dangerous, especially when it is given in high potency.

“For this reason, a medicine, even though it may be homoeopathically suited to the case of disease, *DOES HARM IN EVERY DOSE THAT IS TOO LARGE, AND IN STRONG DOSES IT DOES MORE HARM THE GREATER ITS HOMEOPATHICITY AND THE HIGHER THE POTENCY SELECTED*, and it does much more injury than any equally large dose of a medicine that is unhomoeopathic and in no respect adapted to the morbid state (allopathic)”.

Hahnemann taught that the phenomenon of the aggravation was not only linked to the potency, but also to the number of pills used when giving the dose. From this we can see that Hahnemann’s views of energy mechanics were similar to the quantum physics of the 20th century which overturned the ideas of Newton. In homoeopathy the use of the minimal dose is a very important rule because it must be utilized in daily practice as a guide while treating patients.

As one can see from this paragraph, a child eating a large number of pills of an unhomoeopathic remedy does not necessarily pose a danger. On the other hand, symptoms have been notice under these conditions at times. The real danger in an excessive dose is when the remedy is perfectly homoeopathic and the patient is sensitive, has advanced chronic diseases, or hidden tissue pathology. This is not a matter of theory to those of us who have worked with the medicinal solution and the methods of adjusting the dose. Here are some examples which demonstrate that the preparation does indeed make a difference on the action of the remedy on the vital force.

1. A very hypersensitive lady who was taking one 6c pill dry was experiencing strong aggravations every time she took the dose after which she would improve a little and then relapse. She thought she was too sensitive for homoeopathy and may have given up. On making a medicinal solution, and taking one teaspoon, the remedy no longer aggravated, and she was able to repeat the remedy at suitable intervals until she was cured. This is an example of how changing from the dry dose to the liquid dose, and succussing before each teaspoonfull, transmuted an aggravation and made the remedy repeatable in a sensitive who had trouble taking even one dose dry. This is an example of changing from a dry dose to a liquid dose which shows there is a difference in the way you give the dose and its amount.

2. A homoeopath who took Carbo Veg. 200c in a dry dose did not react. The remedy seemed to fit her case. She then was told to try it again but in a medicinal solution. The dose was one teaspoon. A few doses of the 200c succussed 5 times before each dose to slightly change the potency cured rapidly. This is another example of a solution curing where a dry dose failed. If dosage makes no difference wet or dry as Kent said, why did this work?

3. A woman who took one dose of Cimicifuga LM1 in a 4 oz. solution for migraine headaches experienced a similar aggravation. After increasing the amount of water in the solution by making an 8 oz solution there was no aggravation and she was able to repeat the remedy every three days for a month and her migraines never came back. She never experienced aggravation again. This is an example of adjusting the dose by using more water in the original solution. This made the remedy act more gently on her constitution and made it repeatable without aggravation.

4. A person suffering from sleep apnea was given Arsenicum Album LM1 in a 6 oz solution, succussed 3 times before ingestion, 1 teaspoon was taken and stirred into 6 oz of water, and 1 teaspoon was given as a dose. After taking the remedy there was an aggravation of some of the concomitant symptoms for three days, then a slight improvement for a short while, and a relapse. The remedy was given again, but 1 teaspoon was taken out of the first dilution glass, and placed in a second glass from which the client was given 1 teaspoon. The succussions were the same. This caused a radical improvement and removed the sleep apnea. There was no aggravation on the dose made in this manner. This is an example of diluting the remedy through two glasses of water and getting a striking response when the remedy out of the first glass caused an aggravation and then only a made a small improvement. Doesn’t this show a difference in the size of the dose. According to Kent this would not make any change in the effect of the remedy.

5. A patient was given a remedy in a medicinal solution which was succussed 5 times before ingestion. He responded well to the first dose, but when he was told to take a second dose, he forgot to succuss the bottle and the remedy did not act. After the situation was discussed he was reminded to succuss the remedy before taking it again and it work just as well as the first time. This is an example of taking the same unsuccussed, unmodified remedy twice in succession and having no affect at all. When the remedy was “potentized anew” as Hahnemann suggested in paragraph 248, it acted very deeply. This demonstrates the important of succussion and changing the potency of each dose. This is a related subject but does not really deal with changed amounts of the dose.

Hahnemann mentioned in Organon that there are special conditions when the size of a dose must be increased to overcome a disease. The first example he gives is when there are the primary eruptions of the chronic miasms are on the skin. Here are some examples of this method.

6. In a case of scabies (one of psora’s primary eruptions) the normal one teaspoon dose did not act deep enough to remove the mites. In aphorism 248 Hahnemann mentions giving “one or increasingly more teaspoons” of the remedy when needed. By gradually increasing the amount of the dose from 1 teaspoon to 2 then 3 teaspoons the parasites were quickly removed. (Have done this one many times)

7. A case of ringworm (a primary eruption on the skin related to the TB miasm) was only responding slowly to repeated doses of Bacillinum LM1 given in teaspoon doses. The succussions were raised but it did not help. The dose was repeated more often but there was no change. The size of the dose was increased to 3 teaspoons and the ringworm immediately responded and began disappearing. This larger dose acted where a smaller dose did not. The succussions were kept the same.

Another example Hahnemann gave of cases that often need an increase of the size of the dose is when the general health of a person has improved but a stubborn local complaint remains. I have often seen cases where there is a general improvement but a lesional or pathological complaint lingers on. In cases like this it is best to start with the smallest possible doses to get a reaction and slowly augment them until there is an effect on the local complaint.

8. I gave Calcarea Carb LM1 to a gentleman who had an incredible number of symptoms including impotency which brought him great despair. He responded mentally and vitally to the first doses but the local complaint lingered until the size of the dose was gradually augmented over a period of time by increasing the number of teaspoons taken as a dose. The impotency vanished and he has remained cured to this very day. Another reason for increasing the size of the dose is when a case no longer seems to be moving forward.

9. A person was suffering from a swollen prostate with concomitant melancholia and impotence, and obstruction of the flow of urine, a pressure-like sensation in the perineum. He was first given 1 teaspoon of Conium which caused a fair response. He increased the 1 teaspoon to 2 on his own and got a similar aggravation (too large of a dose). He was advised to stop the dose for a few days and to start again with 1 teaspoon. This worked very well as LM1 and LM2 were used and the worst symptoms disappeared. Then it seemed as if the movement of the remedy forward had reached a plateau so the size of the dose was slowly increased from 1 teaspoon to 2 then to 3, and the case once again started moving rapidly forward and is much, much better. If the size of the dose makes no difference, how did this all happen?

These are examples of cases where the methods of adjusting the dose made a difference between success and failure. If I did not adjust the size of the dose in these cases the correct remedy might have been called into question. These methods are all connected to the innovations that Samuel Hahnemann introduced in the 5th (1833) and 6th Organon (finished 1842) and the 1837 edition of the Chronic Diseases. This method demands more artistry on the part of the homoeopath but with more knowledge comes more responsibility.

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Urinary tract infections and homeopathy

#Urinary tract infections and homeopathy .
Cystitis signs and symptoms often include:

A strong, persistent urge to urinate
A burning sensation when urinating
Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
Blood in the urine (hematuria)
Passing cloudy or strong-smelling urine
Pelvic discomfort
A feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen
Low-grade fever
In young children, new episodes of accidental daytime wetting also may be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Nighttime bed-wetting on its own isn't likely to be associated with a UTI.
#Homeopathic #remedies
Treatment with homeopathy is in two parts: first to treat the infection, and secondly to improve the general health so as to avert further infections. This deeper treatment is best left to a professional homeopath.

For an acute attack a relatively high potency, 30c, is indicated. It can be repeated every hour, decreasing the frequency of the remedy as the symptoms improve. If there is no improvement after three or four doses, professional homeopathic treatment should be sought.

#Arnica montana
Arnica is very useful for cystitis that occurs following bruising injuries of the perineum. It is therefore well indicated for urinary problems following childbirth. There may be trouble emptying the bladder and some involuntary dribbling.

Sepia is immensely useful for recurrent urinary tract infections, especially when there is also a history of lots of antibiotic use and thrush. The woman often loses her libido, because sex is painful and she fears cystitis may result. She is often worn out by the recurrent infections, so exhausted by the struggle to keep going that she cries when expressing herself. Genital herpes may be present.

The symptoms come on very suddenly and without any warning, often after a fright or exposure to cold. Diving into icy water may bring on cystitis. There is a lot of fear and this may lead to retention of urine. There is a sensation of pressure in the bladder and burning before urination.

This remedy is often prescribed constitutionally for shy little girls with a highly emotional and changeable nature. As they do not drink much they are more prone to urinary tract infections. Pulsatilla is often prescribed for older women, who are soft and yielding in character. They are prone to cry whilst relating their story, and evoke sympathy in the listener. The pain is worse when urination is delayed, and after urination. The symptoms are changeable, and the urine tends to spurt out.

The Spanish fly is a urinary tract irritant, well known to the Marquis de Sade and his followers. It produces the most agonising pain before, during and after urination. Each drop of urine feels like scalding acid and it may be easier to pass urine in a hot bath. The surrounding skin may become excoriated, and there may be blood in the urine. The patient is beside herself with pain and avoids drinking so that she won’t have to pass urine.

#Nux vomica
There is intense chilliness and the person feels very irritable with the cystitis. There is constant urging and a sense that the bladder is full, although tiny amounts of urine are passed. This remedy is well indicated when frequency is the predominate symptom. A constitutional Nux vomica is the typical Type A personality – driven, ambitious and very competitive, with a short fuse.

“Honeymoon cystitis” frequently responds very well to Staphysagria, as do urinary tract infections that come on after pelvic examination, operation or labour. It is indicated where there is suppressed anger and grief. The anger is hidden, the person appears mild tempered and gentle, yet there is often a history of abuse or deep sorrow. Cystitis occurs after sex and the pain is felt during and after urination.

This remedy is frequently used for infections when the pain comes on after urination. There may be some blood in the urine and severe symptoms of cystitis. It is easier to pass urine whilst standing up and there is a tendency to urinary retention.

Remembering the legend Dr C Herring...

Remembering the legend

Dr C Herring...
Born Jan 1 1800
Died JUNE 23 1880

1824....his Gangrene cured by Ernst Kummer with ARS ALB ....

1836...His Thesis was ON THE MEDICINE OF THE FUTURE .....
His interest and experience with Snake Venom led him to prove saliva of rabid dog, powdered small pox scabs, other disease products , Viruses or Venoms ....

In 1848 he joined Hahnemannian Medical College, where he and his students treated over 50000 patients a year and trained a total 3500 Homoeopaths.

He was the first to use NITROGLYCERINE in medicine for Headache and heart problems ( 30 years before its first use in orthodox medicine ).

Today is the day he passed away...23rd June

His remarkable contributions :

1. Herrings Law of Cure
2. A concise view of the rise and progress of homoeopathic medicine
3. Domestic physician
4. Hahnemanns 3 rules concerning the rank of symptoms
5. Analytical therapeutics
6. The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica
10 volumes

The All India AYUSH Post Graduate Entrance Test 2017 (AIAPGET 2017)

The All India AYUSH Post Graduate Entrance Test 2017 (AIAPGET 2017) is a computer based test (CBT) conducted by the All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), New Delhi on behalf of Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India
  1. The examination shall be held in various test centers at about 20 cities on 06th August 2017(Sunday). The examination shall comprise of 100 Multiple Choice Questions from the respective stream (BAMS/BUMS/BSMS/BHMS) curriculum duly prescribed by CCIM/CCH.
  2. AIAPGET 2017 is a single window entrance examination for admission to AYUSH MD/MS Post Graduate courses for all AYUSH Colleges/ Institutions/ University/ Deemed University. No other entrance examination, either at state or institutional level shall be valid for admission to MD/MS courses in Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy system of Medicine w.e.f 2017-18 academic session as per the directions of the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
  3. AIAPGET secretariat will prepare a common merit list and will share it with the concerned authorities/States who will be responsible to prepare their own merit list considering the applicable rules, regulations, reservation policy and their other criteria, for the counselling. It will include All India quota (Open/ other State) seats & State quota seats for AYUSH MD/MS PG courses for admission in all AYUSH colleges, Institutions & Universities/Deemed Universities.
    AIIA & Ministry of AYUSH will not hold any counselling.
  4. The entire procedure for registration and application for the examination is online.
ONLINE APPLICATION 27th June 2017 (9 AM)till 15th July 2017 (04.00 PM)
TEST 06th August 2017
RESULT 23rd – 26th August 2017
Details regarding AIAPGET 2017 will be available on www.aiapget.com/ www.aiia.co.in / www.ayush.gov.in from 25th June 2017, 4 PM onwards.

Alopecia areata and homoeopathic management

Alopecia areata  

Alopecia areata is defined as a non-scarring, inflammatory loss of hair affecting men, women, and children. This hair loss problem is still a mystery to the physicians and people doing research. But of late the one theory that seems to make sense is that Alopecia Areata is an auto-immune disorder. This means that the person's own immune cells prevent the hair follicles from producing hair,hair loss in small, round patches any where in hairy parts of the body. The most affected part is scalp. Alopecia areata can cause tremendous emotional and psychosocial stress in affected patients and their families. Alopecia areata can progress to complete loss of all body hair. While not a life threatening condition, 
FACTORS FOR ALOPECIA AREATA Like I have written earlier no one knows for a 100% what causes this disorder but the theory of auto-immune disorder is widely accepted. For an auto-immune disorder to surface there has to be a trigger factor. Here are a few potential trigger factors suggested:-
1. Mental and Emotional stress - this is considered as one of the most likely triggers for the development of Alopecia areata. Psychological stress can give rise to an underlying auto-immune disorder which is dormant in the body. 2. Shock or sudden extreme stress - the loss of a near or dear one, divorce, accident are considered as sudden extreme stress. In a number of cases it has been observed that alopecia areata has occurred after such an episode. 3. Injury to the skin - people who are susceptible to developing alopecia areata will have loss of hair wherever she or he gets a cut, scrape or abrasion. 4. Physical stress - it has been observed that some people develop this hair disorder after suffering from another major illness like fever, viral infection, cancer, radiation etc… Also a physical injury like a blow to the head can trigger the hair loss. 5. Allergies - if you are genetically prone to develop allergic conditions like asthma, urticaria, eczema, etc… then you are more susceptible to developing alopecia areata which is more extensive and prolonged in nature. 6. Chemicals - some people believe that certain chemicals like pesticides have the potential to trigger Alopecia. 7. Viral and bacterial infections - there are certain viral infections of the hair follicles that can give rise to loss of hair. However these theories are doubtful but what is possible is that these virus or bacteria stimulate the person's own immunity giving rise to inappropriate reactions against the hair cells. 8. Pregnancy and hormones - it has been observed that hormonal fluctuations do affect the course of Alopecia areata. Puberty and menopause are two very periods for a female. Alopecia could be triggered during these periods. Also it has been noticed that a woman suffering from alopecia can go into remission or have regrowth of hair during pregnancy. 9. Genetics - no one can prove for a certainty that Alopecia areata is a genetically linked disorder but there is a higher incidence of it within some families. What the research groups have concluded is that the individual is more susceptible to develop Alopecia if it is present within the family but an environmental trigger is required. 

Alopecia Areata has many different presentations but loss of hair is the main problem. The pattern of hair loss varies in each case. Some people suffer from a single circular patch while others have a more diffuse form where there are no distinct patches and the hair loss is all over.
Some people have loss of hair in a serpent fashion known as Ophiasis. In this case the person has loss of hair all around the margins. Alopecia totalis indicates complete loss of hair on the scalp. Here the surface of the scalp becomes very smooth.
Alopecia universalis means a complete loss of hair all over the body. This is a very severe form where the person loses all eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic hair, underarm hair and hair from other parts of the body. 

  • The typical patch of alopecia areata is usually round or oval, and is completely bald and smooth.
  • “Exclamation-mark” hairs may be seen at the margin of the patch.
  • Some broken, short hairs that taper at the base.
Nail involvement
  • Nail involvement found most commonly seen in patients with severe forms of alopecia areata.
  • Pitting is the most common finding. Several other abnormalities have
  • been reported (e.g., trachyonychia, Beau lines, onychorrhexis, onychomadesis, koilonychia, leukonychia, red lunulae). 
  • Fingernails predominantly are affected.

Alopecia Types and Definitions
  • Alopecia Areata-Patch like Hair falling
  • Alopecia Partialis-Hair falling in one half side of the scalp or in limbs or in face.
  • Alopecia totalis-complete falling of hairs in scalp (not baldness)
  • Alopecia Universalis-complete loss of hair all over the hair (complete hair falling in scalp, face, arm pit, pubic, and limbs)

Alopecia areata can be classified according to its pattern.
  • Patchy alopecia areata -Hair loss most often is localized and patchy
  • Ophiasis pattern of alopecia areata –A reticular pattern occurs when hair loss is more extensive and the patches coalesce. An ophiasis pattern occurs when the hair losses is
    localized to the sides and lower back of the scalp 
  • Sisaipho pattern of alopecia areata –Conversely, sisaipho (ophiasis spelled backwards) pattern occurs when hair loss spares the sides and back of the head
  • Alopecia totalis-Alopecia totalis occurs with 100% hair loss on the scalp
  • Alopecia universalis-Alopecia universalis occurs with complete loss of hair on all hair-bearing areas.
  • Diffuse alopecia areata –Alopecia areata usually is focal; however, it can be diffuse, thereby mimicking Telogen effluvium (TE) or the type of androgenetic alopecia seen in women

Conventional Treatment of Alopecia Areata 
There are several different forms of treatment available for this problem. However very few have found to be effective and all have their set of side-effects. Some physicians even give their patients steroid injections in the scalp, which is very dangerous especially for children. Alopecia Areata by itself is not a serious disorder but it is more a cosmetic problem which can damage a person.
Some people do have a spontaneous re-growth without any medication but this is quite rare. If we consider the auto-immune theory as being right then we need to treat the individual's own immunity taking the trigger factors into consideration. This is exactly how we treat Alopecia Areata in Homoeopathy with good results. We take the presentation or pattern of hair loss into account along with the other mental and physical symptoms. We try to stimulate the patient's own hair cells to re-grow.
There are several different treatment options for alopecia areata. The most common is observation. Another option is applying a strong topical steroid such as Diprolene or Temovate to the patch. It may take several months for the hair to grow back using this method. Another common therapeutic option is injection of  a steroid, such as Celestone into the involved scalp skin. Initial regrowth of hair can be seen in 4-8 weeks and treatments are repeated every 4-6 weeks. The main side effect from any steroid use is thinning of the skin. 
Minoxidil has been used to promote hair growth and has shown cosmetically acceptable results in 30% of cases. Minoxidil does not stop the disease process so stopping applications after hair has started to grow back may cause the hair to fall out again.

Homeopathy treatment for Alopecia Areata
This is another very useful remedy for treating Alopecia where the symptoms are present. Here the loss of hair could be triggered by stress especially mental stress. Here the patient will say that he feels weak mentally and cannot think or remember anything.
The hair may turn prematurely gray and become thin. The hair falls out in patches especially after some emotional grief or sorrow.
Even the hair from the beard falls out. Here the patient feel extremely listless and weak especially after loss of fluids or emotions. Only warmth makes him feel better

This is a very popular remedy especially used in cases of children and the aged. Here the child suffers from hair fall which creates areas of baldness. A Baryta carb child's constitution is fat, with delayed learning to walk and talk, have difficulty in concentrating.
There maybe moist crust formation on the scalp with falling of hair. The child may also suffer from swollen glands along with this problem. These children like to be alone and dislike company.

know the remedy AMBRA GRISEA:


LOW SELF-ESTEEM with EMBARASSMENT is the central theme of the remedy.
These Individuals are highly sensitive to the OPINION of OTHERS. They don't want to face people because if they move around among people they will be JUDGED.

They easily feel embarrassed. They feel themselves to be a FAILURE and easily develop GUILT.

They are ASOCIAL. They are TIMID and want to AVOID COMPANY. They feel ANXIOUS in company. They are specially AVERSE to STRANGERS and their company makes them highly anxious. They are averse to conversation and it makes them feel worse.

Their aversion to the PRESENCE of STRANGERS during STOOL and URINATION is very well known. What others will feel about them and what opinion they will have if they are around at the time of stool or urination is highly characteristic.

This is one of the most embarrassing situations for them. One Ambra Grisea patient was averse to the idea of an attached toilet. He said, he didn't understand how people can have an attached toilet. The very idea was embarrassing for him.

To compensate for low self-esteem they (women) behave in a COQUETTISH manner. Moreover animal remedies do display some amount of sexuality.

The PRESENCE of other PEOPLE aggravate the symptoms for example COUGH is WORSE when there are PEOPLE around.

They are SENSITIVE to MUSIC. Their SADNESS becomes worse from music and they even WEEP from music.

One peculiar modality which helps choose the remedy is AGGRAVATION of
majority of physical complaints FROM MUSIC. To name a few....headache, cough, asthma, backache, pain in ears, palpitation, trembling are all worse from music.

These are some important features of Ambra grisea. It's a remedy which does not get it's due as it's often missed and Baryta carb, Nat mur, Lac can or Thuja are prescribed instead.

Nappy rash and homoeopathy

Nappy rash.

It is very common to see infants suffering from skin rash, sometimes in the groins but all over the body.But what is commonly passed off as nappy rash is not as innocent as the name suggests.It may not even begin from the groins .Where nappies are tied .It may occur at any place where the skin comes in contact with bacteria.
The skin of babies delivered by Caesarean Section is sterile at birth but it begins to pick up micro organisms immediately. The hiskin of babies born in the natural way aquiress skin bacteria even earlier, during the very process of birth . Bacteria are always present in the mother's birth canal and some of them inevitably rub off on to the infabts.
Some micro organisms are transferred to the infant's skin by the simple act of touching or holding it with dirty hands.Infected or dirty bed linen and unhygienic conditions in hospitals and homes ( such as using soiled towels , hair brushes, combs or clothes not washed properly.) all contribute to rash .An infant's skin is very delicate and catches infection very quickly and easily.
Signs, symptoms& treatment.
Initially, a tiny acne type rash appears on the part which is primarily infected.It looks like a small prickly heat rash which may disappear by cleaning the infant regularly.But sometimes this rash refuses to disappear on its own .In their anxiety, parents immediately start applying chemical skin medicines locally.Some infants do respond to this treatment and the rash may disappear ir be temporarily suppressed, but it recurs as soon as the local applications are stopped.
Various reactions of the skin
Conventional Treatment.
A number of things can happen when nappy rash is treated with local chemical skin medicines( ointments) or internal medicines.
The rash may disappear for good
It may be temporarily suppressed to come back with greater intensity.
The rash may not disappear, but the infant's body may react badly to the therapy and develop more rashes or
The rash will disappear, but some other ailment like cough , cold, diarrhoea and vomiting might develop.This in Homoeopathic language, is called supperession.
Experience has shown that time and again nappy rash turns into chronic rash , creating a lot of problems for the child.
Alternate Treatment.
As we know, an infant's skin and body are so delicate that strong medicines like antibiotics should be avoided for the first few months of life. Homoeopathic medicines have worked very well in skin conditions and children react to them most favaourably.
Prickly heat type rash.
Initially, the rash appears like one or two small red pimples.These begin to spread all over the body or In the groins . If the pimples are due to local infection, give a few doses of BELLADONNA 30  three pills four times a day.The pimples will disappear in a few days .
If the pimples appears in clusters, then give Arnica 30 three pills four times a day.
Some infants have a dry , dirty skin with rash on parts of the body , the child feels very uncomfortable and keeps crying, specially when bathed .He feels comfortable in a cool room .His palms , feet and head are very warm to the touch.SULPHURIODIDE 6 three pills four times a day , will help this condition.
Chicken pox type rash
When the eruptions are like water blisters look like chicken pox, the treatment is as follows.
Kali Sulph 6 x  When a thick , yellowish discharge erupts , give this medicine.3 pills four times a day.
Rhus tox 30 Given when there are multiple water blisters between the ties, the elbow or behind the knees. The child is extremely restless because of severe itching and keeps quite  only when gently rubbed with a thin cloth on the affected area. This remedy is very helpful if the eruptions are a result of the keeping child for long periods are a result of keeping the child for long periods in wet nappies. Rhus tox 30 three pills Tds
Rash on the scalp.
Initially a few scaly eruptions appear , surrounded by Small vesicles which cause a lot of burning and itching, making the child V uncomfortable and cranky . If not treated correctly These eruptions multiple V quickly.The hair gets entangled due to thick discharge from the eruptions and after a week or so a crust may form on the scalp beneath which there is pus , resulting in fever . Mezerinum 30 three pills Tds .if this condition is not treated soon, the child might develop a few glands at the back of his neck and these may result in hair loss.
A case
He was a thin pale anaemic looking child with pus boils all over his body .there was not a millimetre of skin from these boils .His body was warm but his palms and feet were absolutely cold and wet due to perspiration. Though the body was hot , yet the moment his clothes were removed for me to examine him , he started crying loudly and stopped when he was wrapped up in cloth.
When the child was seven day old infant he had been given an injection of BCG .but after three or four days it turned septic, hence a local antibiotic ointment was applied but this did not help and a few more pus boils developed surrounding the old lesion  The chess then put on a merry go round of antibiotics and all types of available creams . After s temporary respite more boils would erupt.
That is why when child was brought to me , there was not a single spot on his body Where there were no pus boils ! We homoeopaths have a drug called Thuja which has proved its efficacy as a body cleaner and removes the various toxic agents from the body . Thuja was given to the child initially, followed by Silicea 1 M three pills every two hrs . Silicea was given because the child's symptoms matched it.
The chess treated and checked regularly because such a lot of pus could have caused several complications.To my satisfaction, the child the child responded very speedlily . Thuja and Silicea brought about s fantastic recovery.The parents were worried about that there would be multiple marks remaining on the child's body , but expect for BCG.mark not a single scar was left behind.
This is not isolated case .There are a number of children who suffers from the mistakes of anxious parents .In their anxiety to cure the child they go in for strong medicines,  little realising that these short cut can be very costly in the long run .


HIV is a devastating illness that affects over 1 million Americans. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV may develop into AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The symptoms for HIV are varied and many people do not know they are infected until years after they acquired it.

Here are 13 of the signs and symptoms that may come with HIV infection to females.

1.  Fever
If you have practiced unprotected sex, watch out for fevers as a symptom of HIV. Early after being infected by HIV, you may experience flu like symptoms. This can include a low grade fever that does not respond to medication. You may experience night sweats as a response to the fever. The fever is an inflammatory reaction to the virus entering your blood stream
2. Sore Throat
Sore throat may be an early indicator of HIV infection. This may be an early symptom as the body reacts to the viral infection. It can also occur later in the disease as the infected individuals immune system becomes compromised. Sore throat may be caused by thrush in the mouth or esophagus, and ulcers. Chronic throat problems should be checked out by your family doctor.
3.Body Pain
Sore muscles and joint pain are common symptoms of HIV infection that occur in the early flu like phase. This can be caused by the swollen lymph nodes, or from rheumatic illnesses. Rheumatic disease affects the muscles and joints of the body, causing inflammation. This disease can lead to arthritis, fibromyalgia, and vasculitis. Some HIV medications can also cause these symptoms.
A dry, persistent cough can be a long term symptom of HIV infection. This symptom is not typically cured with medications like antibiotics and cough suppressants. Coughing may be an early symptom as the body reacts to the new virus. It is also a long term symptom caused by the damaged immune system. The cough may develop into pneumonia, which can be a serious symptom with dangerous effects.
5. Swollen Lymph Nodes
Swollen lymph nodes may be a starting sign of HIV infection. 67% of HIV sufferers may experience some sort of lymph node swelling. This commonly occurs in the neck, under arms, and groin region. Lymph nodes are distributed all throughout the body so any abnormal swelling could be a symptom. Lymph nodes swell as the immune system is activated and the body fights off infection.
6. Headaches
One of the first symptoms of the flu related symptoms of HIV is an unrelenting headache. The headaches may develop into chronic debilitating migraines. Migraines become chronic after affecting a person for 15 or more days per month. 50% of people infected with HIV will experience headaches as a symptom, while 27% will experience chronic migraines. This is compared to the general population, where only 2% of people suffer from chronic migraines.
7. Weight Loss
Weight loss in HIV infected individuals is common through the progression of the disease. When first infected, the flu like symptoms can cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. This can cause a temporary loss in weight. As the illness progresses, weight loss can be caused by a condition called “AIDS wasting”. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services categorize a person as having AIDS wasting when they have lost 10% or more of their body weight, and have experienced related weight loss symptoms for a period greater than 30 days.
8. Yeast InfectionAs HIV develops, the infected persons immune system becomes compromised. One of the starting symptoms of a failing immune system is bodily infections. Yeast infections are very common, and they affect more than just women. The cause of this infection is a fungus called Candida. It can affect the body in different ways, such as vaginal yeast infections, thrush, intestinal infections, and more. Getting rid of these infections may prove futile until HIV medication is in place.
9. Fatigue
Fatigue associated with HIV may be the most under-reported symptom. Many people suffer from chronic fatigue but do not realize it is a medical condition. Chronic fatigue is tiredness that cannot be alleviated with rest. Fatigue is first reported in the flu like symptoms that accompany the early stages of HIV. Once this phase is complete, fatigue may not appear until AIDS develops.
10. Skin Rash
Skin rash is one of the most common symptoms of HIV. Called the “HIV rash”, this symptom can be seen in approximately 85% of cases. The rash may develop into blisters at the warm moist areas of the body, including genitals and facial regions. Most rashes develop on the trunk of the body. The appearance of the rash is red bumps that may itch and peel.
11. Night Sweats
As the HIV infection develops in the body, flu like symptoms can appear. One of the most annoying and notable symptoms is night sweats. The sufferer may go to bed at a good temperature, but through the night may experience widely ranging body temperatures, going from very cold to very hot quite quickly. The physical response of the body is to pour sweat to regulate the temperature. The person may wake up soaking wet and have to change their sheets and clothing.
12. Cold Sores
Cold sores can be a symptom of HIV. Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex virus. It can occur as genital, rectal, or oral herpes. Anyone can be infected with herpes, regardless of their HIV status. Those who are infected with HIV and have cold sores may suffer from recurrent outbreaks of the herpes virus.None
The most dangerous symptom of HIV is having none at all. Many of those infected do not know they are. This can be particularly dangerous as the person may continue to have unprotected sex, potentially spreading the disease. In 2001, it is estimated that less than 1% of the popular has been tested for HIV. In South Africa, it is estimated that over 5 million people are infected. If you think you are at risk for HIV, get tested right away.

GET THE RUBRIC -Adulterous

Mind - Adulterous

Adulterous - Not loyal, not pure.
One is not attached, believes, honest, committed, dedicated with one.


Patient not believing in one doctor firmly but trying this and that due to lack of faith in treatment.
One of my patients of OA knee joints though going well on treatment still visited orthopaedic doctor and comes to me showing reports and saying that I took that tablets also for some days along with your. He benefited by Lachesis followed by Lycopodium as a complementary, both are adulterous.

Dr - How was you with our Homeopathic medicines ?

Pt - Quite better but took those medicine also as suggested by that doctor for some days only.

Here patient is not loyal with Homeopathic physician and treatment( lack of loyalty ) , and also took allopathic medicines with Homeopathic medicine thought not necessary(not pure), it is like though husband is fulfilling all needs still she want to enjoy with outside man. This is a typical adultery.

In other case if one female in not satisfied or not happy in relation with husband so in relation of another man then it is objective, reasonable.( not justified morally)

Here if we think three rubrics combined : Adulterous + Objective,reasonable + Moral feeling want of : then only two remedies are in common : Lach, Plat.

As we know Platina has very high sexual drive so no one satisfy her so adulterous ; and Lachsis desires amusement, playful and frivolous(not serious in relationship) so may want adultery as a amusement or play with other man.

If we combine two rubrics : Adulterous + Change, desire for : two remedies are in common : Med, Puls.

Medorrhinum and Pulsatilla both are adulterous as they desire for change but Medorrhinum is Ardent and adventurous while Puls is mild, frivolous(not serious in relationship), dishonest and cowardice.

If we combine three rubrics : Adulterous + Dishonest + Gourmand (takes great pleasure and interest in consuming good food and drink - use in metaphor) : Calcarea is the single remedy in common.

Calcarea is dishonest and wants to enjoy a lot so adulterous.

If we combine three rubrics : Adulterous + Female-sexual desire - violent - irresistible + hypocrisy : two remedies are common : Caust, Phos.

Causticum and Phos are adulterous due to violent, irresistible sexual desire with hypocrite nature. Phos desires for amusement, Causticum is not there.

If we combine two rubrics : Adulterous + Amorous, fits of amorousness : only one remedy is common : Verat.

If we combine two rubrics : Adulterous + Dwells, sexual matters; on : only one remedy is common : Staph.

If we combine two rubrics : Adulterous + Sentimental - young persons, in - only one remedy is common : Ign.

If we combine three rubrics : Adulterous + Sexual desire- insatiable + Rage- paroxysms, in : only one remedy is common : Canth.

If we combine two rubrics : Adulterous + Female - Sexual desire suppressed - ailments from suppressed sexual desire : only one remedy is common : Sabal.

Vipera is there in Adulterous with other rubrics like ailments from Sexual excitement,sexual desire increased.

Almost all remedies under
Mind - Adulterous( Synthesis ) differentiated from each other.


Enlargement of the prostate glands

Enlargement of the prostate glands


In old age, the prostate gland bears his original shape after enlargement that creates more troubles for the patient. A hard node is situated on the opening (mouth, neck) of the bladder which is called prostate gland. It gets swelling and burning sensation due to spermotorrhea which is called prostatitis. In this disease, the patient feels pain in the ureter (urinary tube) and near the penisjoints. Loose motions and urine are suppressed. Sometimes, pus is also formed in this gland due to which, this disease becomes more serious. Homoeopathic drugs are used to cure this disease.
In the initial stage of this disease, Ferrum-picric 2x to 3x is used. In the condition of becoming this disease chronic, Solidego 3x or Arg-ni 3x is used.
Disease and drugs used in it:-
Using Kali-Iod 0.6 g is beneficial in the condition of chronic stage of prostatitis.
In the initial stage of this disease, Pulsatilla 3 and Mercurius-sollubilis 6 is very effective for the treatment of this disease.
If this disease becomes more chronic, using Pulsatilla 6, Nitric-acid 30, Thuja 6 to 30, 5 drops of mother tincture of Sabal-Serrulata is beneficial. In this disease, using Chimaphilla-umbelata 3x or 200 is very useful.
If pus has formed in the initial stage of this disease, Merc-sol 6 and Sulphur should be used.
If prostatitis has occurred due to getting hurt, taking Arnica 3x is very useful.
If disease becomes chronic and pus has formed in it, using Sulphur 30 or Nitric-acid 30 is very effective.
If this disease has occurred due to masturbation, Tarentula 6 should be used.
If it has occurred due to excess involvement in sexual intercourse, Acid-phos 3x is very effective to cure such patient.
Some other treatment in addition to different drugs:-
The prostatitis patient should foment the affected part. It will provide relief surely.
Note: It is for drs only. Patients may consult with qualified homeo drs.



Inability to retract the foreskin (prepuce) over and behind the glans penis due to adhesion b/w the inner surface of the prepuce and the glans penis
The adhesion b/w the inner surface of the prepuce and the glans penis is either present at the birth naturally or it may results from the inflamation of the glans (balanitis) or the inflamation both of the glans and the prepuce (balanoposthitis)
The phimosis by birth is called " Physiologic Phimosis " and The phimosis resulting from infection is known as " Pathologic Phimosis "

- Balanitis
- Balanoposthitis
- Pain & Burning while urinating
- Pain during erection
- Discharge of pus
- Blood may be present in urine
- It may be urine retention
- Baloon like shape of the prepuce
- Stenosis on the opening of prepuce t

APIS, AUR, CALC, Cor r, Dig, KALI M, Kali s, Nat c, Rhod, Sars

jac c, Cor r, MERC C, Merc

Pain & Burning while urinating
Apis, ARS, Can s, CANTH, Calc, Cinnb, dig, kali i, Lyc, MERC C, Nit ac, Rhod, Rhus t, Sars, SULPH

Discharge of pus
Hep, sulph, cinnb

Blood in urine
bell, CANTH, can s, kali i, lyc, Merc c, Merc, Nit ac

Retention of urine
APIS, ARN, ARS, BELL, Calc, Can s, CANTH, Coloc, cinnb, Dig, Hep, kali i, LYC, merc c, Nit ac, Rhus t, sulph

Painful Erection
CAN S, CANTH, Dig, hep, kali i, lyc, merc c, Nit ac

Allergy and homoeopathic management

Allergic to dust, smoke,strong perfumes Histamine 1M weekly (3 Doses)

Allergic to bread, acidic food Nat Mur 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Allergic to beer, malt liquor Kali Bich 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to dust(asthma) Pothos Foe 6X or 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to warm boiled milk, fatty pork (diarrhoea) Sepia 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Allergic to milk Magnesia Carb 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to cod liver oil Hepar Sulph 30, 6 hourly

Allergic to aspirin, bad liquor, salt butter,bad eggs, poultry items Carvo Veg 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to antibiotics Sulphur 30 or 200, 6 hourly(3 Doses)

Allergic to castor oil Bryonia Album 30, 6 hourly

Allergic to coffee Nux Vomica 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to heat Apis Mel 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to cold drinks, fruits, rotten food, iodine Arsenic Album 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to dampness Dulcamara 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Allergic to smell of flowers(asthma) Ailanthus G, 6X or 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to sweats, fatty meat, onion Thuja Occ 30 or 200, 6 hourly (3 Doses)

Allergic to sugar Argentum Nit 30 or 200, 6 hourly(3 Doses)

Allergic to rice Tellurium 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to cabbage Petroleum 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to cheese Nitri spiritus dulcis Q or 30, 6 hourly

Allergic to cold milk Kali Iod 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to decayed vegetables Carbo animalis 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to unripe fruits, prunes, Rheum 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to veal Kali Nit 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to pastry; rich icecream, mixed food Pulsatilla 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to lemonade Selenium 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to indigestible food, tonque clean, constant nausea Ipecac 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to melons Zingiber 30, 4 hourly

Allergic to iodide of potassium Aurum Met 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Allergic to sugar; bitter food Natrum Phos 6X or 30, 4 hourly Incurrent remedy Psorinum 200 or 1M, fortnightly(3 Doses)

Allergic to vinegar; pickles, sour foods, acids Lachesis 200, weekly (3 Doses)

Allergic to strawberries Oxalic Acid 30 or 200, weekly (3 Doses)

Allergic to oysters Lycopodium 200, 6 hourly.

Vertigo and its homoeopathic management

(1)Vertigo-turning the head-Cal.c-con-kali-c

(2-)Vertigo-moving the head-Bry.calc.con

(3)Vertigo-Looking up.-Pulse-Sil

(4)Vertigo -Looking down-Phos -Spig -Sulph.

(5)Vertigo while walking.-Nat mur -Nux -Phos -Pulse

(6)Vertigo aggravated on lying (Right) Mur acid -Phos(left) Iod-Phosp -Sil.

(7) Vertigo when rising from seat.Bry -Phos

.(8) Vertigo when ascending -Calc .

(9) Vertigo when descending .Bor.Con.Fer.Gelse.Plat.Sanic.

(10) Vertigo must lie down.Bry.Cocc.Phos.Puls

.(11) Vertigo after sleep.Lach -Petro.

(1) Cocculus+Lobelia +Gelse+Bry.

(2)Petroleum+Ambra g+Cocculus +Conium.

(3)Bry +Cocculus +Conium

use any .All in 30 potency.take 4 pills TDs

.(4)Echinacea q (1p)+Hydrastis can q (1P)

+Equsetum (1p) + Ginkgo biloba q (1/2 P)+

Capsicum q(1/6P). Mix well.take 10 drops .3 times.

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There are various causes of weakening of the immune system.

The changing life pattern of parents because of work pressure, environmental factors, food habits, deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients have definite negative influence on the immunity, which also passes on to the children.

Cases of frequent infections and allergies are increasing. It covers minor cold, cough, running nose, tonsillitis, bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, allergic skin problems, etc.

Reports suggest that taking too much of antibiotics or being obese cause weak immunity.

It is normal to have 2 to 4 times cold and minor infections. If the frequency is more, the physician should investigate the cause.

Very often weak immune system permits micro-organisms to settle down easily and bring discomfort.


Different types of immunity

*Innate immunity*:

Cough reflex, enzymes in tears and skin oils, mucus which traps bacteria and small particles, skin and stomach acid are part of the protective system which act as barriers that keep harmful materials from entering the body. These barriers form the first line of protection in the defense system. If an antigen gets past these barriers, it is attacked and destroyed by other parts of the immune system. It is called innate immunity, which is normally inherent.

*Adaptive immunity* is either natural, such as from infection, or artificial such as immunization. Such immunization process is called as passive immunity which involves antibodies that are produced in a body other than our own.

*Weakness of immunity can cause frequent suffering.*

*Symptoms of weak immune system*



Repeated infections, inflammation, such as cold, fever, tonsillitis, bronchitis

Allergic reactions including skin problems

Oral thrush, vaginal yeast and other infections
Ways to keep the immune system healthier and childhood immunity


Playing well and doing exercises.

Watching the correct weight

Balanced and healthy diet

Proper sleep and rest

Fresh fruits and vegetables are found to foster a healthy immune system.

Garlic and honey are known to stimulate the immune system.


Too much of antibiotics, other harmful drugs, artificial and junk foods are to be avoided

Stress has to be managed

Avoid alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc.

Verbascum – Verbascum Thapsus

Verbascum – Verbascum Thapsus  This homeopathic medicine Verbascum thapsus is very effective in curing ear aches and ear infecti...